Find, fix, and prevent security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
465 results filtered by Security ×
Apps Backup
By xoperosoftware
Fully manageable, most professional repository and metadata backup and recovery
725 installsBackHub Backups by Rewind
By backhub
Backup your GitHub repos and metadata automatically. Get daily backups that can be restored in seconds – AWS storage available
1.8k installsGuardRails
By guardrailsio
GuardRails provides continuous security feedback for modern development teams
1.7k installsSemgrep
By returntocorp
Code scanning at ludicrous speed. Find bugs, apply guardrails across your repos, and get feedback in PRs, Slack, or email
1.3k installsCloudback Backup
By cloudback
Backups your GitHub repositories, fast and secure
307 installsDebricked
By debricked
Automatically identify, fix and prevent vulnerabilities in your open source dependencies
By NeuraLegion
NexPloit is a Dynamic Application Security scanner powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modern scanning technologies
287 installsScantist SCA
By scantist
Proactive vulnerability management and license compliance for your third-party components
302 installsBluBracket Community Edition
By BluBracket
With the Community Edition, Developers, DevSecOps and AppSec Engrs can quickly detect and monitor for secrets in code
656 installsHackerOne for GitHub
By Hacker0x01
HackerOne streamlines workflow between security and development to speed response, track GitHub issues and remediate faster
15 installsActions
SonarCloud Scan
By SonarSource
Scan your code with SonarCloud to detect bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells in more than 25 programming languages.
322 starsVault Secrets
By hashicorp
A Github Action that allows you to consume HashiCorp Vault™ secrets as secure environment variables
171 starsGP Security Scan
By whitesource
Scan packages and Docker images uploaded to GitHub Packages
53 starsSnyk
By snyk
Check your applications for vulnerabilties using Snyk
148 starsSysdig Secure Inline Scan
By sysdiglabs
Perform image analysis on locally built container image and post the result of the analysis to Sysdig Secure
18 starsGradle Wrapper Validation
By gradle
Validates Gradle Wrapper JAR Files
131 starsKubernetes Security Config Watch
By sysdiglabs
Run security privilege comparison against Kubernetes workloads when a PR is open
19 starsSysdig CIS Dockerfile Benchmark
By sysdiglabs
Run CIS Dockerfile benchmark against dockerfiles in repository (CIS 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, 4.10)
8 starsSecrets Sync Action
By google
Copies secrets from the action's environment to many other repos
195 starsCheckov GitHub Action
By bridgecrewio
Run Checkov against Terraform/CloudFormation infrastructure code, as a pre-packaged GitHub Action
58 starsList your tool on GitHub Marketplace
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