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OpenRTB Ad Request Parameters


Last updated on November 30, 2020

To better characterize your inventory, you can send additional data about your ad units to buyers in the OpenX Ad Exchange using OpenRTB values. You do not need to pass all OpenRTB values because OpenX automatically identifies and passes certain OpenRTB fields for you.

on this page

The openrtb ad request parameter supports a percent-encoded string generated from JSON objects with supported OpenRTB values.

Sample openrtb parameter included in an ad request

The following ad request shows how you can include various ad request parameters, including the openrtb parameter, which specifies a percent-encoded string.

httpThe protocol. If your ad space uses SSL/TLS, use https instead.
delivery_server_domainThe hostname of your OpenX delivery server.
/wIndicates the web delivery medium.
/1.0Indicates version 1.0 of the OpenX ad request protocol.
/acjAsynchronous chain JSON, an asynchronous ad request to serve a structured JSON delivery response which supports chaining.
?Separates the ad request from the ad request parameters.
auidThe ad unit ID.
&Separates each parameter.
&openrtb=Indicates the OpenRTB values that follow in a percent-encoded string.

Sample JSON object including OpenRTB values

The following JSON object shows the structure of the OpenRTB data before removing unnecessary white space and before percent encoding.

{'cur': ['USD'],
 'device': {'ip': '',
             'ua': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2'},
 'id': '80ce30c53c16e6ede735f123ef6e32361bfc7b22',
 'imp': [{'banner': {'h': 250, 'pos': 0, 'w': 300},
           'bidfloor': 0.03,
           'id': '1'}],
 'site': {'cat': ['IAB3-1'],
          'domain': '',
          'id': '102855',
          'page': ' ',
          'publisher': {'cat': ['IAB3-1'],
                        'domain': '',
                        'id': '8953',
                        'name': ''}}}
curThe BidRequest.cur field, which specifies that the currency is in U.S. dollars.
deviceThe BidRequest.device field, which specifies a Device object array.
idThe field, which specifies the unique ID of the bid request.
impThe BidRequest.imp field, which specifies an Imp (impression) object array, which in turn specifies various Banner object fields.
siteThe field, which specifies a Site object array, which in turn specifies the Publisher object.

To improve performance, remove all unneeded white space and line breaks from your JSON object before generating a percent-encoded version of it as shown in the following example.

JSON string prepared for percent-encoding

{"cur": ["USD"], "site": {"publisher": {"domain": "", "cat": ["IAB3-1"], "id": "8953", "name": ""}, "domain":
"", "page": " ", "id": "102855", "cat": ["IAB3-1"]}, "imp": [{"banner": {"h": 250,
"pos": 0, "w": 300}, "id": "1", "bidfloor": 0.03}], "device": {"ip": "", "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2"}, "id": "80ce30c53c16e6ede735f123ef6e32361bfc7b22"}

You can pass as many supported OpenRTB fields as you find useful to characterize your inventory except for those that cannot be passed by publishers.

The following OpenRTB fields are recommended because they provide the most value to buyers.

Click to expand the OpenRTB fields that are recommended
Object nameField nameData typeDescription
appbundlestringThe unique ID of the app’s package (Android), bundle (iOS), or its AppStore ID.
For example: com.demo.openx or 123456789
appcatarray (string)The list of IAB content categories for the app.
appdomainstringThe domain of the app.
For example:
appkeywordsstringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the app.
appnamestringThe name of the app.
appstoreurlstringThe app store URL for this app.
app.contentkeywordsstringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the app’s content.
app.contentcatstringA comma-separated list of IAB content categories.
app.contentlenintegerThe duration in seconds of the presented video content.
app.contenttitlestringThe title of the publisher’s presented video content.
devicecarrierstringThe mobile carrier for the user’s device as derived from the IP address and expressed by the mobile country code (MCC) and mobile network code (MCC-MNC).
For example: 310-410

Ad Exchange buyers will expect an MCC-MNC code, so sending the name of the carrier may not be parsed correctly by the buyer’s system.
deviceconnectiontypeintegerIndicates the detected data connection type for the user’s device as defined in OpenRTB 2.5 specification.
devicedevicetypeintegerIndicates the detected device category for the user’s device as defined in OpenRTB 2.5 specification.

Note: OpenX OpenRTB uses a devicetype value of 1001 to indicate text (SMS).
devicedidsha1stringThe SHA-1 hash identifier for the user’s device, such as the UDID for an iOS device.
For example: 2b6f0cc904d137be2e1730235f5664094b831186
devicedpidmd5stringThe MD5 hash of the Android ID for the end-user’s mobile device.
devicedpidsha1stringThe SHA-1 hash of the Android ID for the end-user’s mobile device.
deviceifastringID for advertisers (also referred to as “IDFA”).
This is the ID sanctioned for advertiser use in the clear (not hashed).
devicelmtintegerIf the user’s mobile device is set for private browsing, the LMT (limit tracking) flag is passed.
0 = false
1 = true (the user does not want to be tracked.)
devicemacmd5stringThe MD5 hash of the device’s MAC address.
devicemacsha1stringThe SHA-1 hash of the device’s MAC address.
device.geolatfloatThe device’s latitude.
For example: 33.68424
device.geolonfloatThe device’s longitude.
For example: -117.79312
device.geotypeintegerIndicates the source of the user’s geographic location details, as defined in OpenRTB 2.5 specification. For example, this field can indicate whether the lat or lon is derived from the device’s GPS location or an IP address.
impdisplaymanagerstringThe name of the mediation partner or other third party responsible for rendering the ad.
One of the supported API standards or frameworks:
2 - VPAID 2.0
3 - MRAID 1.0
5 - MRAID 2.0
6 - MRAID 3.0
7 - OMID-1

For example: 2
regscoppaintegerIndicates whether the request is subject to Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) regulations.
0 = false
1 = true (the request is subject to COPPA)
regs.extsb568integerIndicates whether the request is subject to California’s SB-568 regulations.
0 = false
1 = true (the request is subject to SB-568)
regs.extgdprintegerIndicates whether the request is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR).
0 = false
1 = true (the request is subject to GDPR)
sitekeywordsstringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the site.
site.contentkeywordsstringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the site’s content.
userkeywordsstringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the user’s interests.
user.geolatfloatThe user’s latitude.
For example: 37.530676
user.geolonfloatThe user’s longitude.
For example: -122.262447
user.geotypeintegerIndicates the source of the user’s geographic location details. For example, this field can indicate whether the lat or lon is derived from the device’s GPS location or an IP address.
user.ext.consentconsentstringIndicates that the user has consented to having his or her data collected by the publisher’s site, as mandated by the GDPR. See the IAB’s GDPR Consent String Specification for more information.

For more details, refer to the IAB’s OpenRTB 2.5 specification.

OpenRTB Fields Set by OpenX

Last updated on November 6, 2020

OpenX passes certain OpenRTB fields to OpenX Ad Exchange buyers. You cannot set or override these fields. For example:

  • Values that are automatically detected, such as location data for a mobile device.
  • Values that are set by OpenX to characterize or structure the bid request.
Click to expand the OpenRTB field values you cannot set as a publisher
ObjectField nameData typeDescription
BidRequestallimpsintegerIndicates whether the impressions offered represent all of the impressions available for the ad space context, such as all impressions on the webpage or all pre-, mid-, and post-roll video impressions.

Values include:
0 = No or unknown (the default)
1 = Yes, all of the impressions are available for the ad space.

OpenX does not currently support the allimps field because only one impression is supported per bid request, so this value will be ignored.
BidRequestatintegerAuction type, which can be one of the following:
1 = First price
2 = Second price (the default)
BidRequestcurarray (string)The allowed currencies for bids expressed as ISO-4217 values.
OpenX does not support the BidRequest.cur field because Ad Exchange does not support multiple currencies, so this field is ignored.
BidRequestidstringA unique ID for the request, which OpenX Ad Exchange uses to identify the auction.
For example: 888b4a7a-d259-11e0-9912-000c29b0c11a
BidRequesttmaxintegerThe maximum interval, in milliseconds, to submit a bid and avoid a timeout.
BidRequestwseatarray (string)Allowlist of buyer seats allowed to bid on the impression, expressed as seat IDs.
OpenX does not currently support the wseat field, so it is ignored.
BidRequest.appdomainstringThe app’s domain, such as
BidRequest.appidstringThe ID for the app associated with the inventory purchase.
BidRequest.contentcontentratingstringA content rating, such as a Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) value.
BidRequest.contentidstringA unique identifier for the content.
BidRequest.contentqagmediaratingintegerA quality assurance guidelines (QAG) rating.
BidRequest.impbidfloorcurstringThe currency of the bid floor expressed as ISO-4217 values.
BidRequest.impidstringA unique ID for the request, which Ad Exchange uses to identify the auction.
BidRequest.impiframebusterarray (string)A list of iframe busters.
BidRequest.imp.bannerhintegerThe height of the ad unit, in pixels, in which the ad of the winning bidder will display, such as 250.
BidRequest.imp.banneridstringThe unique ID of the banner.
BidRequest.imp.bannerposintegerIndicates whether the impression is above the fold.
BidRequest.imp.bannerwintegerThe width of the ad unit, in pixels, in which the ad of the winning bidder will display, such as 300.
BidRequest.imppmpPmp objectAn object that provides custom fields for any private marketplace deals in place for the impression.
BidRequest.imp.pmpdealsarray (Deal objects)array of Deal objects that specify the deals for this impression.
BidRequest.imp.pmpprivate_auctionintegerIndicates a private auction where:
0 = All bids are accepted
1 = Bids are restricted to the specified seats and terms
BidRequest.imp.pmp.dealatintegerAuction type override, which can be one of the following:
1 = First price
2 = Second price
3 = The value of the field is the agreed upon deal price.
BidRequest.imp.pmp.dealbidfloorfloatThe minimum bid for the impression in CPM. The default value is 0.
BidRequest.imp.pmp.dealbidfloorcurstringThe bid floor’s currency expressed as an ISO-4217 value. The default value is USD.
BidRequest.imp.pmp.dealidstringThe deal ID.
BidRequest.imp.pmp.dealwadomainarray (string)Allowlist of advertiser domains allowed to bid on the deal.
BidRequest.imp.pmp.dealwseatarray (string)Allowlist of buyer seats allowed to bid on the deal, expressed as seat IDs.
BidRequest.imp.publisherdomainstringThe top-level domain of the publisher, such as
BidRequest.imp.publisheridstringThe publisher ID.
BidRequest.imp.publishernamestringThe name of the publisher.
BidRequest.imp.regscoppaintegerIndicates whether the request is subject to Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) regulations.
0 = false
1 = true (the request is subject to COPPA)
BidRequest.imp.videocompanionadarray (Banner)An array of Banner objects if companion ads are available.
BidRequest.imp.videocompaniontypearray (integer)An array of supported VAST companion ad types if companionad specifies companion Banner objects.
BidRequest.imp.videohintegerHeight of the player (in pixels).
BidRequest.imp.videoposintegerIndicates whether the impression is above the fold.
BidRequest.imp.videoprotocolintegerVideo bid response protocol. OpenX supports a value of 5, which indicates a VAST 2.0 wrapper.
BidRequest.imp.videosequenceintegerThe sequence used for coordinated delivery of multiple creatives if the bid request offers multiple impressions.
BidRequest.imp.videoskipintegerAlways sent for opt-in video (rewarded video). Indicates if the player will allow the video to be skipped, where 0 = No and 1 = Yes. Opt-in video will always be sent with set to 0 for better monetization of opt-in video inventory.
BidRequest.imp.videowintegerWidth of the player (in pixels).
BidRequest.publisherdomainstringThe publisher’s top-level domain (for example,
BidRequest.publisheridstringThe exchange-specific publisher ID.
BidRequest.publishernamestringThe name of the publisher.
BidRequest.sitecatarray (string)The list of IAB content categories for the site as defined in the IAB’s OpenRTB 2.5 specification.
BidRequest.sitedomainstringThe site domain (for example,, which maps to the domain of the bid request URL.
BidRequest.siteidstringThe ID for the site associated with this inventory purchase.
BidRequest.sitenamestringThe name of the site.
BidRequest.userbuyeruidstringCustom, bidder-specific data that the bidder had stored in the exchange (≤ 200 bytes).
BidRequest.usercustomdatastringCustom, bidder-specific data that the bidder had stored in the exchange (≤ 200 bytes).
BidRequest.useridstringThe ID of the user.

OpenRTB Fields Passed by Publishers

Last updated on January 16, 2019

You can pass as many supported OpenRTB values as you find useful to characterize your inventory except for those that cannot be passed by publishers. However, passing too many fields can negatively impact the performance of the ad request, so only add fields that will help buyers to target your inventory.

BidRequest fields

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Field nameData typeDescription
appAppAn object containing properties that describe the app where the ad will display if the bid request is for an impression within a mobile app.
A bid request can only have an App or a Site object.
badvarray (string)The list of top-level advertiser domains blocked for this publisher as derived from the click URL. Domains are not case-sensitive.
For example:
bcatarray (string)The list of advertiser categories that the publisher wants to block for the ad request. Use the IAB categories listed in the IAB’s OpenRTB 2.5 specification in this field.
For example: bcat: [ "IAB17-18", "IAB24", "IAB25", "IAB25-3", ],
deviceDevice objectAn object containing properties that describe the device through which the impression is viewed, such as on a specific type of mobile phone.
Imp object
An object containing properties that describe the ad impression. OpenX supports only one impression per bid request, which is expressed as an array with a single Imp object. This is because OpenX handles each ad unit as a separate ad request.
regsRegs objectAn object containing properties that describe any regulations applicable to the request.
siteSite objectAn object containing properties that describe the website where the ad will display if the bid request is for an impression on a website. The bid request can only have a Site or an App object.
testintegerIndicates test mode (1), which is not billable. The default is 0, which indicates that the auction is billable.
userUser objectAn object containing properties that describe the user viewing the impression.

Site fields

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If the available impression is on a website, OpenX Ad Server may include a Site object to describe the website. A BidRequest can only contain a single Site or App object, not both. A Site object can reference the Publisher object.

For more details, refer to the IAB’s OpenRTB 2.5 specification.

Field nameData typeDescription
contentContent objectAn object containing properties that describe the site’s content.
stringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the site’s content.
mobileintegerIndicates whether the site has been programmed to optimize layout when viewed on mobile devices.
0 = false (the default)
1 = true (the site uses responsive web design)
pagestringThe URL of the webpage where the impression will display.
pagecatarray (string)The list of IAB content categories for the webpage.
privacypolicyintegerIndicates whether the site has a privacy policy (1) or not (0).
publisherPublisher objectAn object containing properties that describe the publisher of the Site or App for this impression opportunity.
refstringThe referrer URL that navigated the end-user to the current page.
searchstringThe search string The search string that brought the end-user to the current page (if available).
sectioncatarray (string)The list of IAB content categories for the site section.

App fields

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If the available impression is within a mobile app, the BidRequest includes the App object to describe the mobile app. A BidRequest can only contain a single App or Site object, not both.

For more details, refer to the IAB’s OpenRTB 2.5 specification.

Field nameData typeDescription
(strongly recommended)
stringThe unique ID of the app’s package (Android), bundle (iOS), or its AppStore ID.
For example: com.demo.openx or 123456789
array (string)The list of IAB content categories for the app.
contentContent objectAn object containing properties that describe the app’s content.
stringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the app’s content.
(strongly recommended)
stringThe name of the app.
pagecatarray (string)The list of IAB content categories for the current page of the app.
paidintegerIndicates whether the app is a paid version (1) or free (0).
privacypolicyintegerIndicates whether the app has a privacy policy (1) or not (0).
publisherPublisherAn object containing properties that describe the publisher of the app.
sectioncatarray (string)The list of IAB content categories for the current section of the app.
stringThe app store URL for this app.
verstringThe version of the app.

Publisher fields or

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The Publisher object describes the seller of the ad space (for the App or Site) in which the ad will be displayed.

For more details, refer to the IAB’s OpenRTB 2.5 specification.

Field nameData typeDescription
catarray (string)The list of IAB content categories for the publisher.

Content fields or

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The Content object describes the type of content of the App or Site in which the ad will be displayed.

For more details about the Content object, refer to the IAB’s OpenRTB 2.5 specification.

Field nameData typeDescription
catstringThe list of IAB content categories for the content.
contextstringThe type of content.
embeddableintegerIndicates whether the content is embeddable (1) or not (0).
episodeintegerAn episode number.
stringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the content.
languagestringContent language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2.
lenintegerThe length of the content in seconds (if applicable).
livestreaminteger0= Not a live stream
1 = Content is a live stream
seasonstringThe content’s season.
seriesstringThe content’s series.
sourcerelationshipinteger0 = Indirect relationship
1 = Direct relationship
titlestringThe title of the content.
urlstringThe URL where the content is located.
useratingstringUser rating of the content.
videoqualityintegerThe video quality classification.

Device fields


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Each BidRequest object may contain a Device object, which provides details about the end-user’s computing environment.

The Device object can reference the Geo object. Passing device.geo data can provide valuable information to buyers about where the device (and therefore, the user) is currently located.

For more details, refer to the IAB’s OpenRTB 2.5 specification.

Field nameData typeDescription
uastringThe HTTP user agent, which typically indicates the user’s browser.
For example: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_2; en-us)
geogeo objectAn object containing properties that describe the geographic location of the user as derived from the device.
dntintegerDo not track flag. If the user’s web browser is set for private browsing, a dnt value of 1 is passed. If dnt has a value of 0, the browser is not set for private browsing.
integerIf the user’s mobile device is set for private browsing, the LMT (limit tracking) flag is passed.
0 = false
1 = true (the user does not want to be tracked.)
ipstringThe ipv4 address closest to the user’s device.
For example:
ipv6stringThe ipv6 address closest to the user’s device.
integerIndicates the detected device category for the user’s device.

Note: OpenX OpenRTB uses a devicetype value of 1001 to indicate text (SMS).
makestringThe make for the user’s device.
For example: Apple
modelstringThe model for the user’s device.
For example: iPhone
osstringThe operating system for the user’s device.
osvstringThe version number for the user’s operating system.
hwvstringThe device’s hardware version.
For example: 5S (for iPhone 5S)
hintegerThe height of the device’s screen, in pixels.
wintegerThe width of the device’s screen, in pixels.
ppiintegerThe size of the device’s screen expressed in pixels per inch.
pxratiofloatThe ratio of device pixels to device-independent pixels.
jsintegerIndicates whether the device supports JavaScript (1) or not (0).
flashverstringThe version of Flash supported by the device’s browser.
languagestringThe two letter code (ISO 639-1) for the user’s preferred browsing language on their device.
For example: “en”
stringCarrier or ISP using exchange-curated string names.
For example: “VERIZON”
stringMobile carrier as the concatenated mobile country code-mobile network code, or MCC-MNC (for example, “310-005” identifies Verizon Wireless CDMA in the USA). Note that the dash between the MCC and MNC parts is required to remove parsing ambiguity. For a user-friendly list of codes, see Mobile country code.
integerIndicates the detected data connection type for the user’s device.
stringID for advertisers (also referred to as “IDFA “). This is the ID sanctioned for advertiser use in the clear (not hashed).
stringThe SHA-1 hash identifier for the user’s device, such as the UDID for an iOS device.
For example: 2b6f0cc904d137be2e1730235f5664094b831186
stringThe SHA-1 hash of the Android ID for the end-user’s mobile device.
stringThe MD5 hash of the Android ID for the end-user’s mobile device.
stringThe SHA-1 hash of the device’s MAC address.
stringThe MD5 hash of the device’s MAC address.

Geo fields

BidRequest.device.geo or BidRequest.user.geo

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The Geo object provides details about the device’s current location (via the Device object) or the location according to user-provided data (via the User object). Pass these values as device.geo or user.geo depending on which type of geo data you have.

Field nameData typeDescription
citystringCity location (United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations).
For example: los angeles
countrystringCountry location expressed as an ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.
For example: USA
For example: 33.684
For example: -117.793
metrostringGoogle metro code, which are similar to DMA codes.
regionstringRegion code per ISO-3166-2 or the two-character state code in the U.S.
For example: CA
integerUse this parameter to indicate the source of your lat and lon parameter values:
1 (GPS/location services)
2 (IP address)
3 (user-provided)
utcoffsetintegerDevice time as a positive or negative offset, in minutes, from UTC.
zipstringPostal code location. Values are not restricted to the U.S.
For example: 92602


Each BidRequest object can contain a User object, which provides details about the end-user.

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The User object can reference the user’s Geo according to user-provided data about their location.

Field nameData typeDescription
(data object)
An array of Data objects to provide details about the user.
genderstringThe end-user’s gender (M, F, or O).
geogeo objectAn object containing properties that describe the user’s primary location.

User geo data should be used for user-provided location data. For the device’s current location, use device.geo.
stringA comma-separated list of keywords describing the user’s interests.
yobintegerThe end-user’s four digit year of birth.
For example: 1972

User extensions object fields


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The optional Extensions object can provide additional user details.

Field nameData typeDescription
consentstringIndicates that the user has consented to having his or her data collected by the publisher's site, as mandated by the GDPR. See the IAB’s GDPR Consent String Specification for more information.

Data fields

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The Data object provides details about the user.

Field nameData typeDescription
idstringA unique OpenX identifier for the data provider. You can pass a value that may be included in the field if its value is either publisher or it is prefixed with pub- followed by any value of your choosing.
For example: pub-12345678.

Note: The conventions used by this field will change as OpenX supports additional sources of data.
namestringThe name of the data provider.
(segment object)
A collection of Segment objects, each describing a particular data point available from this data provider.

Segment fields

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The Segment object provides data about the user.

Field nameData typeDescription
idstringThe ID of the data segment specific to the data provider.
namestringThe name of the data segment specific to the data provider.
For example: gender, dma, or age
valuestringA string representation of the data segment value.

Regs object fields


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The Regs object provides details about any regulations applicable to the request.

Field nameData typeDescription
coppaintegerIndicates whether the request is subject to Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) regulations.
0 = false
1 = true (the request is subject to COPPA)
extExtensions objectAn object containing properties that describe custom fields for additional regulations.

Regs extensions object fields


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The optional Extensions object can provide additional regulatory details.

Field nameData typeDescription
sb568integerIndicates whether the request is subject to California’s SB-568 regulations.
0 = false
1 = true (the request is subject to SB-568)
gdprintegerIndicates whether the request is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
0 = false
1 = true (the request is subject to GDPR)