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Category Archive: SEO

Wordfence Blog

Hacked Sites Suffer Long Term Search Ranking Penalties

This entry was posted in Learning, Research, SEO, WordPress Security on March 16, 2016 by Dan Moen   14 Replies

During our research into what the WordPress community knows about hacked websites, we discovered that there is very little data available on the subject. We decided to conduct a survey, inviting a portion of our community to participate. We received responses from 1,605 people who reported having a website they manage hacked in the last year. We …
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How referrer spam affects search engine rankings

This entry was posted in SEO, WordPress Security on October 24, 2013 by Mark Maunder   4 Replies

A question I receive fairly often is: Wordfence ran a scan on my site and found a known malicious URL in one of my files. The file is a backup of my database or a log file. Where does this URL come from, what is it’s impact and what should I do about it? I’d …
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