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Last updated on March 3, 2017

Each deal or pricing control floor you create must be associated with a package or a custom selection to specify targeted inventory that buyers are looking for.

An advantage of creating a package is that the grouped inventory can be reused for different deals or pricing controls without having to be defined again. You can also clone an existing package, making it easier to create packages with variations. For details about the targeting dimensions you can apply to packages, see Targeting.

You can also include a logo, a description, and domain to help quickly identify a package of targeting criteria from the list of packages.

Creating Packages

Last updated on October 29, 2018

You can create a package in any of the following ways:

To create a package:

  1. On the displayed deal, floor, or View Packages page, click Create a new package. The Create Package page is displayed.

  2. Make sure the on behalf of account next to the page title is the correct one. If not, click the edit icon and select the correct account. If you have a network account and create a package at the network level, users who do not have network-level access will not be able to access the package.

  3. In the Package Details section, enter a descriptive, unique name that would help you identify the package when selecting it for a deal or a floor as the supply criteria. If needed, provide any additional information for the package.

  4. In the Merchandising Details section, enter optional package information, such as the logo URL. If you plan to make private marketplace rates discoverable, enter the appropriate domains or app names associated with the package and their sample URLs.

  5. To change the default targeting settings from All to target specific inventory, geographic locations, or other dimensions, in the Targeting section, click Add Targeting Dimensions and specify the targeting details as needed.

  6. In the Private Marketplace Package Rates section, make the package discoverable to all or selected buyers and provide package rate information for PMP deals, as needed.


    If you set the Discoverable to all buyers to Yes or select a specific Demand Partner, you need to enter the Domains or App names associated with the package in the Merchandising Details section.

  7. Click Create Package.

You can now use this package in Private Marketplace deals or pricing controls.

Package Details

NameEnter a descriptive, unique name that would help you identify the package when selecting it for a deal or a floor as the supply criteria.
Description(Optional) Describe the package, for example, its targeting criteria and PMP rates.
Active Dates(Optional) By default, the package is active upon creation and has no end date.
   • To set a specific Start date, click Specific and select the desired date on which the package will become active.
   • To make the package expire after a specific date, select an End date for the package.
Contact Name(Optional) Type and select the name of a person for buyers to contact if they have questions pertaining to the package. To enter a new contact, click Custom and enter the name.
Contact Email(Optional) Type and select the email address of a person for buyers to contact if they have questions pertaining to the package. To enter a new email address, click Custom and enter the address.

Merchandising Details

Package Logo (URL)(Optional) Enter a complete URL for the package logo.
Domains or App names(Optional) Enter the domains or app names associated with the package.

Note: This field is required only when in the Private Marketplace Package Rates section, you set the Discoverable to all buyers to Yes or select a Demand Partner.
Sample URLs(Optional) Provide examples of URLs included within the domain or app names provided above.

Private Marketplace Package Rates

This section allows you to make the package discoverable and provide package rate information for PMP deals.

Rate Card Price(Optional) Enter the rate card CPM.

Note: This field is required only when you set the Discoverable to all buyers to Yes or select a Demand Partner.
Discounted / List Price(Optional) To make the rate card price displayed as a strike-through price to emphasize the discounted price for the buyer, enter the price.
Discoverable to all buyersTo make the special rate available to:
   • All demand partners and buyers, click Yes and provide the Domains or App names associated with the package in the Merchandising details section. You can still offer a special price to individual demand partners.
   • Only specific demand partners and buyers, click No and the demand partner and other details in the fields below.
Demand PartnersType and select the name of the demand partners to which you want to offer the special package rate and provide the Domains or App names associated with the package in the Merchandising details section.
Buyer Names(Optional) Type and select the name of specific buyers.
Price(Optional) Enter a special price for the selected demand partner and buyers. If you do not set the price, the package rate will be used.