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Career boomerang from tech to education and back to tech. Now . @[email protected]
SoCalscottdayman.comJoined November 2015

sdayman’s Tweets

I thought I'd give a shoutout for making my life easier. I wiped my Mac because I wanted a fresh start and all my important stuff is on iCloud. Thanks to Backblaze, even dumb little things like Firefox Bookmarks and SSH Config are easy to restore.
I just realized I now have to shave *more* now that I WFH because more people will see my unmasked face. Yet I still fully dress as if I’m going out to work. Except today is shorts day due to unseasonably warm weather.
I haven't heard this answered, nor through my weak search skills: #ask1password, how safe is it to use 1Password (extension or web version) on a company laptop or school Chromebook? I always treat those devices as if I have no privacy.
I like how SFGATE says *this* is the year Disneyland finally prices out their loyal fans. I hear that every time Disney raises admission prices, and it has yet to shrink the crowds. The SFGATE article even says households with income between 25-75K are most likely to attend. Huh?
And while he was under the house, I should have had him run Cat5 (or whatever it was at the time) everywhere as well. Yes, WiFi is nifty, but there's gotta be hard wiring *somewhere*…especially for access points.
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As I play with more IoT things, I simultaneously want to kick myself for not having the electrician run Neutral to all light switch boxes during the rewiring, and wonder why it didn't even cross my mind. Though it's been about 14 years and maybe it wasn't "a thing" back then.
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I'm proud of my boy for taking the initiative to move beyond his iPod's 4-digit PIN to the custom alphanumeric code. And running it by just to see if it was decent. First try netted 22 breaches.
Our home phone number, which is just a voicemail box, is getting absolutely hammered today by spoofed local prefix calls. About twenty so far.
Is it just me, or does X not work in Firefox under Big Sur? I've installed it and even enabled it to work in private windows, but clicking on the icon in the browser bar does nothing. I can't find anywhere that would show me errors or warnings.
I’ve been avoiding social media for the past week. I finally feel unstressed enough to return. This week’s good news should help carry me through anything for at least the next four years.
I was thinking about donating a dollar to for every lie 🍊🤡 said in the debates. After last night, I realized how broke I’d be. Sent a fixed amount instead.
My wife's boss dropped off two AC5350B air purifiers because he knew the smoke was affecting us. That was super thoughtful (almost a one hour drive each way) and much appreciated. Yes, they're working great!
Well…it looks like I'm already paying Apple One Premier level fees for my current subscriptions. Not sure if Premier is Family enabled as well.
I was going to wait for to tell me ten more times to sign up to be a poll worker before I was convinced he was serious, but that's probably going to take at least five days and I couldn't wait. I guess my city is full, so we'll see where I end up (<5 miles, please).
Wow, *someone* in Europe has a lot of highways. I can tell they're not done yet because the north still has a lot of relatively big empty patches.
I was going to take the family for a local-ish getaway (from the smoke), but spent the morning painter's taping window gaps instead for a more enjoyable indoor experience. And lidded the chimney (no, we don't use our fireplace, and it has no damper; yes, it's an old house).