Easy Facebook Like Box


Easy facebook like box display facebook like box. it enable Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website. The Like Box enables users to see page likes, recent posts from the page and Like button and which of friends like this page too.


  1. Facebook Page URL – enter an URL address of your Facebook fan page.
  2. Width – set the width of the like box in pixels.
  3. Height – Set the height of like box in pixels.
  4. Show Faces – choose show or hide faces.
  5. Posts – choose show or hide lastest posts from your facebook fan page.
  6. Cover Photo – choose show or hide Cover Photo.
  7. Support different locales.


Now Shortcode is available in Easy Facebook Like Box and User can easily create shortcode by using widget.

[easy-fb-like-box url=”enter your facebook page url” width=”set your width” height=”set your height” theme=”choose one theme light or dark” faces=”choose true or false” header=”choose ture or false” posts=”choose true or false” border=”choose true or false”]

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  • Facebook Like box in dark color scheme.
  • Facebook Like box in light color scheme.
  • Showing latest post from facebook fan page and faces.
  • Showing latest post from facebook fan page and faces.
  • Copy your facebook page name from url.


Option 1

  1. Upload the entire Easy Facebook Like Box folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Option 2

  1. Download Easy Facebook Like Box.
  2. Goto wordpress dashboard > plugin > add new and click on upload.
  3. Browse Easy Facebook Like Box and click on upload button.
  4. Then click on Activate plugin.


Lite on Free Features

Should be able to place and choose where to display without going to pro version. Pro should be a major upgrade of value added features.
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Contributors & Developers

“Easy Facebook Like Box” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
