The Venture Builder for Human Centric Solutions

LEDGER, an EU funded project, empowers people to solve problems using decentralised technologies such as blockchain, peer to peer or distributed ledger technologies.


We are looking for 32 projects to build Minimum viable products (MVPs) where privacy by design, openness and citizen data sovereignity are at the core of their proposition.


To be up to date

LEDGER offers to the selected projects:

Up to €200.000 equity free

A venture builder programme for up to 12 months with business mentors, camps, technological vouchers, training and demo days.

An expert researcher in residence to support the selected teams along the full programme.

Access to market and support to raise further investment for the best projects in class.

focus on 5 + 1 sectors








Public Services


Energy & Sustainability


Open Innovation

News and blog

LEDGER has successfully closed its 3rd and last Open Call!

LEDGER has successfully closed its 3rd and last Open Call!

LEDGER closed its 3rd Open Call on the 3rd of March, congratulations to all the applicants on their work and dedication in submitting their projects to the LEDGER 3rd Open Call. Finally, there have been 99 applications submitted, from 26 countries! The evaluation...

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About the selection process

About the selection process

An explanation on the selection process after the Review meeting with the European Commission. Dear LEDGER Community, Following the second Jury Day session, we have received some emails questioning the evaluation and selection process to enter the second round of...

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Twitter Feed

CJDNS SASU recently announced its funding agreement with @LedgerEu in order to help shape the development of the Internet.

Co-founder explains how they’ve used #blockchain tech to pay users for contributing unused Internet bandwidth 👉

@pkt_cash @NGI4eu

I am visiting @zkmkarlsruhe witnessing the restoration of the most ancient computer in Europe, the Zuse (Z22), patiently directed by Gabriele Zaverio (MUSIF/MIAI)


Bridging collaboration between the US and the EU
@NGIatlantic is holding an info session on upcoming opportunities!
👉 10 Sept at 4pm

We’ve been tasked by the 🇪🇺 to conduct the most comprehensive Open Source study in many years.

Today, @FraunhoferISI and @OpenForumEurope’s study for the @EU_Commission is out. It’s been over a year of work.

What have we found out? Strap in for a 🧵


The TETRA OPEN CALL to access free of charge consulting from Tenderio Plus starts tomorrow!
Tenderio helps SMEs identify partners and recommends expert consultancies, and you can get that for free🤩
Know + about Tenderio Plus:
@CORDIS_EU #business4NGI

“Community engagement for NGI projects": Community-led growth is a perfect model for open-source projects where development is already driven by community. This webinar will focus on community engagement, user acquisition and retention for NGI projects.

Hey @NGI4eu beneficiaries: Did you know that TETRA helps your project accelerate from “R&D stage” to “Go-To Market stage?💪
We assist you in developing your business taking into account your expertise&skills, free of charge!
+on our website: #business4NGI

#Fed4FIRE+ supports NGI #entrepreneurs & #researchers to accelerate their innovation 🚀 How? Get #funded with our Continuous #OpenCall for SME & #NGI Cascaded Experiments ➡️

@NGI4eu @LedgerEu @NGI_DAPSI @NgiTrust @NGI_Explorers @IDLabResearch @NgiZero