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Deal Details


Last updated on July 16, 2021

Once your deal is created, the Deal Details screen displays the deal’s information and current settings such as:

  • Deal ID
  • Account for deal
  • Deal details
  • Targeting criteria
  • Participants

To access the Deals Details screen, from the Deals List, click on the deal’s name or open the Actions list and then select Details.

deal details screen

You can also directly Resume, Pause, Edit, or Delete the deal by clicking on the corresponding button located on the top right of the screen.

Deal Details Tabs

The Deals Details tabs available on top of the page, allow you to achieve additional tasks.

TabAllows to
TroubleshootVisualize metrics of your deal’s activity for the last 4 hours.
DetailsView Deal Details, Targeting Criteria, and Participants settings.
CommentsEnter comments / notes.
HistoryView the history of changes since the deal was created.