
Action Hook: Fires immediately after a term is updated in the database, but before its term-taxonomy relationship is updated.

Source: wp-includes/taxonomy.php:3211

Used by 2 functions | Uses 0 functions


Filter Hook: Filters the number of items to be displayed on each page of the list table.

Source: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php:856

Used by 2 functions | Uses 0 functions


Function: Saves image to post, along with enqueued changes in `$_REQUEST[‘history’]`.

Source: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:785

Used by 1 function | Uses 23 functions


Filter Hook (deprecated): Filters the GD image resource to be streamed to the browser.

Source: wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php:298

Used by 2 functions | Uses 0 functions