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Ad Unit Groups


Last updated on November 15, 2019

An ad unit group consists of a master ad unit and one or more companion ad units. Ad unit groups allow you to:

  • Define your ad space as a collection of ad units.
  • Provide a template for ad buyers to display related ads at the same time.
  • Replace multiple ad calls with a single ad unit group ID.

All ad units in a group must have the same Ad Unit Type, which can be display or video but not email ads. For example, to create a web ad unit group, set its Ad Unit Group Type to Web and specify a master ad unit and one or more companion ad units with an Ad Unit Type of Web.groups.


Multiple ad unit groups can reference a single ad unit.

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Creating Ad Unit Groups

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Create an ad unit group for each known collection of ad units (of the same Ad Unit Type) that you want to bundle as a template to support companion positioning of web, video, and mobile ads.

To add an ad unit group:

  1. Open the view site screen for the site you want to bundle ad units for and click the Ad Unit Groups tab.

  2. Click Create Ad Unit Group.

  3. In the Name field, enter a unique name (within the site) for the ad unit group.

  4. In the Ad Unit Group Type list, select one of the following:

    • Web
    • Mobile
    • Linear Video
    • Non-linear Video

    If you select the Linear Video or Non-linear Video Ad Unit Group Type, any companion ad units must have an Ad Unit Type of Video Companion.

  5. In the Master Ad Unit list, select the ad unit that will anchor the ad unit group. Ad units of the same type as the ad unit group are displayed.

  6. Click in the Companion Ad Units field and select the ad units that you want to include in this ad unit group. For web ad unit groups, only web ad units display in this list. For video ad unit groups, only video companion ad units display in this list. For mobile ad unit groups, only mobile ad units display in this list.

  7. (Optional) Specify the following details for the ad unit group:

    • External Identifier. Type in an identifier that allows you to maintain a reference to an external system you having integrated with OpenX.
    • Description. Type in a brief description for the ad unit group.
  8. Do one of the following to complete ad unit group setup:

    • Click Create. The Create Ad Unit Group screen closes and a confirmation message for the new ad unit group appears above the ad units list. You can retrieve the ad tag for the ad unit group at a later time. For mobile application ad unit groups, you need to configure your application to communicate with OpenX.
    • Click Create and Get Ad Tag or Create and Get VAST Ad Tag. This opens the view ad unit group screen for the new ad unit group and a confirmation message for the new ad unit group appears above the ad tag.

    For web ad unit groups, you need to copy and paste the ad tag into the source code for your website.

Editing Ad Unit Groups

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After you create an ad unit group, you can change any of its settings.

You change ad unit group details in the Edit Ad Unit Group screen. In addition, you can change the name or status for an ad unit group directly in the list of ad unit groups, or you can change the status of multiple ad unit groups at once.

To edit an ad unit group:

  1. Open the View Ad Unit Group screen for the ad unit group you want to change, and then click the edit icon. This opens the Edit Ad Unit Group screen.

  2. Change the settings for the ad unit group as necessary.

  3. Click Save. This updates the ad unit group and returns you to the previous screen. A confirmation message appears above the list of ad unit groups.

Viewing Ad Unit Groups

Last updated on March 5, 2018

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View general details for ad unit groups that you have access to. From here, you can also view and retrieve the ad tag for the selected ad unit group.

To view ad unit group details:

  1. Open the view site screen for the site that you want to view ad unit group details for.

  2. Click the Ad Unit Groups tab.

  3. In the list of ad unit groups, click the link for the ad unit group that you want to view details for. This displays the view ad unit group screen for the selected ad unit group. This screen contains the following sections:

    • Top section: Displays the details for the ad unit group, including the ad unit group name, status, and ID. If you do not want to view these details, click Hide Details to reduce the top portion of the screen.
    • Bottom section: Displays the ad code for the ad unit group. You can change the information that displays in this portion of the screen by clicking a tab on the left. The tabs available for each ad unit group include Ad Tags/VAST Ad Tag. Click to display the ad tag for the ad unit group (for web and mobile web ad unit groups). From here, you can copy the ad tag and paste it into the source code for your website. For video ad unit groups, click to display the ad request URL for the video ad unit group.

Viewing and Retrieving Ad Tags for Ad Unit Groups

Last updated on September 23, 2015

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Before OpenX can start serving ads to the web ad unit groups that you set up, you need to copy and paste the ad tag into the source code for you website.

To retrieve an ad tag:

  1. Open the view ad unit group screen for the ad unit group you want to retrieve the ad tag for.

  2. On the Ad Tags tab, copy the scripts located in the fields.

  3. Paste the scripts into the source code for your website.

Each time you view the Ad Tags tab for the same ad unit group, a random value in multiple parts the ad tag will be generated. The values are prefixed with OX_. For example, the first time you view the ad tag, the variable strings might be OX_d70a08f500.

The next time you view the same tag, it might be OX_4d6552943f5a4. If you have already put the tag into the code of your web page and have not changed anything else, there is no need to update the tag as long as each instance of the random value is the same.

Deleting Ad Unit Groups

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Delete ad unit groups that you no longer want to use to bundle ad units. Before you delete an ad unit group, consider the following:

  • Ad calls for the ad unit group are considered invalid and OpenX returns an appropriate error.
  • Forecasts related to the ad unit group’s inventory are removed.
  • You cannot view or manage the deleted ad unit group.

You can delete an individual ad unit group, or you can delete multiple ad unit groups at once.

To delete an individual ad unit group:

  1. Open the view ad unit group screen for the ad unit group you want to remove and then click the Delete icon.

  2. In the confirmation screen, click OK. The ad unit group is removed from the list.