
Блокирао/ла си корисника @MercedesLV

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  1. Закачен твит
    10. сеп

    Did my dad help you on September 11, 2001? If so, I'm trying to find you. (a thread) On September 11th, 2001 my dad caught a flight in Ohio to fly home to Denver. He was there on business and was anxious to get home to see his family. (1/11)

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  2. 11. сеп

    From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to everyone who has shared my dad’s story. We are completely overwhelmed by the response and the LOVE. To update, we have not heard from any of the 7 yet but we are hopeful. We have received many messages like this from people who knew him:

  3. 11. сеп

    We will never forget

  4. је ретвитовао/ла
    10. сеп

    Please check-out this thread of goodness…

  5. је ретвитовао/ла
    10. сеп

    A thread. Maybe the power of the internet may work here. Good luck with your search Mercedes. May your memories of your dad give you strength.

  6. је ретвитовао/ла
    10. сеп

    Her father helped Coloradans stranded out of state on 9/11 get home safely. He passed away years ago and her wish is to hear from the people he helped that day. And that we might think of acts of kindness like his. I'm sharing this in the hope the right person will see it.

  7. 10. сеп
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  8. 10. сеп

    And I do believe my dad was a hero to 7 people that needed to get to their families in Denver on September 11th, 2001. If you were one of them, please DM me. (11/11)

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  9. 10. сеп

    I know social media is powerful and I'm really hoping this tweet finds those people. I'd love to hear about that drive. His name is Emilio. And I know there were so many heroes that day. I am grateful for each and every one. My dad has and always will be my hero. (10/11)

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  10. 10. сеп

    My dad died from brain cancer on July 24, 2016. I often wonder if those people still remember him. I wonder if on the 20th anniversary of that day, will they think of him for a split second when they reflect on where they were? (9/11)

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  11. 10. сеп

    To him, seeing those people make it to their families when the country was being attacked was the only thing that mattered to him. Many of those people kept in touch with him for several years after 9/11/01. It warmed his heart. We were so proud of him. We still are. (8/11)

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  12. 10. сеп

    If you know the Denver area, it's big. There are many suburbs in the area. But each one got front door service. They all offered to pay him for the cost of the van. He wouldn't accept it. They offered him gas money. He didn't take it. (7/11)

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  13. 10. сеп

    He found 7 strangers, all scared (so was he), that just wanted to get home to their families.The 8 of them hopped in and my dad drove them from Omaha to Denver. When they got to the metro area, he drove every single person to their home. (6/11)

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  14. 10. сеп

    He made a sign out of the box that said "GOING TO DENVER" on it. People started approaching him asking if he was going that way. He said yes, he rented a van and he would be able to take 7 people with him. Word started to get around. (5/11)

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  15. 10. сеп

    When he deplaned and heard what was happening, he made his way to either Avis or Hertz (we aren't sure which one he called), got the van, parked, and went back to the terminal. He found a cardboard box by a trashcan and asked to borrow a sharpie from a ticket agent. (4/11)

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  16. 10. сеп

    My dad knew something was wrong, so as soon as he got cell service, he called one of the rental car companies and asked to rent the biggest van they had. At this point they were still in the air. (3/11)

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  17. 10. сеп

    Shortly after takeoff, the pilot announced that the flight was being grounded. There was a breach of security and they had to land at the nearest airport. That airport was in Omaha. The pilot said he was hoping to have more information for the passengers when they landed. (2/11)

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  18. је ретвитовао/ла
    9. сеп

    🌤 Mercedes in the Morning’s That Was Awkward: The “Kermit The Frog” One 🐸 impersonated a muppet while reporting the weather 😅 spoke gibberish about something important 🤸‍♀️ did and gymnast floor performance

  19. 8. сеп

    Always making our community better! Thank you for all you do !!

  20. 8. сеп

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