Our Values

With clear values comes alignment. We work together almost every day and without a clear value statement, our motivations and objectives will vary. 

These are our guiding principals that help keep our work and focuses aligned with what is truly important to us as a company of people. We aim to always keep these values at the forefront of all the work we do, whether it be work on a product, work with a customer, or work with a team member.


This is the one and only Earth we have and the conservation of its natural habitats and spaces is of the utmost importance. As a company we commit to investing time and resources into restoration, conservation, and preservation projects every year. We will help preserve and create more green spaces in and around our communities for wildlife and humans alike.

See land conservation #1 and #2.

Give back time

Time is the universal shared commonality, but not all time is equal. We constantly aspire to give more time back to our team, our customers, and ourselves. We work to live, we do not live to work. By saying "no" to pointless meetings and striving for excellence in everything we do and build, we can give our customers, our team, and ourselves more time away from work. This means less time sitting on calls and fixing on-going problems. It doesn't have to be crazy at work.

See vacation policy.

Roam freely

The Earth is a huge place. Embracing a digital and distributed-first ethos grants us tremendous freedom to explore this wonderful world. We will always adamantly protect our freedom to explore and live wherever each of us chooses.

See vacation stipend.

Promote diversity

We recognize that in our communities and in our society there is a severe lack of diversity. We also acknowledge that any company which does not actively go out of its way to help fix this problem is complicit in the perpetuation of the inequities plaguing our society. We are not going to look the other way. We are going to be a part of the solution.

Aim for longevity

Short-term gains and short cuts have cost the world greatly. We make every effort to aim for the long term and build sustainably. We believe that building for our future selves and future generations provide the best returns.

Assume positive intent

Communication is difficult at the best of times. Too often disagreements and resentment stem from misunderstandings and miscommunications. When a message is unclear in its intent, we strive to always assume positive intent and seek better clarification and understanding and not resentment. 

Adhere to strict standards

We must hold ourselves and each other to the highest standards. When the quality of our work or our communication suffers, it is paramount that we address it honestly, openly and without malice. Failure to hold ourselves and each other to strict standards in all that we do is a disservice to ourselves, our team, and our customers. Without standards, we cannot have longevity and we cannot assume positive intent.

Be transparent

We believe that the relationships we have with our team, our customers, our vendors, and our communities are strengthened when we all communicate with honesty and transparency. We share the real finances and the real challenges because seeing the whole picture is vitally important to a healthy team that is honest with each other.

See monthly financial reports.