
WordPress 1.0

Posted January 3, 2004 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Releases.

I am proud to announce that WordPress 1.0 is now available. As the version number indicates, this is a major step for us and a great deal of effort has gone into it.

Search engine friendly permalinks
You may now structure your permalinks in a manner that is not only more meaningful, semantic, and "cruft-free," but also friendlier to search engines. And all it takes is three steps. A common server module called mod_rewrite is currently required for this functionality.
Multiple Categories
WordPress now supports true multiple categories per post. This means that you could have one post in twenty different categories, if you wanted. Categories also now have a nice URI such as /category/category-name if you have the new permalink option enabled.
Dead simple installation and upgrade
One of the things we most frequently receive feedback about is how easy our installation process is. Well, it got easier. The one configuration file you have to edit, wp-config.php, is now able to be set up through the browser. If you don’t have the proper permissions for that, we have improved instructions to make everything easy for you. Also vastly improved is our new intelligent upgrade code. If you’re upgrading from any previous version of WordPress you can just run upgrade.php and it will intelligently update the database.
Comment moderation
You can now set up comments to be approved before they are displayed on your main site. This in addition to the control you have over whether comments are open or closed from previous versions. We’ve made this system very easy to use and edit hundreds of comments at a time.
XFN Support
XFN is a simple way to reperesent human relationships in hyperlinks. WordPress now allows editing of rel values through an easy interface very similar to the XFN Creator.
Atom Support
WordPress 1.0 supports Atom .3 syndication and auto-discovery.
Edit this page/comment
There is a new template tag (included in the new default template) that shows an link directly to the admin page for editing a post or comment but only if you have the permission to edit it. This means it makes easy for you, but your site visitors never see it.
Major admin interface changes
Ping/TrackBack on edit
New, faster posting interface
Create users from admin page
Cleaned up structure and naming scheme
WordPress now has a consistent and future-minded naming scheme that has cleaned up the file and directory structure considerably.
New OPML import support
You can now import OPML files from blogrolling.com or blo.gs.
Store XML feed URIs with your links
Associate an XML feed with any link, which may later be used for integrated aggregator functionality.
Trackback on edit
You can now send trackback pings when editing a post.
Additional template tags
We’ve added a few template tags for addressing the new fields, such as author and category descriptions, link XML links, et cetera.
Movable Type and Textpattern import tools
You can now easily upgrade to WordPress from any of the following tools: Blogger, Movable Type, Textpattern, b2, and Greymatter. Just run the proper import script in your wp-admin directory and you’re good to go.

See Also:

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