Support » Plugin: Classic Editor » How to allow only Admins to switch editors?

  • Exactly as the title says. I want my blog co-writers to have access only to the classic editor, while I, as admin, has access to both classic and block editors. I don’t want my users to tinker with the block editor because there are too many stuff there that I don’t want them touching. A simple classic editor is enough for their needs.

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  • Plugin Author Andrew Ozz


    There is no per-user-role setting of who can switch editors. An easy way to “force” it would be to hide the “Default Editor” setting on the User Profile screen with CSS, perhaps something like:

    #your-profile .classic-editor-options {
        display: none;

    (This will have to be added by a plugin to the Profile screen).

    Probably a better way would be to just tell the users to not switch editors 🙂

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by Andrew Ozz.
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