Multicollab – Google Doc-Style Editorial Commenting for WordPress


Multicollab – Google Doc-Style Editorial Commenting Plugin makes it simpler and quicker to share editorial feedback.

Add, Edits, reply and assign comments can be placed from within the WordPress Gutenberg editor, giving you the same functionality available on Google Docs.

This plugin makes the publishing experience more collaborative, meaningful, and results-oriented.

Key Features

  • Inline commenting in posts & Page
  • Mention Team Members in Comment
  • Assign comments to a specific team member
  • Reply to others’ comments
  • Resolve comments (mark as done)
  • Email notifications for comment activities
  • Activity Center to manage all comment activities
  • Ability to Reply, Resolve, Edit, and Delete comment or thread from the activity center.
  • Threaded comments in the activity center.
  • Option to “Hide” comments to focus on publishing
  • When you delete a WordPress user, you can assign the deleted user’s comments to other WordPress users.
  • Generate a link to a particular comment and share it with other team members.

Plugin – LIVE DEMO

📽 How Can Users Add Comments Inside The WordPress Gutenberg Editor?

Content Collaboration Made Easy for WordPress

The ability to leave comments and suggestions in a more meaningful and results-oriented manner during the content review process is currently unavailable in the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

This limits collaborative editing and publishing. Things are prone to get difficult when multiple team members need to review content, and publishers often use Google Docs to place edits and comments collaboratively.

Multidots has created a plugin that allows Google-Doc Style editorial commenting from within the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

This plugin eliminates time-consuming steps and the need to move content out of the editor for collaborative feedback and editing.

👉 Inline comment
Add inline-comment to any text in your blog post for review by other users.

👉 Reply & resolve
Reply to a comment or close the comment thread by marking as resolved.

👉 Activity centre
Keep a tab on all the comment activities by all the users collaborating in the post/page.

👉 Email notifications
Get email notification for new comments, reply and resolve activities.

👉 Hide all comments
Temporarily hide all the comments from a click of a button for clean content editing interface.

➡️Live Demo ⬅️


Step by step guide to commenting on a post/page in WordPress Platform.

Step 1 Install the latest WordPress version (should be 5.3.x or newer)

Step 2 Download, install & activate the plugin.

Step 3 Create a new or, edit an existing page/post.

Step 4 Select text to comment on. ( Click here for screenshot)

Step 5 Open the dropdown menu and select the ‘Comment’ option to start to add comments.

Step 6 @mestion you assign comments to team members and invite them to collaborate.

Step 7 Get an email notification for new comments.


The ability to leave comments and suggestions in a more meaningful and results-oriented manner during the content review process is currently unavailable in the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

This limits collaborative editing and publishing. Things are prone to get difficult when multiple team members need to review content, and publishers often use Google Docs to place edits and comments collaboratively.

Multidots has created a plugin that allows Google-Doc Style editorial commenting from within the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

This plugin eliminates time-consuming steps and the need to move content out of the editor for collaborative feedback and editing.


  • WordPress version 5.3 to 5.7
  • Required PHP version 7.0 to 7.4


This plugin is compatible with a range of Gutenberg blocks allowing comments to be placed across a large-section of your content.

  • Paragraph Block
  • List Block
  • Table Block
  • Headings Block
  • Quote Block
  • Image Block (caption)
  • Gallery Block (Captions)
  • Cover Block
  • Audio Block (Caption)
  • File Block (Filename)
  • Pullquote Block
  • Verse Block
  • Button Block
  • Media & Text

💁 Plugin compatibility with web browser

  • Chrome
  • EDGE
  • Firefox
  • Safari

💁 How to Contribute to the Gutenberg Block Commenting Plugin

All types of contributions are most welcome.

  • Fork the repository to your account (you will get this option at the top right of this page).
  • Create a branch into your fork repository like development if it exists else from the master.
  • Clone your fork repository to your local system.
  • Write your clean code and test with PHPCS with the WordPress VIPMinimum coding standards .
  • Commit your code from your local system.
  • Finally, click Pull Request from your fork repository.
  • This GitHub article will be helpful for how to submit a pull request from the fork.

➡️Click here for Contribute ⬅️

💁 Support

This repository is not for support. Please use it for contributions only. To get help/support, please email us at [email protected] or contact us.



This section describes how to install and activate the plugin.


  1. Upload content-collaboration-inline-commenting to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Q. Does this plugin support “WordPress Classic Editor”?

Ans: No, it only works with the Gutenberg editor in WordPress.

Q. Can I add comments in custom post types?

Ans: Yes, you can use this plugin with custom post types as well.

Q. Can I remove all comments from all posts/pages at once?

Ans: No, comments can only be removed by resolving the comment thread or by deleting a single comment of a single post/page in one go. Also, deleting all the text on which comments are added, will remove all comments of that particular post/page.

Q. How does the user role and permissions work in this plugin?

Ans: Super Admin, Administrator and Editor can view, edit, delete, reply and resolve comments on any posts and page.
Author & Contributor — can only add, edit, delete, reply and resolve the comments on their own posts.


August 9, 2021
The plug-in an awesome. It works fantastic. It is one of the great features of our platform.
April 3, 2021
This plugin is something I've been looking for. But sadly it's not that good yet. After a few comments, I can't mention another member again, also suddenly I can't do copy paste inside the editor. So, I chose to deactivate the plugin for now. Hopefully it gets better.
March 26, 2021
This an easy-to-use plugin—the best one I'm aware of—for those who have an editorial process. My wife is a blogger and I'm her editor. We've only begun taking advantage of it but I wanted to offer a positive shout out.
December 9, 2020
I added more than 10 comments and then I can't view any of it. There are many issues that need fixing. While writing the comment, the comment box keeps "flickering".
November 23, 2020
This is exactly what I was looking for. This plugin works flawlessly. Great job.
Read all 6 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Multicollab – Google Doc-Style Editorial Commenting for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



1.3.8 – 12.08.2021

  • [Enhancement] – Maintenance Release.
  • [Enhancement] – Fixed minor issues related to email notification.

1.3.7 – 2.08.2021

  • [Enhancement] – Maintenance Release.
  • [Enhancement] – Fixed minor issues related to activity and settings panel.
  • [Enhancement] – Made few enhancements for compatibility with Safari and Firefox browsers.
  • [Bug Fix] — Compatible with WordPress 5.8.x.

1.3.6 – 23.06.2021

  • [Bug Fix] – Maintenance Release and Made few enhancements.

1.3.5 – 08.06.2021

  • [Bug Fix] – This Github issue #24 Block editor has encountered an unexpected error is fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] – This Github issue #23 Can’t use the Enter Key to add a new paragraph is fixed.
  • [Enhancement] – Maintaince Release.

1.3.4 – 03.06.2021

  • [Enhancement] – Made few enhancements for compatibility with Safari Browser.

1.3.3 – 02.06.2021

  • [New Feature] — Generate a link to a particular comment and share it with other team members.
  • [New Feature] — Team members can see recently edited time on the comments and activity center.
  • [New Feature] — Restricted multiple comments on the same word.
  • [Enhancement] —If there is no comment on Page/Post, then Gutenberg editor will be center aligned.
  • [Bug Fix] – This Github issue #6 related to Gutenberg Comments Panel always visible is fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] — Copy & Paste issue with @mention in a comment is fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] — Issue related to “Link to a comment box from activity center” on a tablet device is fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] — Fixed issues related to comment formatting.
  • [Bug Fix] — Old Comments not showing up on some Pages issue fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] — Issue related to Deleted comments visibility in the activity center is fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] — Compatible with WordPress 5.7.x.
  • [Bug Fix] — Other minor fixes.

1.3.2 – 23.04.2021

  • [Bug Fix] — Compatible with WordPress 5.7.1
  • [Bug Fix] — Resolved jQuery issue and normal bugs

1.3.1 – 22.04.2021

  • [Bug Fix] — SEO Plugins and excerpts section, content copy and paste issue are resolved

1.3.0 – 19.04.2021

  • [Enhancement] — New Design and Placement of Activity Center.
  • [New Feature] — Threaded comments in the activity center.
  • [New Feature] — Ability to Reply, Resolve, Edit, and Delete comment or thread from the activity center.
  • [Enhancement] — New Settings tab in the sidebar for post-specific comment settings.
  • [Bug Fix] — Copy/paste content in the comment box is fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] — Firefox @mention multiple user issues are resolved.
  • [Bug Fix] — Responsive device usability updated.
  • [Enhancement] — Several performances, stability, and design improvements.

1.2.0 – 19.03.2021

  • [New Feature] – When you delete a WordPress user, you can assign the deleted user’s comments to other WordPress users.
  • [Bug Fix] – Edit and Delete operation from the activity center were not working for a few users.
  • [Bug Fix] – Do not allow whitespace on edit reply.
  • [Bug Fix] – Few issues related to @mention Editor in the comment.
  • [Bug Fix] – When you copy and paste a web page URL in reply, the comment was not working as expected.
  • [Bug Fix] – This Github issue related to the “register_rest_route” warning error on the WordPress dashboard fixed.
  • [Bug Fix] – When the “Hide All Comments” option is selected, and you click on any comment from the activity center, it didn’t bring the related comment.
  • [Bug Fix] – Fixed compatibility issues related to small screen resolution like 1024×768.
  • [Bug Fix] – This Github issue related to ‘custom meta fields’ is fixed.
  • [Enhancement] – Made few enhancements for compatibility with Safari Browser.
  • [Bug Fix] — Compatible with WordPress 5.7.x

1.1.0 – 24.02.2021

  • [New Feature] – Mention Team Members in Comment and invite them to collaborate by @mentioned user name
  • [New Feature] – Assign comments thread to team members
  • [New Feature] – See all Page & Post comments activities in the activity center
  • [New Feature] – Send email to @mentioned users in the comment.New – Send email to all users involved in the current thread.
  • [New Feature] – Send an email to the assigned user.
  • [New Feature] – Check open comments on each page and posts in your posts list.
  • [New Feature] – Admin settings panel.
  • [New Feature] – Send email notification to admin if notification enabled.
  • [New Feature] – All major browser supports (Chrome, EDGE, Firefox) Note: Safari browser is not compatible with this plugin)
  • [Bug Fix] – Compatible with WordPress version 5.3.6 to 5.6.2
  • [Bug Fix] – Few other fixes and improvements.
  • [Bug Fix] – Improve performance of the plugin
  • [Bug Fix] – Checked WordPress Accessibility
  • [Bug Fix] – Checked Standard WordPress security

1.0.4 – 18.12.2020

  • [Bug Fix] Compatible with WordPress 5.6.
  • [Enhancement] – Characters limited for the “Comment Resolved Email” Subject.
  • [Bug Fix] – HTML tags filter issue for Authors and Contributors in Multisite.
  • [Bug Fix] – Few other fixes and improvements.

1.0.3 – 14.12.2020

  • [Enhancement] – New Activity centre icon
  • [Enhancement] – Removed Hide icon from the top bar and put it inside the Activity centre with ” Show Comment / Hide Comment”
  • [Bug Fix] – Compatible with WordPress 5.6.x

1.0.2 – 09.12.2020

  • [Bug Fix] – Avatars are removed from comments if disabled from WordPress settings.
  • [Bug Fix] – Removed link from Comment Activity area.

1.0.1 – 05.11.2020

  • No comments popup removed


  • Initial Release