What we're about

Ce groupe bilingue réunit les intéressés de WordPress – l'outil de blogue et de conception Web le plus populaire au monde – à Montréal.

This bilingual group is for people in Montreal who are interested in WordPress, the most popular blogging/website software in the world.

Communauté WordPress Montréal / Montreal WordPress Community


WordCamp Montréal


Groupe Facebook / Facebook Group

WordPress Global Community Sponsors help fund WordPress Meetup groups and WordCamps around the world. Thank you to GreenGeeks, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Bluehost, and GoDaddy Pro for their support!

Past events (29)

Erreur 500 - Comment déboguer efficacement ?

Online event

Soirée "Sprint social webdev"

Arcade MTL

WordCamp Montréal 2019

John Molson School of Business

Photos (62)