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Reporting in the Cloud Interface

Demand Partners

Last updated on November 20, 2019

The Reporting in the Cloud interface consists of the following parts:

  1. A top menu for switching between screens, viewing data lag, and accessing account settings.
  2. A toolbar that provides tools for working with data.
  3. The main content of the screen showing data.
  4. A left pane for opening dialogs (workspaces, filters, metrics, dimensions, reports, alerts, and share).

1. Top Menu

The left side of this menu allows to switch between the Analyze, Pivot, and Plot screens.

On the right side of this menu you can do the following:

  • View data lag time. If new data is available, the refresh button blinks so that you can click it and get the latest data.
  • View latest updates.
  • Access the settings list where you can turn on the Autosave feature.

2. Toolbar

The toolbar available in all screens provides tools to work with data.

The toolbar allows to:

  • View the current workspace name or chart name.
  • Rename or delete a workspace using Workspace settings.
  • Save a workspace or chart using Save or Save As.
  • Choose the analysis Timezone, Date Range, dates from the calendar, and Granularity (Hour or Day).
  • Compare data between different time-periods by using the Compare check box.
  • Choose from multiple data Views that you may have access to based on your role. For more information about data views, see About data views.

3. Data Content

The content of this section shows data and differs based on the screen. For a description of each screen, see the following:

4. Left Pane

The left pane contains a set of buttons allowing to open dialogs. Their availability and description are as follows.

ButtonName and descriptionAnalyzePivotPlot
Add workspaces
Opens the Workspaces dialog where you can view your current workspaces and create new workspaces.
Add filters
Opens the Filter dialog where you can search and apply filters.
Add metric
Opens the Add Metrics dialog where you can search and add metrics.
Add dimension
Opens the Add Dimension Tables dialog where you can search and add dimensions.
Add charts
Opens the Charts dialog where you can view your list of charts and create a new chart.
Opens the Reports dialog where you can create a new report, schedule a report, and view your scheduled reports and downloads history.
Opens the Alerts dialog where you can add a new alert to identify a data pattern.
Opens the Copy To Share This URL dialog which provides a link so that you can share the content of your workspace (Analyze).

About Data Views

A view is referred to the data view that you need to access and query. Prior to querying data, select the desired data view from the View list located on the right of the toolbar. Any items you create (workspaces, reports, charts) are saved in the view that is currently selected.

This table describes each of the data views available.

RTB Health StatsReports the performance of your bidding by providing statistics such as error rate and callout rate, per date and/or per exchange location.
CPR (Context/Placement/Response)Reports at the transactional level for all Exchange auctions from Ad Request to impression.
CPR-NRT (Near Real-Time)Reports a Near Real-Time version of the CPR Feed. Near Real-Time meaning reporting is 15 to 30 minutes post transaction. This data is meant to be directional only, and should not be used for accurate revenue reporting.

For a complete list of Metrics and Dimensions per data view, see Metrics and Dimensions Reference.