Two Years

Last Thursday, October 18th, marked the two year anniversary of my leukemia diagnosis. While I’m finally clear of cancer , I certainly didn’t expect it to take this long. But it’s also weird because it hasn’t seemed that long. My whole life was put on pause and I moved in with my mom. I haven’t slept at my place since being diagnosed and I have barely done any of the things with friends that I would normally do. No summers filled with weekend drives. No autocross with the Viper and Corvette clubs. All of the things that marked the passage of the seasons and time.

Thankfully I’m feeling normal-ish now and can get back to my life somewhat. I’m working and finally hanging out with friends again. Unfortunately due to my vision issues though, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to be the driver on a spirited drive through the country with friends again. I’m forced to be a passenger which really sucks. The same likely goes for autocross. Hopefully one day they’ll figure out how to repair optic nerves.

5 thoughts on “Two Years

  1. Alex, I want you to know I have enjoyed ready in your own words your journey these last couple of years! I am praying daily for you to have your vision restored and to stay cancer free. Take care! (My husband Chris and I are volleyball friends with your dad and Brenda.)

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