Support » Plugin: WP Offload SES Lite » WP-SES won’t activate

  • Hello, I’ve added this plugin, it works but strange enough won’t fully activate.
    It doesn’t send emails to the buyers on Woocommerce, but other emails work.

    I have the last update by Delicious Brains but no matter what I do, after I hit “turn ON”, it won’t activate. It will say that it’s active, but then it will return to OFF.

    I’m on Elastic Beanstalk + RDS, everything works fine except for this.

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  • Plugin Author Brad Touesnard


    Do you have an object cache enabled? Sounds like you might need to clear the object cache.

    Thread Starter svaldesm


    Hi Brad, sorry I’m not an expert and so far what I searched, I couldn’t find what or how I should activate object cache.

    At least at database level I don’t and I either have on WP or Woocommerce.

    Plugin Contributor Sylvain Deaure


    You could try enabling the integrated logging function.
    Maybe you have a conflicting plugin. This will tell.

    Thread Starter svaldesm


    This is what I’m getting in the logs:

    1515343058 wp_mail already defined in /home/
    1515343058 2 Verified Identities.
    1515343058 Sender Ok

    Thread Starter svaldesm


    OK, based on another answer, I found other plugins who were calling that function.
    How should I proceed on this? There’s no way to modify the other plugin, at least it’s unsupported and I don’t know how to do it.

    Is there another solution?

    I had this same issue, the culprit plugin in my case was

    Thread Starter svaldesm



    And how did you solve it?

    I ditched that plugin

    Just to be more precise, I switched back to Contact Form 7, but there seems to be another conflict, WP SES causes contact form 7 emails to not format properly, so I now use WP Mail SMTP for Amazon SES, and that one does work fine with Contact form 7 so all good now.

    I have found the issue I am having. I have a plugin called StopBAdBots. This plugin when enabled causes WP SES to turn off. Any idea how I can fix this? I need this plugin.

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