Support » Fixing WordPress » Wp-admin dashboard not functioning well, all admin panel goes to 404

  • putraecom


    Hi friends,

    My wp-admin dashboard is messed up, search for a fix.

    At the moment, adding this code to config.php does the trick

    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );

    So dashboard looks normal but anything from there, goes to 404 error.

    Any link from website/wp-admin/* triggers 404

    I tried disabling all plugins from FTP, not helping

    Clear browser cache does not resolve the issue

    I checked the error log, it seems my database has issue.

    Can anyone assist me on this?

    I uploaded my error log here;

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Hari Shanker R


    Hi @putraecom đź‘‹

    That’s definitely an odd error, and I can only imagine how frustrating that would be. Let me try and guide you in the right direction on this one.

    I took a look at your error log – it does show some error message from WooCommerce, but those do not seem to be serious enough to cause the issue. They seem to be notifications about a database change.

    I understand that your WP-Admin links do not work. In any case, can you try re-saving your permalink structure at WP-Admin > Settings > Permalinks?. Sometimes, that works if it is a simple database issue. WordPress will either create/rebuild the .htaccess file. If WordPress cannot automatically edit the .htaccess file( if it is not writable), then WordPress will provide manual instructions after saving the correct block of code so that you can manually add it to your .htaccess file. More Info:

    If the Settings > Permalinks link throws a 404 error, this tip will not work (for obvious reasons). If that’s the case, try downloading WordPress again, access your server via SFTP or FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel (consult your hosting provider’s documentation for specifics on these), and delete then replace your copies of everything on the server except the wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory with fresh copies from the download. This will effectively replace all of your core files without damaging your content and settings.

    Some uploaders tend to be unreliable when overwriting files, so don’t forget to delete the original files before replacing them.

    I remember reading at least one situation, where there was a file permissions issue for WordPress files. Please log in to your cPanel and check your file permissions to see if they are correct:

    If that doesn’t help either, I would recommend reaching out to your web host and ask them to investigate this in detail.

    I hope this guides you in the right direction.

    Thread Starter putraecom


    Hi @harishanker

    I appreciate your help and guidance.

    I have tried uploading a fresh install of wordpress as my first solution as suspect of corrupted files. But problem still persists. Update: i tried again, fresh install without wp-content, it gives out “No matching template” error”. When i add theme files in, the backend goes back to 404″

    i do not have a web host dev for the website. Did check with the server provider, they investigate and said the error is related to database.

    I hope you have alternative solutions for this.

    Please and thank you.

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by putraecom.
    Moderator Hari Shanker R


    Hi @putraecom

    Thanks for doing those tests.

    Update: i tried again, fresh install without wp-content, it gives out “No matching template” error”.

    This is probably because WordPress did not detect a theme, and is unrelated to the original problem. However, since it still 404ed after setting up a theme, we can confirm that this is not being triggered by the files.

    Quick question: Did you try checking if the .htaccess file is correct? Also, as I mentioned in my previous message, did you check if the file permissions for WordPress files are correct? As I mentioned, I remember reading at least one situation, where there was a file permissions issue for WordPress files. Please log in to your cPanel and check your file permissions to see if they are correct:

    The 404 error typically relates to “file not found”, so it is unlikely that this is related to a DB error. I see that you are unable to reset the permalinks from the dashboard (for the simple reason that clicking on any link shows a 404 error). Could you try resetting permalinks from phpMyAdmin? Please follow the steps listed in this article: – does that fix the issue?

    Thread Starter putraecom


    Hi @harishanker ,

    Thank you for the suggestion

    As of now, my .htaccess is as follows;

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress`

    Hosting provider instructed to create a new .htaccess with those code.

    File permission;

    Directories are 755
    Files are 644

    I have tried resetting permalinks from phpMyAdmin to %post_id%.

    Also, have tried leaving it blank.

    no luck at the moment

    • This reply was modified 2 months ago by putraecom.
    frank lord


    I have experienced this issue on Japan based site. try doing these steps might solve your issue. Disable WordPress plugins. Deactivate your currently active WordPress theme. Also Disable .htaccess file and create a new one and Update your site url. Also try enable cookies and clear cache.

    Thread Starter putraecom


    Hi @charleshook

    Thanks for sharing your experience with this issue.

    I have tried;

    1. Disabling plugins by renaming it in FTP
    2. Disabling themes by renaming it in FTP
    3. Created new .htaccess file
    4. Updated site url with permalink through phpMyadmin by leaving it blank or other tags.
    5. I have tried different browser and machine to test the website

    So far, all these have not resolve the issue

    I have even try installing a fresh copy of wordpress.

    Disabling theme will cause a missing template error. Enabling the theme will trigger the 404 error still

    I do hope it is not database issue.

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