Compliance Policy Management Software Image


A Single Place to Store, Update, and Distribute Policies and Procedures

Spend more time connecting with employees and less time stressing over policy administration. Convercent’s Policy Manager takes care of back-end policy management processes and provides you with a dedicated communication tool, so you’re empowered to reinforce your compliance program values and expectations.

Collect and Organize Compliance and Ethics Policies

Collect and Organize Policies

Empower your ethics and compliance team with access to all the most recent versions of your organizations policies. Convercent’s policy management software provides an intuitive place to add, maintain, and organize these documents, so your team and workforce can find them at a moment’s notice.

Policy Manager makes it easy to add and update policies, no matter the file type—helping you drive organizational efficiency within your day-to-day tasks.

Automate Compliance Policy Reviews

Automate Policy Reviews

Prevent policies from becoming stale and irrelevant. When you add a new policy to Policy Manager, you can create an open task in the future, reminding relevant stakeholders to review and recertify the policy.

Furthermore, use the open task functionality to capture and operationalize processes such as setting up an employee distribution campaigns.

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Policy Version Control

Within Convercent’s policy management tool, each individual policy will retain and store all the older versions of that policy. This allows compliance professionals or outside auditors to see the exact state of that policy at a specific point in time. From the employee point of view, only the most current version of the policy is accessible.


Automate Touchpoints and Track Completions

Convercent’s built-in Campaigns tool connects you directly with your employees. Build an automated or ad-hoc email touchpoint, with specific action items like a new policy attestation. Not only can you tailor your campaigns to only the most relevant employees—you can also track who has completed their actions on time and automate your follow-up.

Explore Campaigns

Distribute Company Policies to Employees

The Secret to Effective Policy Distribution: From policy creation to campaigns to reporting

This ebook is designed to provide a holistic view of a policy’s lifecycle from creating effective policies and how to run an effective campaign to reporting on each policy’s performance and influence. Plus, it includes a free social media policy template inside.

Download Ebook


Simplify Policy Attestation for Your Employees

Minimize the time spent on policy attestations, and maximize your on-time completion rates

Employee Policy Attestation Experience Software

Action Items

Listed Action Items

Upon logging into Convercent, each employee sees their list of incomplete action items.

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Download Before Attest

Employees must download the policy before attesting to it, encouraging a deeper level of engagement with the material.

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One-Step Attestation

A single signature acknowledges that the employee has read, understood, and attests to the attached policy document.


Set Expectations and Clarify Organizational Risk

Your policies set standards for your stakeholders both in the workplace and out. This draws a clear line in the sand for conduct, and clarifies what is and is not an organizational risk. Furthermore, policy attestations provide a layer of defensibilty for your company, in case conduct of misconduct and investigation.

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Signature Icon

Wet Signatures

Instead of an employees simply attesting to a document, enabling wet signatures on your polices will physically amend a signature with date and time stamp to the document, adding an additional layer of defensibility for your organization.

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Related Policies

When paired with Convercent’s Helpline, Policy Manager empowers you to link a hotline case to one or more policies that were violated. You can see which policies are linked to repeated misconduct, identify gaps, and improve your policies.


Contextualize each employee’s relationship with ethics and compliance with Convercent’s Employee Scorecard. The Employee Scorecard aggregates all of an employee’s interactions with the solutions of Ethics Cloud Platform, including policy attestations, Helpline reports, conflicts of interest, and training completions.

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Learn More about Employee Scorecard

See the power of a integrated compliance solution.

Request a demo to see our solutions in action and learn how they can save you time and money.

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