
Completely Booked Podcast

Completely Booked logo

I began producing the Completely Booked Podcast with the second season in June 2019.  We released weekly episodes.  I recorded the audio using Shure SMB7 microphones connected to Adobe Audition with a Focusrite Scarlett 18i8.  I spoke on some of the episodes by reading ads and interjecting comments.  I co-hosted the TubaChristmas episode.

Jacksonville Public Library - BackdropCMS

Backdrop version of

In July of 2019 I attended the DrupalCamp in Asheville, NC.  The first day I attended a training class on BackdropCMS.  Backdrop is a fork of Drupal.  Basically it is a new and improved version of Drupal 7 with an easier upgrade path than Drupal 8.  It seemed like a wonderful fit for my organization.  After returning I did the upgrade and worked on the site enough to prove that it would work.  The plan at the moment is to begin using the site in the next fiscal year beginning in October and host it on Pantheon.

Jacksonville Public Library - Drupal 7

Homepage of had been mostly unchanged from 2007 to 2016. The old site was not responsive for viewing on mobile devices. This was a priority for the new site.  I worked on a team of three that built out a new public website using Drupal.  We continue to work with the agency that developed the site.

I Love JPL Blog

I Love JPL Blog

Because the old public website was difficult to update, the library also had a blog. It was a WordPress site. The content of the WordPress blog was migrated to the Drupal site using the WordPress Migrate module. I researched how to do this and did it myself after the model was installed by our contracted agency.  New content is now added within Drupal using a custom content type and displayed on the site using Views.

JPL Intranet

Homepage of the Intranet

The library has an Intranet site for the library called JPL Neighborhood. I've been working with the site since 2012. Small edits to the site have been made over the years in addition to adding content. The circulation procedure page was formerly an old fashioned HTML Table of Contents. I used JQuery UI to make the page slightly more modern with accordions.

First Coast Pops

First Coast Pops

I play trombone in a community orchestra. Last year I inherited the website. I maintain it. Since it is built with Weebly and our hosting will soon expire I have ideas on changing it. The content doesn't update very often so it seems like a candidate for a static site generator. That might be GatsbyJS, Jekyll, or Hugo.


Friendship Fountain at Night

A few years ago the library purchased a DSLR camera and made me learn how to use it. Now I take a lot of photos. I've tried to sell some on Adobe Stock

I use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop extensively.

I also own two 360 cameras. I've uploaded panoramas to Google Maps that have been viewed over five million times and I am a Street View trusted photographer.


YouTube Channel

I've been an active contributor to the library's YouTube channel for the past couple of years.  The videos have been a mix of marketing, recording library programs, and training videos.  I edited with Adobe Premiere Pro.