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Access and UI Environment


Last updated on July 28, 2021

An OpenX Partner Services representative initially sets up your accounts and users to get started. An account administrator is then able to set up additional accounts and users as needed.

To access the OpenX UI, make sure to provide your email to OpenX and receive your OpenX URL.

on this page

First-time Access

The first time you log in to the system, you use the email address associated with your OpenX user account, and the temporary password you received in an auto-generated email message. After you log in with these details, you are prompted to change your password. You can use the new password for subsequent OpenX login attempts. In addition, OpenX requires you to change your password every 180 days.

To log in to OpenX for the first time:

  1. Open one of the following:

    • The auto-generated email message you received from OpenX, and click the link for the OpenX URL.
    • Your web browser and enter your OpenX URL.
  2. On the OpenX login page, enter your email address and temporary password provided by OpenX.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. On the Change Your Password page, enter your temporary password, create a new password, and confirm it.

  5. Type in the CAPTCHA code as displayed.

  6. Click Submit. Use this password for all subsequent sign-ins into the system.

When you are logged in to the OpenX, you can change your user settings, such as your user name, or notes, or you can reset your password.


To update your email address, you need to submit a request through the OpenX Community.

Viewing History

If you have editing permissions, you can view the history of changes to any of the following objects:

Click to expand the list of objects
  • Accounts
  • Ad unit groups
  • Ad units
  • Ads
  • OpenX Market Rules
  • Packages
  • Sites
  • Site sections
  • Users
  • Changes to objects
  • Who made changes
  • When changes were made

To view history of an object:

  1. In the UI, click Edit for the object.

  2. In the sidebar, click History.

  3. To view additional history events, scroll down.

    If no history is available, the following message appears: