Support » Plugin: AWS for WordPress » multiple language

  • Next personal Hello I would like to know if the plugin accepts the ssml variables such as <lang xml: lang = “fr-FR”> and voiceid to read excerpt from the text in another language as I looked for some documentation and did not find

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  • Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Currently it’s not possible. I will leave the topic open, if more people will say that this would be useful, we would see if we will be able to add this functionality.


    How can we select language hi-IN ?

    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Here you can find the list of languages which are currently supported by Amazon Polly:


    It would be great to see this feature working,
    even using tags like -AMAZONPOLLY-ONLYAUDIO-START- / WORD ONLY.

    or maybe just listing of all voices for each post / page.

    Greetings from PL,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by jms1409.

    Hi there,

    I would love to see that feature as well. We have a multilingual blog with 2 languages (using the WPML plugin).

    It would help to have all languages available to choose from in each post. Is this something that could be added in the near future?

    We would love to use the plugin, but at this state it’s not possible for us or we can only make the audio file available in one language.

    Best Regards,

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