This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

BuddyPress Skeleton Component


This is a bare-bones component that should provide a good starting block to building your own custom BuddyPress component.

It includes some of the functions that will make it easy to get your component registering activity stream items, posting notifications, setting up widgets, adding AJAX functionality and also structuring your component in a standardized way.

This plugin is not designed for functional use, it is designed as an educational starting point.

Please note that this plugin has been updated for BuddyPress 1.5, and uses features of BP 1.5 (in particular, BP_Component) that are not available in earlier versions of BuddyPress.


History.txt – contains all the changes since version 1.0
License.txt – contains the licensing details for this component.


Download and upload the plugin to your plugins folder. You can activate it to test the examples it provides. You will want to edit and use the plugin to learn or as a base, it is not designed to be a plugin for functional use.


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Contributors & Developers

“BuddyPress Skeleton Component” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
