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Last updated on August 11, 2021

To manage your inventory, you must set up sites that represent the locations where you want ads to serve. Each site is a container for your ad space (or ad units), and belongs to a single account, which must have the appropriate inventory ownership capabilities, based on the account type.

The attributes you set for a site provide default settings that are applied to the site’s ad units.

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Creating Sites

You need to create a site for each top-level domain and sub-domain on your app or website where you want to set up inventory. You can clone an existing site and all of its ad units and edit them to make any desired changes. Once you have created a site, you can create all of the ad units you need for that site.


The settings that you see on your screen may vary depending on your OpenX configuration, account type, and user access.

To add a site:

  1. In the OpenX UI, go to the Inventory > Publishers and click the publisher account for which you want to create a site.

  2. On the sites list screen of the selected publisher, click Create Site.

    The Create Site screen is displayed with the Publisher setting automatically selected.

  3. Complete the following:

    In this fieldDo this
    NameEnter a unique, descriptive name for the site.
    PublisherThis setting is automatically set to the publisher you have selected to create the new site for.
    Default Delivery MediumSelect the default way that ads will be viewed for this site. OpenX uses the default delivery medium to determine what types of ad units you can create for the site.

    Note: Make sure to select the correct option for the types of ads you need to display, for example, if you are creating a video mobile web site, do not select Mobile or Web, select Linear Video.

       • Email Banner: Banner ads displayed in an email message.
       • Linear Video: Linear video for web (mobile web or desktop web).
       • Mobile: Linear video ads for mobile apps (not mobile web), rich media ads, and any other ads displayed in mobile web browsers or mobile apps, except for linear video for web. When selecting Mobile, you need to:
           1. Select the appropriate mobile Platform:
              • Android: for mobile applications on the Android platform.
              • Mobile Web: for mobile websites.
              • Other: for other mobile platforms, such as WebOS.
              • iOS: for mobile applications on the iOS platform.
           2. Specify the appropriate URL for the location of the inventory.
       • Non-Linear Video: Any video ads displayed during video content in a video player.
       • Video Companion: Companion ads served together with a video ad.
       • Web: Standard web-based display ads, such as web banners or other ads for desktop web display.
    AudienceSelect the age of the intended audience. For more details, see regulations.
    URLDepending on the selected Platform (if you have selected Mobile as the default delivery medium), specify one of the following settings for the location of the inventory:
       • Android: In the Market URL field, enter the Google Play package name for the mobile app in which you want to serve ads, such as:
       • iOS: Enter the AppStoreURL for the mobile application in which you want to serve ads, using the format:[country]/app/[App-Name]/id[App-ID]?mt=8
       • Mobile Web or Other. Enter the Site URL for the mobile site where you want to serve ads.

    For any other sites, enter the URL for the new site, using the format:
    Default Content TopicSelect the default content topic for the site, which describes the main subject of online content surrounding the available ad space on the site.
    Default Content TypeSelect the default content type for the site, which describes the main function of the online content surrounding the available ad space on the site.
    Publisher Revenue ModelSpecify how to split revenue for all ad units that belong to it. By default, the site inherits the revenue model for the publisher account that the site belongs to. You can also change the revenue model for each ad unit that belongs to this site when creating or editing its ad units.
    Auto Refresh Settings(Optional) Check this box to enable and set Auto Refresh Settings for web ad units (using JavaScript or iframe ad tags), or mobile ad units that belong to the site.
    External Identifier(Optional) Enter a free-form reference ID.
    Notes(Optional) Enter any additional information for the site.
  4. To complete the ad unit setup, click one of the following:

    • Create: A confirmation message for the new site appears at the top of the screen. You can create ad units for the site at a later time.
    • Create and Add Another Site: A new Create Site form appears with a confirmation message for the new site. You can begin creating another site for the same publisher.
    • Click the down arrow next to Create & Add Another Site and then Create & Add Ad Unit: The Create Ad Unit screen appears, and you can begin creating an ad unit for the site.

    When you finish adding a new site, it is displayed in your sites list on the view publisher screen.

Editing Sites

Once a site is created, you can change its following settings in the edit site screen:

  • Name
  • Default Delivery Medium
  • Platform (for mobile sites)
  • AppStore URL/Market URL/Site URL (for mobile sites)
  • URL
  • Brand Filters
  • Category Filters
  • Default Content Topic
  • Default Content Type
  • Publisher Revenue Model (if enabled)
  • Auto Refresh Settings
  • External Identifier
  • Notes

In addition, you can change some site details directly in the sites list screen, or you can change the status of multiple sites at once.

To edit a site:

  1. In the sites list screen, click the (Edit) button on the Actions column of the site you want to change. This opens the edit site screen.

  2. Change any of the editable settings for the site, as needed.

  3. Click Save. This updates the site and returns you to the previous screen. A confirmation message appears at the top of the screen.

Viewing Sites

View general details for the sites in the view site screen, from which you can also:

To open the view site screen:

  1. Go to the Inventory tab.

  2. In the Publishers list screen, click the link for the publisher you want to access.

  3. In the sites list screen, click the link for the site that you want to view details for. This opens the view site screen, which displays site information in the top and bottom portions of the screen:

    • The top of this screen displays the details for the site, including the site name, status, ID, publisher, and site URL.

      You can change the information that displays in this portion of the screen by clicking the tabs available for each site:

    • The bottom of the screen contains the list of ad units for the site, if any.

How Ad Filters are Displayed

Depending on your account type, user capabilities, whether Ad Exchange selling is enabled, you can set brand and category filters. Your site list displays a two-column view of these ad filters.

OpenX Market Brand FiltersIndicates the number of brands and/or industries you are filtering, if any, and if you are using buyer filters.
Click the (view details) button to open a tooltip with details about your brand filters.

OpenX Market Category FiltersIndicates the number of ad categories, creative types, content attributes, and ad languages that you are filtering.
Click the (view details) button to open a tooltip with details about your category filters.

Deleting Sites

Delete the sites where you no longer have inventory to sell. Before you delete a site, consider the following:

  • All business objects that belong to the site are also deleted, if you delete a site.
  • Any ad calls for a deleted site are considered invalid.
  • You will no longer have access to view or manage the deleted site.

You can delete an individual site, or you can delete multiple sites at once.

To delete sites:

  1. Go to the Inventory tab.

  2. Do one of the following:

    To deleteDo this
    An individual site• In the Publishers list screen, click the link for the publisher that you want to remove the site for, and then in the sites list, click the (Delete) button for the site you want to delete.
    Open the view site screen for the site you want to delete, and then click the (Delete) button located on the top right.
    Multiple sitesIn the sites list screen, check the boxes of the sites you want to delete, and then select Delete from the Actions list.

  3. The confirmation dialog appears, click OK. This deletes the site(s) from the list.

Managing Site Sections

Further manage your inventory with site sections, which belong to a specific site. Use site sections to organize a site into vertical segments of content. You may find it useful to set up this inventory component to classify your inventory beyond content type and content topic, which may change from time to time.

If you use site sections, you may want to set them up after you create your sites but before you create your ad units so that they are available to assign your ad units to.

site sections screen

Creating sections

Create a site section for each segment of content that you want to specify within your site. For example, for a pet care website, you might create sections for Home, Dogs, and Cats.

Site sections can help provide reports for several ad units categorized as one segment. For example, if you have five above the fold ad units, you can associate them to a section called “above the fold” and view them in one report. This also helps you to target the entire site section instead of entering one ad unit at a time.

To add a site section:

  1. Open the view site screen for the site you want to segment, and then click the Sections tab.

  2. Click Create Section. This displays the Create Section screen, where you specify details for the new section.

  3. Complete the following:

    In this fieldDo this
    NameType in a unique name for the section.
    External Identifier(Optional) Type in an ID that references an external system that you have integrated with OpenX.
    Description(Optional) Type in additional details for the section.
  4. Click Create. The Create Section screen closes and a confirmation message for the new section appears above the sections list.

Deleting sections

Delete site sections that you no longer want to use to segment your site content. You can delete an individual section or you can delete multiple sections at once.

To delete sections:

  1. Open the view site screen for the section’s container site and then click the Sections tab.

  2. In the sections list, do one of the following:

    To deleteDo this
    An individual sectionCheck the box of the section you want to delete, and then click the (Delete) button on the Actions column.
    Multiple sectionsCheck the boxes of the sections you want to delete, and then select Delete from the Actions list.

  3. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click OK. This deletes the section(s) from the list.