All-things WordPress Block Editor and Gutenberg plugin

Headshots Ellen Bauer, Carlina Nymark, Anders Noren

Join us at the next Live Q & A on October 7th, 2021 at 16:00 UTC / 12:00 pm EDT

We will discuss with these awsome WordPress Theme developers how they went from building Classic Themes to block-based Themes

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Top Posts & Pages

All-things WordPress Block Editor and Gutenberg plugin
Full-Site-Editing - the Ultimate Resource List
The WordPress Block Patterns Resource List
Using the Query Loop for Custom Post Types,  Block-editor and eCommerce, live coding on Twitch and more - Weekend Edition #186
New Block-Based Widget Screen in Gutenberg 8.9 - First Tests
Changelog #52 -Planning, Scope and Team for WordPress 5.9, Roadmap for WooCommerce Blocks and Gutenberg 11.5
Customizing WordPress Block Editor for Client Projects
Theme.json for WordPress Theme Authors - demo and  Live Q & A w/ Daisy Olson, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong
Gutenberg, Block Editor and WordPress Roadmap
Gutenberg blocks go nested!

Podcast Episodes

Changelog #50 – Preliminary Roadmap to WordPress 5.9, Gutenberg 11.3 release and Navigation Screen and Block Gutenberg Changelog

  1. Changelog #50 – Preliminary Roadmap to WordPress 5.9, Gutenberg 11.3 release and Navigation Screen and Block
  2. Changelog #52 -Planning, Scope and Team for WordPress 5.9, Roadmap for WooCommerce Blocks and Gutenberg 11.5
  3. Changelog #51 – Automattic Becomes a Sponsor, new Gallery Block, Theme.json, and Gutenberg 11.4 Release