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Managing Audiences



Last updated on November 12, 2020

The Audiences List screen is the main dashboard of the OpenAudience™ UI, it allows you to start creating new audiences and then search, sort, and manage those audiences.

In the Audiences List screen you can achieve the following:

Searching and Sorting Audiences

You can search for a created audience by typing the name of the audience in the search box. The most recently created audiences are listed on top of the table by default. To sort audience data, toggle the desired column header. Columns are arranged in descending order on the first click and ascending on the second click.

Audiences Table

The Audiences List table contains the following information for each audience.

NameThe name of the audience.
Addressable MAU ReachThe number of unique users within the audience who were seen on the OpenX Exchange in the last 90 days.
A tooltip listing a breakdown of addressable MAU reach data appears when hovering over the icon:

StatusThe possible audience status are:

   • Ready: An audience that is created and not yet activated.
   • Publishing: An audience in progress of being published.
   • Error: An audience that fails during any of the statuses.
Last EditedThe date and time the audience was last edited.
Date CreatedThe date and time the audience was created.
Allows you to start creating a new deal from the selected audience. This button appears when hovering over the audience row.

(Actions List)
Opens the list of actions to apply to an audience. This list appears only when you hover over the last column. For a complete description of actions, see the table below.

Applying an Action to an Audience

To apply an action to an audience, hover over the last column of the audience, click on the actions list , and then select one of the following:

DuplicateCreates a copy of the audience.
ArchiveArchives (deletes) the audience.
EditOpens the Audience Details screen to edit the audience.

In addition, you can bulk archive audiences by checking the boxes of the audiences to archive and then clicking .


Actions become available based on the audience status.