WeatherIcon v3 Beta

I thought I blogged about this already, but I guess not…

WeatherIcon version 3 is coming along nicely and is already mostly done. It’s been in use for probably a month or so here on my blog. Since it’s stable for the most part, we have allowed public access to it. If you think you’re looking to help out and know your way around WordPress, please consider downloading it and running it on your blog. Thanks! 🙂

WeatherIcon v2.3.1 Finally Released

So after having the version from Garett sit on my computer for like a month, I’ve finally combed through it, fixed some final bugs, added a few more little features, worried for a week or two if I had missed anything, and now released WeatherIcon v2.3.1. This version is pretty much entirely bug fixes with a few new trivial features.

Go download it now! It’s really recommended that you update. 🙂

For a full list of feature changes, Continue reading

WeatherIcon v2.2.0 Released

Garett and I have released a new version of WeatherIcon. Here are the version changes:

  • The sunrise / sunset times are now retrievable from Weather Underground. To enable, check the checkbox in the WeatherIcon configuration page.
  • Changed function argument input format to a query-string-style while keeping backwards compatibility in order to not break existing templates. For details on the query-string-style, see the WordPress Codex.
  • Added the ability to change the name of the WP-Dash widget to the location label. See this screenshot for an example.
  • Expanded “Usage Information” section on the configuration page.
  • Various bugfixes and additional debug information.

For more details, visit the WeatherIcon plugin page where you should also leave any comments.

My Take On “WeatherIcon”

I’ve released a build of the WordPress plugin “WeatherIcon” (original site here) that includes some bug fixes by one of the original authors (Garett) plus most importantly, a widget for WP-Dash (a total replacement for the WordPress Dashboard and is one of the coolest plugins ever).

Here is a screenshot of some examples of the WeatherIcon widget in action:

WeatherIcon WP-Dash Widget Screenshot

More details on my release of WeatherIcon which includes the widget can be found here. Leave comments there.