This site contains training materials and quizzes for WordPress contributors. Some of the courses are specific to certain teams in the project, while others are more general and cover information that is beneficial to everyone, no matter what work they are doing for WordPress. You can browse the available courses below.

  • Open Source Basics and WordPress

    7 Lessonsin

    In the following lessons, we’ll discuss some principles of open source software described in Eric Raymond’s book  The Cathedral and The Bazaar. Here’s a link to a free version: In his book, Raymond talks about the rise and growth of the open source software movement, focusing closely on the Linux project. Linux was one […]

  • How Decisions are Made in the WordPress Project

    6 Lessonsin

    WordPress is built, maintained, and supported in a highly open and collaborative environment. That open collaboration can make leaders think absolute consensus is required to make any decisions. Consensus is a valuable goal when everyone working toward a decision shares the same resources, information, and values. However, in large organizations sometimes decisions that do not […]

  • Meeting Etiquette

    2 Lessonsin

    WordPress community teams meet regularly to connect in real time. Teams should feel free to find what works for them, but here are the two types that are seen most often. Team Meetings: These are typically scheduled on regular dates and times. Some teams choose to have them weekly or monthly on the same day […]

  • Writing in the WordPress Voice

    2 Lessonsin

    Because the WordPress community is global, it’s important to remember that everyone has different circumstances, knowledge, and levels of experience. As a general rule, all written communication should be clear and friendly, with a tone that’s on the positive side of neutral. Language choice is important since most communication is in text and English. Staying […]

  • Basic Principles of Conflict Resolution

    4 Lessonsin

    Some disagreements come from misunderstandings, while others come from unpleasant mistakes. When disagreements happen in open source it’s best to assume positive intent and remember that “bug-hunting and criticism are always project-labeled, not person labeled.” Creating an inclusive environment is an ongoing process of gentle course correction. No one ever got everything right the first […]

  • WordPress Meetup Organizer Training

    6 Lessonsin

    Welcome to the wonderful world of WordPress meetup organizing! Before we begin When you organize a local WordPress meetup, a number of responsibilities come along with that. The following content will cover all of that and give you some tips on how to encourage your community to be the best it can be. So how does this […]

  • WordCamp Organizer Training

    34 Lessonsin

    This course contains quizzes you may use to test your knowledge of various aspects of WordCamp. The primary source of information for the questions in this course, is the WordCamp Organizer Handbook.

  • WordCamp Mentor Training

    2 Lessonsin

    This course is focussed on helping to equip WordCamp mentors. You can find out more about the WordCamp mentorship program here:

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  • WordPress Community Deputy Training

    17 Lessonsin

    This course is a new approach to training deputies on the Community Team. Previously, we had focused training on tasks, like reviewing applications and budgets, or mentoring organizers. We still want to train people on tasks, but recently we decided to spend more time on open source methods and how they’re used in WordPress community […]

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