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Video Targeting


Last updated on July 20, 2018

While creating or editing a package or deal, you can set the following video targeting dimensions to identify the most relevant audience.

Video targeting options are as follows:

Targeting dimensionOperatorsOptions
Rewarded VideoN/ATarget one of the following options:
   • Non-rewarded
   • Rewarded (opt-in)
In-stream Video Position• equals
• does not equal
Target or block one of the following options:
   • Linear Video: Mid-roll
   • Linear Video: Post-roll
   • Linear Video: Pre-roll
Maximum Ad Duration• equals
• does not equal
Target or block one of the following options:
   • 15 Seconds
   • 30 Seconds
   • 45 Seconds
   • 60 Seconds
Presentation Format• equals
• does not equal
Target or block one of the following options:
   • In-stream
   • Out-stream
   • Interstitial

Once you have chosen your targeting criteria, continue creating or editing your package or deal, as necessary. Alternatively, you can specify other targeting dimensions.