Zbignev Gečis

Zbignev Gečis

gecisZbignev Gečis – UI/UX dizaineris, IT įmonės “Indigo kids” bendra-įkūrėjas. Dizaino srityje dirba virš 14 metų. Konsultuoja klientus patogumo, verslo proceso optimizavimo, estetikos klausimais.

Dirbo su tokiais prekių ženklais kaip MTV, Swedbank, Ikea, SEB, Commercial Union, Tele2, Philip Morris, Nordea.

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Now ecommerce expert & business owner, but also been working as WordPress developer and project manager for more than 10 years. Lithuanian WP community enthusiast, lt_LT Locale Manager & translator, meetups co-organizer & speaker. Mom of 2, fan of cats, baking, classic rock & all the shades of color red.