Create a Podcast
in a Few Clicks

Everything You Need to Create,
Manage & Promote Your Podcast

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Your all-in-one podcasting solution

Your all-in-one podcasting solution

With Podbean, you can create professional podcasts in minutes without any programming knowledge. Best of all, everything is mobile-ready right from the start.

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Podbean, your home for podcasting.

Easily start a podcast your audience will love.

Unlimited podcasting

Unlimited podcasting

Unlimited bandwidth and storage for an incredible flat rate. Never pay more no matter how much content you publish or how popular you get!

Comprehensive Stats

Comprehensive Stats

Know exactly how your podcasts are performing and understand your audience better with Podbean's powerful analysis tools.

Customizable Branding

Customizable Branding

Personalize fonts, colors and layouts. Integrate with your branding; it's easy to use your own domain or embed players on your sites.

Reliable Media Hosting

Reliable Media Hosting

Our robust hosting network ensures a smooth experience for your fans, no matter where/how they listen. Secure, fast audio and video hosting.

Share Everywhere

Share Everywhere

Get your podcast heard by people all over the world. Distributes your podcast to all destinations: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, the Podbean Podcast App and more.

Audience Engagement

Audience Engagement

Engage with podcast followers, get feedback, lead podcast discussions, and connect with peers in the popular Podbean podcast app.

Big Monetization Opportunities



A free, simple way to earn money through sponsorship on your podcast.


Premium Content

All the functionality you need to sell special podcast content. Create and sell as much premium content as you want.

Premium Content


A seamless way to convert your podcast fans into patrons, generating a monthly income stream with your listeners' support.


Live Streaming

Lead interactive live audio shows and generate revenue from ticket sales and listener gifts.

Live Streaming
Podbean App Audio Recorder

Create a podcast
from your phone

Record, edit and publish podcasts right from your phone with the free, easy-to-use Podbean app. It’s designed to make you sound great, regardless of your skill level. Learn more about audio recorder app.

Starting a Podcast for Free

Share Your Voice with the World

It all starts with a stunning website.

Get Started


580,000+ Podcasters
11,100,000+ Episodes
8.9 Billion+ Downloads

“When I started down the road to create a podcast, I was starting from scratch. I knew nothing about the process, which required many weeks of research and trial and error. The most pleasant aspect of the whole experience was discovering and choosing Podbean as my hosting service. By the time I came to Podbean, I had already tried a couple of other services which were vastly inferior. Podbean has been a real pleasure to partner with. Podbean makes everything very user friendly, yet very comprehensive as well. I have only praise for their service.”

The Last Symptom

——Brian Barnett,
The Last Symptom

“I switched my food/drinks podcast to Podbean from a different hosting service several months ago, and the impact on my podcast is huge. In particular, the customer service from Podbean is second-to-none. Whenever I have an inevitable question about how to do or tweak something on my end, customer service is there with tangible ways to get the job done, right away. And all this for FAR less than what it costs to host with anyone else. All in all, I'm very pleased with how Podbean has made my food and wine podcast as simple and easy as possible to produce.”

Jaime Lewis

——Jaime Lewis,
CONSUMED with Jaime Lewis

"It's awesome knowing that our show is supported by one of the best in the game when it comes to not only reliability, but affordability as well. We've been able to seamlessly integrate our show through Podbean across all of the major platforms (Apple, Spotify, etc.) and appreciate the depth of insights and analytics Podbean provides on our show and its demographics, at no extra charge. "

The Biology of Superheroes Podcast

——Dr. Shane Campbell-Staton & Arien Darby,

The Biology of Superheroes Podcast