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BIDS Available Fields


The BIDS available fields are as follows.

Field nameData typeDescription
timestamptimestampTimestamp in UTC.
auction_idstringUnique identifier for the associated auction.
dsp_namestringThe name of the DSP that submitted the bid to OpenX.
seat_idstringOpenX buyer identifier. In most cases, this is equivalent to the DSP seat id.
openx_brand_idlongOpenX identifier for the brand.
a_domainstringThe advertiser domain as passed to OpenX by the DSP.
creative_idstringIdentifier for the creative.
auction_typestringThe OpenX auction type for the transaction.

1 = first price
2 = second price
impressionbooleanIndicates whether a valid impression was served for that transaction.

TRUE = valid impression
FALSE = not valid impression
ortb_loss_reasonstringOpenRTB 2.5 loss reason name, which provides information about the outcome of a bid response.

Note: This will be AUCTION_WINNER when you won the OpenX auction, but does not represent downstream auction result.
ortb_loss_reason_codeintegerOpenRTB 2.5 loss reason code, which provides information about the outcome of a bid response.

Note: This will be AUCTION_WINNER when you won the OpenX auction, but does not represent downstream auction result.
deal_idstringAn alphanumeric string that represents a private marketplace deal, populated when an OpenRTB deal id was bid upon.
bid_amt_1st_pricedoubleBuyer’s actual 1st price bid for that auction (auction type = 1).

Note: bid_amt_1st_price and bid_amt_2nd_price are mutually exclusive.
bid_amt_2nd_pricedoubleBuyer’s actual 2nd price bid for that auction (auction type = 2).

Note: bid_amt_1st_price and bid_amt_2nd_price are mutually exclusive.
floor_usddoubleThe publisher specified auction floor.
gross_revenuedoubleGross revenue for the publisher before share. All revenue is measured in USD. This is equivalent to your winning bid price.

Note: This field is only available for won impressions.
min_bid_to_windoubleThe bid you would have needed to submit in order to surpass all other bidders and seller-wide floors in the OpenX auction. This field is only included if your bid lost the auction for a price related reason.

Note: Also, this field does not apply to auctions that were won by a deal bid (preferred & private auction deals).
inventory_channelstringThe environment where the creative would serve:
• Web
• In-app
device_typestringThe type of device from which the impression opportunity originated (desktop, phone, tablet, etc.).
operating_systemstring3-character device operating system.
browserstring3-character browser code.
seller_idlongOpenX publisher account identifier.

Note: It is possible for one publisher to have multiple seller ids.
site_idintegerOpenX site identifier.
adunit_idlongOpenX ad unit identifier.
domainstringThe top level domain from the ad request.
page_urlstringURL of the webpage where the ad call originated (with query args and references removed).
app_bundlestringA platform-specific mobile application ID intended to be unique to the application. This dimension does not apply to web traffic.
• Android ID = string, package name
• iOS ID = numeric identifier
creative_typestringThe type of creative being requested: banner or video.
ad_sizestringThe size of the requested ad slot, in pixels:
• Display = width by height
• Video = player width by height
integration_typestringThe integration type of the supply partner who sent the ad request:
• Prebid.js = client-side Prebid
• Prebid Server = server-side Prebid
• OB = Google Open Bidding
• A9 TAM = Amazon Transparent Ad Marketplace
• Tag = Direct js tag integration
• Bidder = OpenX header bidder
• Index = Index container
• OpenX Mobile SDK = iOS or Android SDK
• OpenRTB Server = OpenRTB server-side integration
• Other
countrystringTwo-character ISO country code.
statestringCode = state and province.
dmaintegerDesignated market area (DMA).
zip_postalstringZip or postal code.
cookie_match_statusbooleanCookie match status.
TRUE = OpenX had a buyeruid for the corresponding DSP.
FALSE = OpenX didn’t have a buyeruid for the corresponding DSP.

Note: When OpenX does not host a match table with a DSP, this will always be FALSE. The DSP may have had a match in their hosted match table.
p_idvariantUnique identifier for people-based IDs (only available in certain cases). This field is the JSON representation of p_ids{"provider1":"ABC12345","provider2":"XYZ6789","provider3":"123456ABC"}

• This field is only available for won impressions.
• This field is not available for EU impressions.
p_idsstringUnique identifier for people-based IDs (only available in certain cases). The format uses key value pairs. The first value is the provider_id, and the second value is the identifier.
For example, provider1:ABC12345;provider2:XYZ6789;provider3:123456ABC

• This field is only available for won impressions.
• This field is not available for EU impressions.