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Managing Plot Charts


Last updated on November 7, 2019

The Plot screen allows you to generate plot charts to visualize the data in many other forms. It contains a variety of chart types, such as bar charts, pie, stacked bar charts, heat map, line charts, and more. In addition, you can download data as a .xlsx file and download the chart as a .png image.

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Creating a Plot Chart

To create a plot chart:

  1. On the top menu click Plot to open the Plot screen. A blank chart is shown by default.

  2. Select your date criteria and the data view by using the toolbar and View list.

  3. Click Add Dimensions to open the Dimensions dialog.

  4. Search and select the dimension(s) you need and then click Done. The dimension you selected is now listed in the Dimensions box.

  5. Click Add Metrics to open the Metrics dialog.

  6. Search and select the metric(s) you need and then click Done.

  7. The metric you selected is now listed in the Metrics box. Based on your choice of dimensions and metrics, chart types are enabled. Select the enabled chart you need and then click Apply to plot the chart.

  8. To save your plot chart, click Save on the toolbar.

  9. The Save Chart dialog appears, type the name of your chart and then click Save.

Data Selection Options

Once your chart is plotted, you can utilize Data Selection options to display your chart in different ways. The options are Expand/Collapse chart and Download data.

Expand or collapse chart

Toggle the Expand/Collapse Chart button to expand or collapse a plot chart. When expanded, some of the fields (Dimensions, Metrics, and Sort By) are hidden to expand the chart.

Download data

To download the chart’s data as a .xlsx file, click Download Data.

Plot chart options

Once your chart is plotted a set of buttons appear on the top right of the chart.

The options are as follows (from left to right respectively):

  • Download plot as .png
  • Zoom
  • Pan
  • Reset axes
  • Show closest data on hover
  • Compare data on hover