

We’re the Higher Education Web Professionals Association. We educate digital professionals who work at higher education institutions.

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คุณได้บล็อค @HighEdWeb

คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการดูทวีตเหล่านี้ การดูทวีตเหล่านี้ไม่ถือเป็นการยกเลิกการบล็อค @HighEdWeb

  1. 6 ต.ค.

    Missed FormAssembly at ? Visit their website to learn about their innovative solutions for streamlined data collection in , and learn how organizations such as Olivet, USC, & Oxford utilize their solution to improve the student experience!

  2. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    Both exhausted and energized after two days of sessions with some of the best and brightest people I know. Can't wait to spend some time going back for the sessions I haven't gotten to yet, and can't wait to see you all next year in Little Rock for !

  3. 5 ต.ค.

    Check out this Twitter moment for some great highlights from the conference!

  4. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    As we enter the last presentations of , it's been our honor to learn with you this week. Thank you to our attendees, sponsors and -- most of all -- our volunteers & committee. You ARE , and you're fantastic.

  5. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    If you're at today, make sure to take advantage of the break to visit all of all of our AMAZING sponsors. As a bonus, by visiting them, you'll be entered in for a drawing for all kinds of cool HEWeb21 swag including this brand new, vintage jacket!!!

  6. 5 ต.ค.

    In Higher Ed, digital personalization is no longer a luxury, it's a must. Join of , as she highlights a number of ways to get started with personalization without feeling overwhelmed and still see a big impact.

  7. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.
  8. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    "If you want to be a better storyteller, fail a bit more."

  9. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    "Just because you create a story, that doesn't mean it's for public consumption immediately. The act of creation is still in you. The story can become a part of your essence. Just because you created it, doesn't mean you have to release it."

  10. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    "Tell stories in a real way. The way you talk, the way you walk, the way you live." Keynote was engaging from beginning to end. Engaged all the sense.

  11. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    "Being a storyteller is a fantastic responsibility." --

  12. 5 ต.ค.

    What's your theme music, ? Reply and let us know!

  13. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    "Show me in scenes, rather than telling in summary." Love that advice for from .

  14. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    "Who are you? It's a simple question, but not as simple as you might think."

  15. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    "If you can create compelling stories, it's like a drug -- the brain creates dopamine and good chemicals, and we're all just waiting for the next fix."

  16. 5 ต.ค.

    Day 2 of starts soon with our keynote presenter, ! Thanks to our gold sponsor, !

  17. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    Just about 15 minutes to the keynote on Brutally Honest Storytelling with writer and storyteller . What a great start to the morning!

  18. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    Good morning ! If you're registered for the conference you can go back and rewatch sessions from yesterday (which is what I've been doing for the last hour or so). Please fill out the evaluations. They are important!

  19. 5 ต.ค.

    It’s day 2 of ! We love seeing your conference office setups! Reply and show us where you’re watching the conference from today!

    Desk with big monitor and ring light
  20. ได้รีทวีต
    5 ต.ค.

    Day 2 of Conference! Counting down to another day full of inspiring ideas & thought provoking discussions. 💻 🔋 🫖 The laptop is charged and a cup of tea is brewing. Ready for an amazing day!



ทวิตเตอร์อาจรองรับปริมาณผู้เข้าใช้ไม่ไหวหรืออาจมีอาการสะดุดนิดหน่อย ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง หรือลองดูที่ สถานะของทวิตเตอร์ สําหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม

