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adunitgroup object

Platform API

Collections of ad units used for inventory to be filled with companion ads or to map items in a CMS to inventory items.

The adunitgroup object has the following calls:

GET /adunitgroupList all ad unit groups.
GET /adunitgroup/ad_unit_group_UIDRead the specified ad unit group.
GET /adunitgroup/ad_unit_group_UID/generate_tagGenerate the HTML tag for the specified ad unit group.
GET /adunitgroup/ad_unit_group_UID/list_ad_unitsList ad units for the specified account UID.
GET /adunitgroup/available_fieldsList the available_fields to create or update an ad unit group.
GET /adunitgroup/performance/ad_unit_group_UIDGet performance metrics for the specified ad unit group within the (optional) date range.

   • start_date: A specific date in yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS format OR an integer for the days backward from today. For example, 7 = “seven days ago” and 0 = “starting today” (inclusive).

   • end_date: A specific date in yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS format OR a negative integer for the days from now. For example, -7 = “until seven days from now” and 0 = “before today” (exclusive).
POST /adunitgroupCreate one or more ad unit groups.
POST /adunitgroup/ad_unit_group_UID/cloneClone the specified ad unit group.
PUT /adunitgroupUpdate the specified ad unit groups.
PUT /adunitgroup/ad_unit_group_UIDUpdate the specified ad unit group.
DELETE /adunitgroupDelete the specified ad unit groups.
DELETE /adunitgroup/ad_unit_group_UIDDelete the specified ad unit group.