2021 Brazilian protests

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2021 Brazilian protests
Fora Bolsonaro em Campinas 29.05.2021 01.jpg
Anti-government protest in Campinas, May 29, 2021
DateJanuary 15, 2021 – ongoing
 Brazil — 45 cities in 21 states (data from January 23)
 Brazil — 213 cities in 27 states (data as of May 29)[1]
World — 14 cities
 Brazil — 366 cities in 27 states (data as of June 19)
World— 53 cities
 Brazil - 160 cities in 27 states (data as of September 7)
World - 13 cities
 Brazil - 206 cities in 27 states (data as of October 2)
World - 23 cities
Caused bypro-Government
  • Handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by governors and mayors
  • adoption of horizontal isolation policies
  • decisions of the Supreme Federal Court
  • support for Jair Bolsonaro's handling of the pandemic
  • support for ballot voting
  • support for gun rights


  • Handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by the government
  • support vaccination campaigns against COVID-19
  • Repudiation of denialism
  • Flexibilization of horizontal isolation policies
  • Defense of doctors and nurses
  • Increase in food and gasoline prices
  • Defense of public companies that are suffering from administrative reforms
  • Memory to the victims of COVID-19 in Brazil
  • Opposition to government-sponsored "Covid Kit"
  • Budget cuts at federal universities
  • Support for COVID-19 CPI
  • Opposition against the Government and president
  • Combat against racism and Homophobia
  • Support for the 2020–2021 United States civil unrest
  • Support for the COVID-19 CPI
  • Support for Federal Institutions and the Supreme Court
  • End of horizontal isolation policies
  • Federal intervention on states
  • Stay of Jair Bolsonaro's presidency
  • Impeachment of STF's judges, specially Alexandre de Moraes, or suspension of STF's powers
  • Changing of voting system to ballot voting, or voting by both electronic voting and ballot
  • Disqualification of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as a Presidential candidate in 2022 election


  • Resignation or impeachment of President Jair Bolsonaro
  • Maintenance of a Democratic State
  • Withdrawal of the Bolsonaro-Mourão ticket
  • Fresh general elections
  • Force the public prosecutor to proceed with the impeachment processes against President Jair Bolsonaro
  • Stabilization of the economy
  • Confront the pro-government protests
  • Return of horizontal isolation policies
  • Better handling of COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Resignation of Eduardo Pazuello from the Ministry of Health
  • Return of emergency aid with an approximated value of R$600.00
  • Return of horizontal isolation policies
  • End of the repression to the black population
  • Environmental protection
  • Demarcation of indigenous lands
  • Disqualification of Jair Bolsonaro as a Presidential candidate in the 2022 election.
  • The guarantee of the 2022 election keeping electronic votes
Parties to the civil conflict





Supported by:
 Argentina[citation needed]


  • Pro-Government Groups
  • Government Ministers
  • Parts of the Military and the Civil Police
Supported by:
 Chile[citation needed]
Lead figures
Non-Centralized leadership,
Some notable people participating:

Partido dos Trabalhadores:
Fernando Haddad

Partido Democrático Trabalhista:
Ciro Gomes

Partido Socialismo e Liberdade:
Guilherme Boulos

Central dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras do Brasil:
Adilson Gonçalves de Araújo

Central Única dos Trabalhadores:
Sergio Nobre

Movimento Brasil Livre:
Kim Kataguiri
Renan Santos

Movimento Vem pra Rua:
Rogerio Chequer

Magno Karl
Jair Bolsonaro
Eduardo Bolsonaro
Hamilton Mourão
Eduardo Pazuello
Ricardo Salles
Marcelo Queiroga
Sara Winter

May 29, 2021 420,000

June 19, 2021 750,000

July 3, 2021 800,000[6]

October 2, 2021 on the Avenida Paulista[7]:

  • 8,000
    (according to the military police)
  • 100,000
    (according to the organizers)

7 September 2021

  • In Brasília: 400 000 (military police (extraoficial)[8]
  • In São Paulo: 125 000 (military police)[9]
Pro-government protest in Paulista Avenue, São Paulo, September 7, 2021

The 2021 Brazilian protests are popular demonstrations that took place in different regions of Brazil, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Protests both supporting and opposing government happened.[10]

It was also the first time when sectors linked to the two antagonistic sides, such as the left and the right, began to protest against the government over a common goal, holding caravans on January 23 and 24, 2021.[11][12][13]


Bolsonaro's claims[edit]

On January 5, 2021, President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro, meeting with supporters, reportedly affirmed that “the country is broken” and “I can't do anything about it”. He also attacked the press, affirming that it “gave power to the [corona]virus”.[14] There were many specialists talking about it the next day, and Bolsonaro said, in a tone of irony, that the country “is well, its a marvel”, and that the press made a “terrible wave” of his affirmation.[15][16][17] While Bolsonaro's opposition claims he is “playing with the country”,[18] his supporters claim he was talking about the federal income tax exemption ceiling, that he can not increase it because of the tax cuts to fight COVID-19.[19]

State of Amazonas’ Health Crisis[edit]

On January, a health crisis happened in the State of Amazonas, and some of its effects were the depletion of oxygen at the state and the collapse of the hospitals' capacity. On January 18, the Attorney General of the Union (AGU) said to the Federal Supreme Court that the government knew about the possibility of the oxygen crisis in the state, and that one of the measures by the Union was delivering to the state 120,000 tablets of hydroxychloroquine, a drug with disputed efficacy for COVID-19, Even with the start of vaccination against COVID-19 on January 18, the president again insisted on early treatment.[20][21] The AGU also said, however, that the Health Ministry only knew about the oxygen depletion on January 8.[22]

‘Covaxingate’: allegations of corruption at Covaxin's contract[edit]

On June 23, Federal Deputy Luís Miranda (DEM-DF) denounced a corruption scandal involving Covaxin's buy contract by Bolsonaro's government, in a live national transmission of CNN Brasil. He affirmed that he got the information with his brother, Ricardo.[23] The same day, a press conference at the Planalto Palace was organized, aired live by TV Brasil, where the Federal Government confronted Miranda's claims,[24] and Bolsonaro affirms that it was all a typo.[25] The scandal was named “Covaxingate” by some press corporations.[26][27][28] Precisa Medicamentos’ owner (the company that intermediated Covaxin's contract), Francisco Emerson Maximiano, sent to the COVID-19 CPI a letter that, according to CNN Brasil itself, “deny brothers”,[29] while Bharat Biotech said Brazil bought Covaxin by the same price as other countries[30][31] with better purchasing conditions, denying any overpricing.[32][33]

AstraZeneca bribery scandal[edit]

On June 29, the Brazilian journal Folha de S.Paulo published an interview with Luiz Paulo Dominguetti Pereira, a Davati Medical Supply's representative. Luiz Pereira said that, on February 25, he met with Roberto Ferreira Dias, Logistics Director at the Health Ministry, in Brasília Shopping, to negotiate 400 million doses of the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. According to VEJA's reporting on the interview, “To make up such 'group', said the representative of Davati Supply, the representative of the Ministry of Health would have stated that it would be necessary to "add 1 dollar" per dose of vaccine, for bribes. [...] He claims that he refused the request for a bribe. After the case, he would have had contact with the representative of the Ministry of Health on other occasions, but the agreement did not go forward”.[34] However, Davati said Dominguetti Pereira is neither a company's representative nor an employee,[35] and AstraZeneca denied having any intermediaries in Brazil, or negotiating with the private market, state governments and municipalities.[36][37][38]

Economic crisis[edit]

Since 2014, Brazil has been in an economic crisis, caused mainly by a political crisis that culminated in the impeachment of then-President Dilma Rousseff, but also by the 2014 commodity price shock, which had a negative impact on exports. The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns exacerbated the situation: the GDP of Brazil decreased by 4.1% in 2020,[39] while 18 million fell into poverty, making poverty triple in one year.[40] Unemployment reached 36.6 million, equivalent to one Canada unemployed.[41] In a period of 15 days during the pandemic, 522,000 businesses went bankrupt.[42]

Supreme Federal Court (STF) inquiries and rulings[edit]

The Fake News Inquiry[edit]

On March 14, 2019, the then-Supreme Federal Court president, Minister Dias Toffoli, opened an inquiry (Inquiry n. 4781) to investigate fake news against the Court's members, indicating Minister Alexandre de Moraes as rapporteur.[43] The inquiry was labeled ‘inquisitorial’,[44] ‘unconstitutional’[44][45] and ‘illegal’.[46] The Prosecutor General of the Republic (PGR) asked the STF, in May 2020, to archive the case,[47] but this did not happen.[48]

Crusoé’s article about Toffoli removed[edit]

On April 12, 2019 (effective April 15), Moraes censored Revista Crusoé's article about Dias Toffoli, based on documents obtained by Operation Car Wash, where, on July 13, 2007, Marcelo Odebrecht asked to Adriano Maia and Irineu Meireles, via message, if they reached an agreement about Madeira River's hydroelectric plants with “the friend of my father's friend”. The Operation asked to Odebrecht about these messages, and Odebrecht answered:

It refers to discussions that Adriano Maia had with the AGU on issues involving the hydroelectric dams of the Madeira River. ‘Friend of my father's friend’ refers to José Antônio Dias Toffoli. The nature and content of these discussions, however, can only be properly clarified by Adriano Maia, who led them.[49]

Moraes, the next day after the reporting was published, censored the reporting, affirming that there was a “clear abuse at the content of the reporting”.[50] The decision was widely criticized by the Brazilian press, being labeled by it unconstitutional,[51] and by the Order of Attorneys of Brazil,[52] and the censorship heated discussions about the creation of a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry to investigate the Superior Tribunals (STF, Superior Tribunal of Justice - STJ, Superior Military Tribunal - STM, Superior Electoral Court - TSE and Superior Labor Court - TST), often called the “Lava Toga CPI”.[53][54] Even STF ministers, such as Marco Aurélio Mello[55] and Celso de Mello,[56] criticized Moraes’ decision. Moraes later revoked his order.[57]

Arrest of Deputy Daniel Silveira[edit]

On February 16, 2021, Moraes arrested Federal Deputy Daniel Silveira, for unbailable crime, based on the Fake News inquiry,[58] after he criticized the STF, decision unanimously confirmed by the Court[59] and later approved by the Chamber of Deputies.[60] The decision was labeled unconstitutional by jurists Dircêo Torrecillas Ramos and Matheus Falivene.[61]

Lula's release from prison[edit]

On November 7, 2019, the STF, by 6 votes against 5, vetoed second instance arrest, affirming that someone may only be arrested after the res judicata. The decision paved the way to former president Luís Inácio Lula da Silva be free, and 5,000 others.[62] STF's critics claimed the Court “finished with second instance arrest”.[63] The day after, Lula was released.[64] At that time, a Real Time Institute research affirmed that 50% of the Brazilians disagreed with Lula's release, and 56% disagreed with the Court's decision.[65]

Lula's sentences nullified[edit]

On March 8, 2021, Minister Edson Fachin nullified Lula's sentences on Operetion Car Wash,[66] decision soon criticized by many deputies.[67] The decision would be later confirmed by the STF plenary, in an 8x3 vote, defeated Ministers Nunes Marques, Marco Aurélio Mello and the Court's president, Luiz Fux.[68] According to a Paraná Pesquisas search, 57.5% of the Brazilians disagreed with the decision.[69] In parallel, on March 23, the 2nd Class of the STF formed a majority to declare then-Judge Sérgio Moro biased when judging Lula, after Lula-appointed Minister Cármen Lúcia reverted her vote, reverting the class’ 3x2 majority against Lula to a 3x2 majority in favor of Lula.[70] The decision was later confirmed by the Court, forming a majority on April 22 in Lula's favor. The plenary's judgment, however, was suspended, after Minister Marco Aurélio Mello asked more time to make an analysis. Minister President Luiz Fux, then, suspended rapidly the judgment, because Ministers Luís Roberto Barroso and Gilmar Mendes started a discussion. At that time, the vote was 7x2 in Lula's favor.[71] The judgement ended on June 23, after the votes of Marco Aurélio and Luiz Fux, both voting against, leading to a 7x4 vote in Lula's favor. At that time, Marco Aurélio said that Lula “was politically resurrected” by the Supreme Federal Court.[72]

Criticism to the Court[edit]

As a result, the Court was widely criticized. Critics often said that the Supreme Federal Court was “tearing the Constitution”[73][74][75][76][77] or acting like it was the Constitution's owner, as described in a Gazeta do Povo editorial:

If politicians activate the Supreme Court so that ministers “draw” what they know is explicit in the Magna Carta, and if the ministers agree with pleasure in doing so, it is only because they feel they own the Constitution, hovering above it instead of judging themselves subject to the Greater Law.[78]

The Court was also labeled a “shame,[75] a “court of exception”,[79][80] “perfidious”,[81] reason for “juridical insecurity”,[82][83] a defender for impunity,[84] partial,[85] de facto legislator and censorior,[86] interferer into the other powers,[87] “apequenated”[88] and a threat to democracy.[89] According to a PoderData search, 42% of Brazilians disapprove the Court's work.[90]

Super request for impeachment[edit]

On June 30, politicians of the left and of the right presented a “super request” for Bolsonaro's impeachment, in an event that included former government supporters Joice Hasselman and Kim Kataguiri, along with other socialist deputies. The “super request” was a compilation of over 120 other requests, and appointed 23 supposed responsibility crimes committed by Bolsonaro.[91] Pro-government deputies criticized the proposal. Federal Deputy Carlos Jordy, for example, said that the request

Is unfounded, doesn't have a single responsibility crime. And they seized on several issues that are raised by the extreme press, by a large part of the press, by the opposition, talking about alleged cases of corruption that there wasn't even an investigation to prove them.[92]

Arthur Lira rejects request[edit]

Hours after the request was presented, Chamber of Deputies’ President, Arthur Lira, rejected the proposal, affirming that “Impeachment, as a political action, we do not do it with discourse, we do it with materiality, which has not yet been proven”.[93] He also, ironically, criticized the COVID-19 CPI, affirming that it is “doing a great, really impartial, job”.[93][94]

Impeachment calls[edit]

In the midst of the political crisis, a profile called @sos_impeachment appeared on Twitter, with the objective of taking a voting score through positions. Until January 25, 2021, there were 111 votes in favor and 76 against the impeachment of Bolsonaro.[95] Taking advantage of the engagement, the Movimento Vem pra Rua, the Movimento Brasil Livre and the former candidate for president of the Republic for the Partido Novo, João Amoêdo, launched on January 21 a petition for Bolsonaro's impeachment. As of January 25, there have already been over 200 thousand subscriptions on the change.org platform.[96] During the months of April and May, the movements against Bolsonaro and for the Impeachment regained strength, starting to have pressure even from artists and digital influencers. Among the people who signed a collective request published on May 24, 2021, are former RecordTV presenter Xuxa Meneghel, sports commentator Walter Casagrande, the youtuber and main government opponent Felipe Neto, the priest Júlio Lancelotti and the actress Júlia Lemmertz. In addition to being famous, doctors and scientists also signed the letter.[97] The requests also started to use the context of pro-government movements with threats of military or federal intervention to counter the restriction measures used by mayors and governors during the critical period of the Pandemic, including pro-government demonstrations held on May 15 in Brasília as part of the movement entitled March of the Christian Family for Freedom and on May 23 in Rio de Janeiro, with the presence of the former Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello , including one of the targets of the COVID-19 CPI and until then hadn't had given testimony.[98][99][100]



Protest against the government of President Jair Bolsonaro in Campinas on 29 May 2021


January 15, 2021[edit]

On that day, the first cacerolazo against the government took place in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Goiânia, Salvador, Florianópolis, São José dos Campos, Belém, Recife and Porto Alegre.[101][102] The acts began at 8:30 pm after a call on social networks using the slogan "No oxygen, no vaccine, no government ", having the support of some sectors of the left, right, center and some celebrities, being them the presenter Luciano Huck.[103][104]

March 23, 2021[edit]

In many Brazilian cities, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Fortaleza, Curitiba, Maringá, Niterói, Goiânia, Porto Alegre, Vitória, João Pessoa, Salvador, Recife and Natal, were registered new cacerolazos, during the speech on the national network of President Jair Bolsonaro.[105][106] On that day, Brazil surpassed the mark of 3 thousand deaths by COVID-19 for the first time. According to the press, the cacerolazos were more popular than the last time, which was a reflection of the president's fall in popularity since the beginning of the year. Although the speech lasted 4 minutes, the protests lasted for more than 5 minutes.[107][108] The following day, the television program on the Rede Globo presented by Ana Maria Braga, the Mais Você, opened with a cacerolazo, demonstrating against Bolsonaro. The presenter said: "Each one gets the cacerolazo they deserve".[109]

June 2, 2021[edit]

During his speech, President Bolsonaro was the target of cacerolazos in several cities in the country, including the main capitals, such as São Paulo, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, among others. Protesters criticized the lack of measures taken by the federal government in the fight against COVID-19. The statement was made in the context of street demonstrations held on May 29 and the COVID-19 CPI in progress. The transmission also took place hours after the announcement of the forecast by the governor of São Paulo, João Doria (PSDB), that the entire adult population of his state will be vaccinated against COVID-19 until the end of October.[110][111]


January 23, 2021[edit]

Several Brazilian cities registered motorcades, bike rides and horns against the government, being organized by leftist sectors such as the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), Central dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras do Brasil (CTB), Frente Brasil Popular, Povo sem Medo e o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, in addition to having the presence of sympathizers of political parties such as the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado (PSTU), Partido Democrático Trabalhista (PDT), Rede Sustentabilidade (REDE), Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (PSOL), Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB), Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), Partido Verde (PV), Cidadania and Popular Unity (UP). In addition to the shouts and signs written "Fora Bolsonaro", the presence of Brazilian flags, social movements such as the LGBTQIA+ and banners in some homes were also recorded.[112][113][114] In all, 21 Brazilian capitals and the Federal District had acts against the government.[115]

January 24, 2021[edit]

Organized by the right-wing groups Movimento Brasil Livre and Movimento Vem pra Rua, acts were registered in some Brazilian cities against the government, also through caravans, motorcades and cycling tours. In several vehicles, there were posters asking for the departure of the president and the minister of health, in addition to the phrase "Brazilian Lives Matter" and various ironies regarding the use of chloroquine and the phrases said by Bolsonaro in meetings and quotes to his children Flávio Bolsonaro, Carlos Bolsonaro and Eduardo Bolsonaro.[116] In front of the Paulo Machado de Carvalho Municipal Stadium, a green and yellow banner with the phrase "Impeachment Já!" written on it was extended, The same one used in the Protests against the Dilma Rousseff government.[117][118]

January 31, 2021[edit]

New acts were registered in at least 56 Brazilian cities against the government, being organized by movements of the left and some of the right. In Brasilia, participants wore plastic bags on their faces to show suffocation, as a response to the oxygen crisis in Amazonas, in addition to participants consuming condensed milk, after the disclosure of a shopping list for the government on the 24th. There were also mobilizations abroad with the tag #StopBolsonaro.[119][120][121][122][123]

February 20, 2021[edit]

Despite the weakening of the requests for impeachment in the Chamber of Deputies, there were still caravans and motorcades in various different parts of the country asking for the president's removal, in addition to the resumption of vaccination in some cities and the return of emergency aid. The protests took place in 65 cities.[124][125][126]

Demonstrations in the Streets[edit]

May 29, 2021[edit]

Members of syndicalist unions and football clubs, together with leftist parties, announced protests in at least 85 cities, starting to adopt, in addition to demands such as the return of emergency aid at R$600.00, repudiation of denial, criticism of the encouragement of the use of drugs without proven efficacy against the new coronavirus and support for vaccination campaigns, agendas such ending the budget cuts for education, fighting police repression against the black population, using the context of the Massacre of Jacarezinho and the support for COVID-19 CPI, which investigates actions of Federal and local Governments during the pandemic, especially the use of drugs without proven efficacy against COVID-19 and the refusal to purchase vaccines.[127] According to the organizers, at least 213 cities had acts against the government, 128 more than announced,[1] and 420,000 demonstrators reportedly attended the protests. [128]

In Brasília, some demonstrators carried banners in support of the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, as well as demands against governor Ibaneis Rocha (MDB). According to the organization, more than 30,000 people participated in the protests in the federal capital.[129] In Recife, there was repression by the Pernambuco Military Police against protesters, resulting in the Daniel Campelo case, where three people were injured and four were arrested. Among the wounded, there were two men who were not at the protest and were hit in the eyes, partially losing their sight.[130][131] During the repression, the local councilor, Liana Cirne, from PT, tried to negotiate with police officers who were in a vehicle, but was attacked with pepper spray. The governor of the state, Paulo Câmara, and his deputy, Luciana Santos said they did not authorize the use of force against the protesters.[132] A day earlier, the Public Ministry would have recommended the organizers to not hold protests in the region. [133] In São Paulo, the protests blocked the two lanes of the Avenida Paulista, occupying seven blocks, starting at the height of the São Paulo Art Museum (MASP). The demonstration ended with the dispersal of the participants in the Rua da Consolação, going towards the Praça Roosevelt. Although there was agglomeration, protocols such as the use of masks and social distancing were observed in some points, as well as in some cities, where there were acts organized in Indian lines. According to organizers, 80 thousand people would have attended the protest in São Paulo.[134][135] Artists from TV Globo such as Samantha Schmutz, Julia Lemmertz, Maria Ribeiro, Mônica Martelli, Ana Hikari, Renata Sorrah, Fernanda Lima, Guta Stresser, Luisa Arraes and Paulo Betti, in addition to the presenter of GNT Astrid Fontenelle and the writer Gregorio Duvivier were among the participants in the movements.[136][137] There were also international mobilizations in the cities of Berlin (Germany), London (United Kingdom), Lisbon (Portugal), Brussels (Belgium), Paris (France), Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Geneva (Switzerland). [138][139]

June 19, 2021[edit]

A second act took place on that date, also bringing together social movements.[140][141] According to the organization, more than 400 cities were expected to participate in the movement.[142] The presence of the ex- President Lula, the demonstration in São Paulo, which took place again on Avenida Paulista, a fact that had repercussions among organizations, in addition to the politician himself not confirming whether he would go, fearing to turn the protests into an electoral platform.[143]

The protests on June 19 were considered by organizers to be significantly larger than those on May 29, with 427 events taking place in 366 cities in all states, including the Federal District, and in all capitals across the country, attracting 750,000 people.[144] In the city of São Paulo, where the biggest demonstration of the day took place, about nine blocks of Avenida Paulista were occupied, which was blocked in both directions. During the demonstrations in São Paulo, there was a release of red balloons in honor of the victims of COVID-19, coinciding with the moment when the country registered 500 thousand deaths from the pandemic. In addition, there were reports of vandalism, with a small group raiding two banks, including a branch located at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, a bus stop was also raided, and a dumpster was set on fire.[145] According to the Popular Brazil Front and the People Without Fear front, around one hundred thousand demonstrators would have participated in the demonstration on São Paulo Avenue that day and, according to the Human Rights Commission of the OAB, the demonstration reached an extension of 1.8 km, from Rua da Consolação to Avenida Paulista.[146] In the city of Rio de Janeiro, the concentration began in the morning, at the statue of Zumbi dos Palmares, in Praça eleven. After concentration, the group walked to Presidente Vargas Avenue, occupying three lanes, in the direction of Candelária. Protesters also held a minute of silence in honor of the then 500,000 COVID-19 victims in the country.[147][148] In Recife, the protest ended with a symbolic hug on the bridges where workers were wounded in the repression of the military police against the May 29 demonstration.[149] In Brasília, Indians from various tribes also participated in the demonstrations, asking for the demarcation of indigenous lands.[150][151]

Abroad, the acts take place in eight cities in Germany, four cities in Argentina, one city in Austria (the capital Vienna), one city in Belgium (the capital Brussels), four cities in Canada, one city in Denmark (Aarhus), three cities in Spain, eight cities in United States, one city in Finland (the capital Helsinki), two cities in France, one city in Greece (the capital Athens), three cities in the Ireland, one city in Italy (Bologna), one city in the Netherlands (the capital Amsterdam), six cities in Portugal, three cities in United Kingdom, a city in Czech Republic (the capital Prague), a city in Sweden (the capital Stockholm), two cities in Switzerland, and a city in Venezuela (the capital Caracas). In all, 53 cities have confirmed acts, in addition to having taken place the day before in Washington and one scheduled to take place the following day in Rome.[152][153]

June 26, 2021[edit]

After the "Covaxingate" revelations of the Federal Deputy Luis Miranda (DEM-DF) and his brother Luis Ricardo Miranda on Friday (25th) the COVID-19 CPI found a scheme of overpricing in the acquisition of Covaxin vaccine doses, in the afternoon of the following day a group of protesters formed by the movement Esquerda Diário and the party Unidade Popular held a demonstration in São Paulo on Avenida Paulista, near the Museum of Arts (MASP), demanding the president's impeachment. According to the protesters, the protest was just a "warm up" for the demonstrations at the national level on the 3rd and 24th of July[154] There were also events in Santa Catarina in at least four cities, as the protests did not take place in on June 19 due to heavy rains, in addition to serving as a response to the president's visit to Chapecó.[155]

At the same time, there were also demonstrations in ten states and the Federal District against PL 490, known as the "marco temporal", which limits the demarcation of indigenous lands.[156][157]

June 30, 2021[edit]

There was an act in Brasília with the objective of pressuring the President of the Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira (PP-AL) to open one of Jair Bolsonaro's impeachment requests, in addition to marking the day for the delivery of the "super request", which is signed by the parties of opposition, federal deputies Joice Hasselmann (PSL-SP) and Alexandre Frota (PSDB-SP) and social movements.[158][159] Participating members included leftist movements such as the National Union of Students (UNE), Black Coalition for Rights, Popular Unity, Central Sindical e Popular Conlutas (CSP-Conlutas) and others, in addition to the president PT Gleisi Hoffmann and movements linked to the right such as the Free Brazil Movement and federal deputies Joice Hasselmann and Kim Kataguiri (DEM-SP).[160][161]

July 3, 2021[edit]

New demonstrations are organized for this day, both in more than 300 Brazilian cities and cities abroad, against the handling of the pandemic by President Bolsonaro and the alleged irregularities on the vaccination campaign. Union leader Vagner Freitas said that this is "the most important day of protests to secure an investigation and potential impeachment" of Bolsonaro.[162] Protests are also sparked due to the threat by Bolsonaro of not recognizing defeat in the 2022 election due to electoral fraud after the opposition's claim that Bolsonaro will lose the election.[163] Among the cities abroad with protests are Freiburg and Berlin (in Germany), Cambridge in the United Kingdom, Geneva in Switzerland and Dublin, in Ireland.[164]

The protests were later measured in tens of thousands[165] with BBC News reporting that the protests were also motivated by allegations of corruption in the purchase of vaccines.[165]

In São Paulo, protestors burned a bank agency and plundered a bus stop, a vehicle shop and a university. São Paulo State Military Police tried to disperse the protestors with pepper spray and moral effect bombs, but they answered, attacking the policemen with sticks, stones, rockets, railings and bikes. A policemen was hurt, and two were arrested.[166][167][168] Bolsonaro criticized the protests on his Twitter account. He said that “[n]o genocide will be pointed out. No authoritarian escalation or "anti-democratic act" will be cited. No threat to democracy will be warned. No search and apprehension will be made. No secrecy will be broken. Remember: it was never for health or democracy, it has always been for power!”.[169]

July 13, 2021[edit]

Social movements and trade union centrals called for an act in Cinelândia, in Rio de Janeiro, asking for the impeachment of President Jair Bolsonaro. The demonstration started peacefully but ended in riots. Police used pepper spray, stun bombs and Batons to disperse the protesters. A man and a woman were arrested for making graffiti[170][171]

July 23, 2021[edit]

In Belo Horizonte, a group of protesters set fire to tires on the Rua dos Caetés in an act against the government. The act took place in the early morning without any records of fighting.[172] In Curitiba, a group of protesters gathered in the center of the capital, and after a discussion, councilor Renato Freitas, from the Workers' Party , who participated in the protest, was detained by municipal guards on the allegation of aggression, which he denies. The councilor claims to have been a victim of arbitrary and racist violence.[173] Renato was released three hours later. Both his party and the Brazilian Bar Association repudiated the prison. [174]

July 24, 2021[edit]

Social movements and left-wing organizations decided, on June 22nd, to schedule new acts for July 24th. The organizations and movements also decided to reinforce their support for the opening of an impeachment process against President Jair Bolsonaro.[175] At least 430 Brazilian cities in 27 states and 15 cities abroad have confirmed events for this day.[176][177]

According to organizers, the events of July 24 brought together 600,000 people in 509 events throughout Brazil and abroad.[178] In the city of São Paulo, the demonstration took place on Avenida Paulista, blocking all fifteen blocks of the avenue. From 5 pm onwards, protesters began to move towards Rua da Consolação. Organizers estimated 70,000 people attended the demonstration. At the end of the demonstration, there was a confrontation between protesters and the PM, which ended with the arrest of 3 people involved in the protest, in addition to a photographer who controlled a drone that was flying over the place. Another 7 were detained before the confrontation.[179][180][181][182][183] Hours before the demonstrations, protesters linked to the group Peripheral Revolution set fire to the Statue of Borba Gato in the East Zone of São Paulo, forcing the alteration of subway and bus lines.[184] A man suspected of having led the group to the statue was arrested the next day.[185] In the weeks after the act, three people suspected of causing the fire were arrested.[186][187] There was also a demonstration in the city of Rio de Janeiro, where protesters were demonstrating concentrated in the Center, in front of the monument in homage to Zumbi dos Palmares, and headed for Praça da Candelária. The demonstration took place peacefully, but in the end, at the time of dispersion, the Military Police approached some demonstrators and there was an outbreak of turmoil. The PM used pepper spray against the protesters, a man was arrested, and a woman was injured.[188] In Brasília, the protest occupied the Esplanade of Ministries, and took place peacefully, with protesters calling for the president's impeachment and more vaccines against COVID-19.[189] In Recife, thousands of protesters against the president gathered at Praça do Derby in the morning, and headed to Avenida Guararapes. Besides the president, protesters also criticized the president of the Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira, and the military that make up the government.[190]

September 7, 2021[edit]

In response to acts organized by supporters of the current government and which had the participation of the president of the republic, acts took place in some Brazilian cities, largely coinciding with the "Grito dos Excluídos". In São Paulo, due to the fact that the favorable demonstrations took place on Avenida Paulista, the concentration took place in the Vale do Anhangabaú, being the first time since the beginning of the movements, that the protests did not take place on the main street of the Brazilian megalopolis.[191][192] On September 6, a video went viral on social networks of the hacker activism group Anonymous calling on the population to participate in the protests against the government. This video was posted on the 3rd, on the FIB Bank page, one of the institutions investigated by the CPI of COVID-19 for funding the Covaxin vaccine to the Ministry of Health and Needs Medicine, and which had the site invaded during the testimony of one of the representatives of the institution.[193]

September 12, 2021[edit]

On this date, the first demonstrations took place in the streets called by right-wing groups, such as the Free Brazil Movement (MBL), Vem Pra Rua (VPR), Livres, Agora! and wings linked to the PSL, Novo, Patriota, DEM, Avante and PSDB parties.[194] Despite being carried out separately from the movements of the left, the act was welcomed by sectors on this side, with some movements and parties, including syndicalist unions, even participating in the act. The choice of date is due to the fact that by the month of September, half of the population is already vaccinated.[195] The demonstrations took place in eighteen capitals and in the Federal District, but with low participation.[196]

In São Paulo, the event brought together, for the first time on the same platform, politicians from different political currents, such as the presidential candidates Ciro Gomes (PDT), João Amoedo (Novo), Simone Tebet (MDB), Luiz Henrique Mandetta (DEM) and João Doria (PSDB), in addition to the parliamentarians Isa Penna (PSOL), Orlando Silva (PCdoB), Arthur do Val (Patriota), Joice Hasselmann (PSL) and Tabata Amaral (PSB). The vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcelo Ramos (PL), was also present at the act.[197] the Worker's Party, the party of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, decided not to participate in the demonstration.[198]

September 30, 2021[edit]

On September 30, the president was the target of protests in Belo Horizonte, during his participation in the Administrative City, headquarters of the state government, in the announcement of the expansion of the city's subway. People were seen shouting "Bolsonaro out" and "genocidal", demonstrators knocked down bars used to surround the ceremony site, and were restrained by the Military Police.

October 2, 2021[edit]

On September 12, the Workers' Party announced protests for October 2, many syndicalist unions, as well as parties and movements confirmed that they would participate in the protest, its the first time where parties such as the Worker's party and the New Party participate together in the same protest.[199]

The protests in Brazil on October 2, 2021 were a series of protests against the Jair Bolsonaro government, given the great unpopularity of the government. Protests were held in all states of Brazil and in over 15 countries in America and Europe. The protests came a month after the September 7th protests that supported President Jair Bolsonaro, thus trying to show now the strength of the opposition to the rulers. The protests are increasingly receiving support from protesters from all political aspects (left, right and center),[200] which ends up generating friendly meetings between different politicians who have different views, however, currently fighting for a single cause.[201][202][203]

214 events were held in 206 cities across the country, in addition to 29 events in 15 countries. The biggest movements are expected in the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul, in addition to Brasília, which always has a large volume of participants. However, it is not expected a massive migration to Brasília for the demonstration as they occur in the acts of September 7, the idea is to show the volume of participants even though they are decentralized in several acts throughout the national territory.[200][204]

Outside the country, some countries such as germany will host even 4 simultaneous acts.[205], protests occured in Cologne, Munich, Freiburg, Frankfurt, Buenos Aires, Brussels, Vienna, Vancouver, Aarhus, New York City, South Florida, Barcelona, Sevilla, Lille, Paris, The embassy of Brazil and the international tribunal in the Hague, Rome, San Juan, Braga, Porto, Lisboa, London and Zurich

With the Bolsonaro government's popularity declining, the large uptake in protest would only be a consequence of the economic crisis that is plaguing the country. For the first time in many years, PT, la eft-wing party and PSL, a right-wing party, and the current president's former party came together for a single objective, which in this case, is to charge for the deaths caused. for the COVID-19 pandemic and demand the lack of control of the economy.[200][206][207]


31 January[edit]

Protestors in Belém defended the election for the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies of Arthur Lira and spoke against Bolsonaro's impeachment.[208]

5 March[edit]

On March 5, truck drivers blocked Professor Simão Faiguenboim Highway (known as “Marginal Tietê”), protesting against the restrictive measures imposed by São Paulo State's Governor, João Doria Jr.[209]

7 March[edit]

In Salvador, a motorcade against the lockdown imposed by Mayor Bruno Reis had over 300 cars and ran over Paralela Avenue.[210]

14-15 March[edit]

Nationwide protests supporting the government happened first in March 14.[211] The protests took place in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Salvador and other cities (in total, the capitals of 15 states and inner towns[212]). The protesters spoke against the Supreme Federal Court, lockdowns and the handling of the pandemic by governors and mayors. In Salvador, the protest (a motorcade) had over 2,000 vehicles, and the protestors shouted “the people will die with hunger” and “no to the new restrictions”.[213] In Fortaleza, the state military police repressed the protesters, which shouted “Camilo dictator” (referring to Ceará’s governor, Camilo Santana) and included the state deputy Andre Fernandes, who is politically against Camilo Santana. The police officers used pepper spray and arrested 16 people.[214][215] Answering the arrests, another protest occurred on 15 March in Fortaleza, where they shouted “Camilo out” and expressed their discontent with the Supreme Court minister Edson Fachin. 10 were arrested.[216]

Online petition against Alexandre de Moraes[edit]

On March 14, CNN Brasil's political commentator Caio Coppola created an online petition to pressure the Senate to analyze the impeachment of Supreme Court's judge Alexandre de Moraes.[217] The petition hit 1 million signatures in 14 hours,[218][219] 2 million in 24 hours[220] and 2.5 million in 48 hours.[221] On March 21, senator Jorge Kajuru presented the petition to the Senate.[222]

28 March[edit]

A motorcade in Belo Horizonte had over 300 cars, protesting against the lockdown imposed by Mayor Alexandre Kalil. The protests had the participation of City Councilor Nikolas Ferreira. The protests started at Pope's Plaza, symbol of the protests against Kalil.[223][224]

11 April[edit]

Another nationwide pro-Gov't protests happened in April 11. Entitled “March of the Christian Family for Freedom”, it was, according to the organizers, against communism, lockdowns and a decision of the Supreme Court that allowed states to close churches and religious temples.[225][226] In most places, it happened peacefully, but in Curitiba (state of Paraná), a 73-year-old was hit by a frozen passion fruit thrown from the 13th floor of a building by a 52-year-old psychologist. The psychologist was arrested for homicide attempt.[227]

19 April[edit]

In Fortaleza, two were arrested in a protest on April 19. The military state police's decision to arrest was considered “illegal”, since “there was no crime”.[228]

1 May[edit]

More nationwide protests happened on May 1, in state capitals and inner cities. The protests happened both as motorcades and demonstrations, and the protesters shouted “I authorize”, making reference to the president's claim that he will invoke Article 142 of the Brazilian constitution to restore the individual rights mentioned by the Constitution's Article 5 (one of the few irrevocable clauses of the Constitution, according to Article 60, Paragraph [§] 4th, incise IV). In São Paulo, protesters occupied the famous Paulista Avenue,[229] with the participation of 1 million people, including Federal Deputy Carla Zambelli.[230] In Rio de Janeiro, the Atlântica Avenue had its traffic banned due to the protests.[231] At the state of Rio Grande do Norte, protests happened in Natal (the state capital),[232] and in Salvador (Bahia's state capital), protests happened at Oceânica Avenue.[233] At the State of Rio Grande do Sul, protests took place in Porto Alegre (the state's capital), Santa Maria, Passo Fundo and Rio Grande,[234] and in Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (the state's capital) and four other cities had protests.[235][233] At the Brazilian capital, Brasília, Bolsonaro flew by helicopter over the protests.[236] At the state of Ceará, the protests happened in Fortaleza as a motorcade at the federal highway BR-116.[237] There were also protests on the state's southern city of Juazeiro do Norte. The Juazeiro's protest was dispersed with the use of a helicopter,[238] and in Fortaleza, 17 protesters were arrested and taken to the 2nd and 30th Police Districts.[239][240] Federal Deputy Bia Kicis, on her Twitter account, condemned the arrests,[241] and City Councilor Carmelo Neto gave juridical support for the arrested protesters.[242] At Belém, the capital of the state of Pará, a pro-Government motorcade took place around 8:30 a.m.,[243] while in Altamira, the pro-Bolsonaro motorcade was reportedly prohibited.[244][245] In total, protests interrupted traffic in 11 states and in the Federal District.[246]

9 May[edit]

President Bolsonaro participated in a motorcycle ride (“motociata”) for Mother's Day in Brasília.[247]

15 May[edit]

Pro-government protest in Brasília
Bolsonaro flies over protests in Brasília

Pro-government protests, organized by movements Marcha da Família Cristã and Brasil Verde e Amarelo, took place at the Ministries Esplanade, with the participation of Bolsonaro and some of his ministers, all arriving by horse.[248][249] The protests started on early rising and ended at 5 p.m., with a pause for lunch at 11 a.m.[250] During his speech, Bolsonaro defended ballot voting and criticized lockdown measures taken by states and municipalities, affirming that “they won't steal the freedom of our people”.[251]

Other cities[edit]

In Rio de Janeiro, protests took place at Copacabana Beach,[252] while in São Paulo, at Avenida Paulista.[252][253] In Fortaleza, protests took place at Avenida Beira Mar, with the participation of the Pro-Gov't group Endireita Fortaleza.[254] Protests also took place in Curitiba,[255] Belo Horizonte and a hundred other cities.[256]

23 May[edit]

Bolsonaro participated in another “motociata”, in Rio de Janeiro, with an estimated number of 38,000 to 39,000 motorcycles, at a 30-kilometer path from Barra Olympic Park, at the city's West zone, to the Flamengo Landfill, at the South Zone.[257] The participation of the former Health Minister, General Eduardo Pazuello,[258] prompted an internal investigation at the Army, for a possible violation to the Military's Statute.[259] The Army did not punish him,[260] and imposed a hundred years confidentiality at the case.[261]

12 June[edit]

Bolsonaro participated in another motociata, in São Paulo, called “Acelera para Cristo”.[262][263] The Public Security Secretariat of the State of São Paulo (SSP-SP) used 6,000 police officers to guarantee the event's safety, and Bolsonaro was charged for not using a mask.[263][264]

20 June[edit]

A motociata without Bolsonaro's presence was held in Recife, starting at 10 a.m. at Orla da Piedade. The number of motorcycles is estimated at 3,500. Some came from inner Pernambuco, and others, from states like Paraíba and Bahia.[265]

26 June[edit]

Bolsonaro held another motociata in Chapecó (State of Santa Catarina)[266] with the city's mayor, João Rodrigues (PSD),[267] in a 90-kilometer path from Flávio Baldissera Industrial District to the city of Xanxerê, and back to the District. According to the Highway Military Police, 50,000 were present.[268][269]

2 July[edit]

Bolsonaro supporters in Salvador organized another “motociata” on Bahia's Independence Day, when the State of Bahia commemorates the end of the Siege of Salvador.[270] The “motociata” defended Bolsonaro's government and ballot voting, and was described as “impressive”.[271] The protestors also criticized Bahia's Governor, Rui Costa.[270] The ride started around 10 a.m., going from que Dique do Tororó (Tororó's Dike, in free translation) to Salvador's Coast.[272]

9 July[edit]

Bolsonaro's supporters protested in Brasília for the legalization of firearms to the civil population.[273]

11 July[edit]

Protests supporting Bolsonaro and ballot voting, against mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports, with critics to the Supreme Court, were registered in Fortaleza's Portugal Plaza.[274]

18 July[edit]

A ‘bicicletada’ (motorcade with bikes) defending ballot voting was held in Recife.[275]

31 July[edit]

Bolsonaro participated in another ‘motociata’ in Presidente Prudente, at the State of São Paulo.[276]

1 August[edit]

Protests were registered this day, nationwide, supporting Bolsonaro and ballot voting, in many Brazilian cities.

  • Federal District

Protests in Brasília occupied the Ministries Esplanade, blocking all lanes of the Monumental Axis. The protest started at 10 a.m., in a walk from the National Library to the National Congress. Fmr. Bolsonaro's Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo and Deputy Bia Kicis were present.[277][278]

  • State of São Paulo

Protests happened in many cities of the State: in the capital, São Paulo, protests happened at the Paulista Ave.[279] The protest was labeled ‘admirable’[280] and affected 21 metro lines.[279] Protests were also recorded in Bauru,[281] São Carlos,[282] Araçatuba, São José do Rio Preto,[283][284] Santos,[285] Campinas,[286] Sorocaba, Jundiaí,[287] Ribeirão Preto,[288] Piracicaba,[289] São José dos Campos and Pindamonhangaba.[290]

  • State of Rio de Janeiro

A protest, started at 10 a.m., was registered in Rio's Copacabana, in the Atlântica Avenue.[291] Over a thousand people were there, according to BandNews FM.[292] In Niterói, protests happened at Icaraí Beach,[293] and in Campos dos Goytacazes, there was a protest, starting at 10 a.m., in front of the City Council, followed by a motorcade.[294]

  • State of Ceará

Protests were registered in Fortaleza,[295] Quixadá,[296] Juazeiro do Norte[297] and Canindé.[298] In Fortaleza, protests happened at the Portugal Plaza, crowding it.[299][295] Participated in the act State Deputy André Fernandes,[300] City Councilors for Fortaleza Carmelo Neto[301] and Priscila Costa[302] and Federal Deputy for Ceará Capitão Wagner Sousa.[303] In Juazeiro do Norte, a motorcade happened near Giradouro Plaza,[297] while in Canindé, a protest happened at Dr. Aramis Plaza.[298] In Quixadá, a protest was reported at José de Barros Plaza and Rodrigues Junior Street, at the city's Center.[296]

  • State of Minas Gerais

In Belo Horizonte, a protest happened at the Liberty Plaza, with 5,000 people. Organized by movements Brasil Conservador, Direita BH and Marcha da Família Cristã, the protest had more people than expected - 1,500.[304] Participated in the act City Councilor Nikolas Ferreira and State Deputy Bruno Engler.[305] In Juiz de Fora, 1,500 protested at the Antônio Carlos Plaza (at the city center). The protest was organized by the movement Direita Minas, and started with the National Anthem and with a pray for Bolsonaro.[306] In Uberlândia, there was a motorcade and a ‘motociata’,[307] similar to what happened in Poços de Caldas,[308][309] Varginha and Pouso Alegre.[309]

  • State of Pará

About 20,000 people protested in Belém. The act started at 8 a.m. (local time, 9 a.m. in Brasília) at the Docks Station, and by 9 a.m., the protesters went to the Republic Plaza, through President Vargas Ave, where they sung the National Anthem. After that moment, they went through Nazaré Ave to the Quintino Bocaiúva cross, passed through Boaventura da Silva Street and ended the act on Visconde de Souza Franco Ave, around noon. There were people by car, motorcycle or walking. Politicians, such as the Federal Deputy Éder Mauro, State Deputy Delegado Caveira and Federal Police Officer Everaldo Eguchi, were present.[310]

  • State of Rio Grande do Norte

In Natal, protests were registered at the crossing between Nevaldo Rocha and Salgado Filho Aves, in front of the Midway Mall. The number of protestors was estimated in thousands.[311][312][313][314] A motorcade was registered in Mossoró.[315]

  • State of Paraná

In Curitiba, protestors met at Boca Maldita, a traditional area of protests in the city's center.[316][317] In Londrina, the protests started at 3 p.m., at the crossing between J.K. and Higienópolis Avenues, and, at 4:20 p.m, after the singing of the National Anthem, a motorcade happened, going through Higienópolis Ave to the Bandeira Plaza. Federal Deputy Felipe Barros, born in Londrina, was at the protest.[316][318] There were motorcades registered in Foz do Iguaçu and Guarapuava.[317]

  • State of Santa Catarina

Acts were registered in the state capital, Florianópolis, and in Itajaí, Balneário Camboriú, Blumenau, Pomerode, Joinville, Criciúma, Tubarão and Chapecó. Something between 8,000 and 10,000 protestors participated in the acts.[319][320]

  • State of Pernambuco

Protestors in Recife gathered at Boa Viagem, at the city's south zone, at 2 p.m., and collected food for low-income families. Participated in the protest politicians Clarissa Tercio and Alberto Feitosa, of the Social Christian Party (PSC), and Minister of Tourism Gilson Machado Neto.[321]

5 August[edit]

A protest defending ballot voting happened in Brasília, in front of Annex II of the Chamber of Deputies, with the participation of Federal Deputy Bia Kicis.[322]

7 August[edit]

2021 Motociata na cidade de Florianópolis.jpg

Bolsonaro held a ‘motociata’ in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina's state capital, gathering 35,000 people, including 25,000 motorcycles,[323] with 250 participating by boat.[324] Participated in the act State Deputy Kennedy Nunes, Senator Jorginho Mello, businessman Luciano Hang, Federal Deputies Fábio Schiochet, Carla Zambelli and Caroline de Toni, Santa Catarina Vice-Governor Daniele Reinehr and Florianópolis City Councilor Maryanne Mattos.[325]

5 September[edit]

A ‘motociata’ supporting Bolsonaro and criticizing decisions of the Supreme Court was held in Miami, Florida.[326][327]

7 September[edit]

The ‘New Independence’[edit]

September 7, 2021 is the 199th anniversary of the Brazilian Independence. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Defense suspended the classic civil-military parade of Independence Day for the 2nd consecutive year.[328] However, nationwide protests are planned for this day. The date is being called the ‘New Independence’ by some politicians, including Federal Deputy Carla Zambelli.[329]

Military Police[edit]

On August 23, it was reported that military policemen are organizing themselves to participate in the September 7 acts in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.[330]

The next day, the Public Ministry of São Paulo opened an investigation against State Military Policemen who supported the act, specially Aleksander Lacerda, commander of the Inner Policing Command-7 (Comando de Policiamento do Interior-7, CPI-7) and Augusto Araújo, of Ceagesp (Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo).[331]

On September 5, it was reported that the states of Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina would not ‘hunt’ military policemen who participate in the acts, while the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Piauí, Amazonas, São Paulo and Roraima will punish them.[332]

On September 6, it was reported that 30% of military policemen want to participate in pro-Bolsonaro September 7 acts.[333]

Truckers strike[edit]

According to State of Santa Catarina's news portal ND+, reported that south state truckers’ leader, Jair ‘Bala’ Ferraz, confirmed a truckers strike against ‘the abuses of the Supreme Court’. The strike will start at morning of September 7, with no day to end. Blockades were scheduled at federal highway BR-101, in Maracajá, Arananguá and Santa Rosa do Sul, strategic areas where even small vehicles can not go through. Only emergency vehicles and ‘live charge’ will be allowed to pass.[334] The agency also reported that blockades will also happen in Tubarão, Sombrio, São Cristóvão do Sul, São Francisco do Sul, Mafra, Canoinhas, Porto União, Papanduva, Guaramirim, Garuva, Itajaí, and at BR-101's kilometer 25, in Joinville, at the State's north. Blockades will also happen in Florianópolis’ areas of Palhoça and Biguaçu.[335]

ND+ also reported that transit must paralyze near the access to the city of Irani. It was revealed that the movement started to be organized 40 days before. Buses, emergency vehicles, small cars, perishable loads and hospital supplies will be allowed to go through. A strike was also scheduled to happen in Caçador, starting at 5 a.m.[336]

Truckers are already heading to Brasília, not waiting September 7.[337]

Arrest of journalist Wellington Macedo, trucker Zé Trovão wanted, might have left Brazil[edit]

On September 3, STF's Minister Alexandre de Moraes ordered the arrest of conservative journalist Wellington Macedo (arrested), who was organizing the September 7 protests, and trucker Marcos Antônio Pereira Gomes, known as ‘Zé Trovão’.[338] The Federal Police searched Trovão's house to obey Moraes’ order, but Trovão was not arrested. He is wanted.[338][339] Trovão also claimed he would not ‘surrender’ until after September 7.[340] According to CNN Brasil, it is likely that Trovão left Brazil.[341]

Arrest of Santa Catarina's professor[edit]

On September 5, a professor from the city of Otacílio Costa, in Santa Catarina, was arrested after an order of Alexandre de Moraes, due to his participation in a live streaming on September 3.[342]

Security scheme in Brasília[edit]

Brasília's central region will have a special security scheme by the Federal District Military Police on the week of September 7, due to the protests, including blocking traffic.[343]

Zambelli ordered to testify by Moraes[edit]

On September 4, Alexandre de Moraes ordered Deputy Carla Zambelli to testify at the Federal Police about the September 7 protest.[344][345]


Caravans from the states of Goiás, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Mato Grosso, Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul confirmed traveling to Brasília with charter buses.[346]

Brasília's hotels operating on maximum[edit]

According to the Brazilian Association of Hotels Industry of the Federal District (Abih-DF), on 6 and 7 September, hotels in Brasília are operating in almost maximum capacity, with the only available rooms being superior category ones, such as presidential suites. Abih-DF's president, Henrique Severein, affirmed that such a movement was never seen.[347]

Bolsonaro: September 7 is an ultimatum from the people[edit]

In an event on the State of Bahia on September 3, President Bolsonaro said that the September 7 acts will be a ‘huge demonstration of patriotism’, and also said that the acts will be an ‘ultimatum’ from the people.[348]

PMDF's barrier breached at the Ministries Esplanade[edit]

On the night of September 6, pro-Bolsonaro protestors breached the blockade of the Federal District Military Police (Polícia Militar do Distrito Federal, PMDF), and walked into the Ministries Esplanade, in Brasília.[349][350] A second barricade was formed, near the Metropolitan Cathedral, but it would be breached around 9 p.m.[351] The breach reportedly happened with support from the PMDF policemen in place.[349]

September 7: Brasília[edit]
Protestors at the Ministries Esplanade in Brasília, September 7, 2021

Pro-government protestors from many country areas gathered in the Ministries Esplanade, in Brasília, on September 7, supporting ballot voting and the destitution of Supreme Court ministers.[352] The Esplanade was already crowded at 10:53, but more people were still expected to arrive.[353] The protests happened during the morning.[354][355]

Bolsonaro flies over Brasília, September 7, 2021

Bolsonaro flew over the protest with his son, Federal Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, Senator Marcos Rogério, and Minister of Defense Braga Netto.[356] He also made a speech, where he said that “we can't accept more political arrests in Brazil. Either the chief of this Power frames his [minister], or this Power might suffer what we do not want”, making reference to Supreme Court's president Minister Luiz Fux, about the decisions of Minister Alexandre de Moraes.[357] The protest gathered 400,000 people.[8]

September 7: São Paulo[edit]
Pro-government protest in São Paulo, September 7, 2021

In São Paulo, protestors gathered at Paulista Avenue. Some areas with a large concentration of people made unviable moving. Near streets had some buses parked, due to caravans coming to São Paulo.[358] The protest started in the morning.[359]

Bolsonaro flying over Paulista Avenue, 7 September 2021

Bolsonaro flew over the Avenue and arrived on it at 3:30 p.m.,[360][361] where he said that “we will no longer admit people, like Alexandre de Moraes, who disrespect our Constitution”,[362] while also calling the minister a “scoundrel”.[363] According to the Military Police of São Paulo, 125,000 people were present.[9] The measurement, however, was criticized, being labeled "out of reality" by Jovem Pan's radio program Os Pingos nos Is.[364]

September 7: Other cities[edit]

In Rio de Janeiro, protestors gathered at Atlântica Avenue, in Copacabana Beach, blocking both of its two lanes.[365] A crane raised a 12-meter Brazilian flag, and a man with a knife was arrested.[366]

In São Paulo State's inner cities of Taubaté, São José dos Campos and Guaratinguetá, pro-Bolsonaro acts were reported. According to the organizers, 5,000 were present in São José dos Campos’ act, but the Military Police did not publish an estimate.[367]

In Salvador, a walk went from Farol da Barra do Morro de Cristo. The act started at 9 a.m. and finished at 1:30 p.m.[368] In Fortaleza, a motorcade went from the Castelão Arena to the Portugal Plaza, gathering "thousands".[369][370] The protestors sung the National Anthem and held support banners for the Federal Executive. Federal Deputies Dr. Jaziel, Capitão Wagner and State Deputies Delegado Cavalcante, Soldado Noélio and Dra. Silvana were present. The act was peaceful.[371] There were also protests in Ceará's inner cities of Juazeiro do Norte, Sobral and Ipu.[369]

In Goiânia, a "motocarreata" (motorcade with cars and motorcycles) was held in front of Goiânia Autodrome, 5-kilometer long.[372]

In total, acts were registered in 179 cities.[373]


Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry at the Senate[edit]

On February 3, Senator Randolfe Rodrigues said he got the needed signatures to start a Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry at the Federal Senate (‘Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito, abbreviated as ‘CPI’, in Portuguese - The needed signatures are 27, accordingly to the Constitution's Article 58, § 3rd) to investigate Bolsonaro's handling of the pandemic.[374] Besides that, nothing happened until Supreme Federal Court's minister Luís Roberto Barroso, on April 8, forced the Senate to create Randolfe's CPI,[3] created on April 13.[375] In parallel, Ceará's Senator Eduardo Girão, on March 2, started to collect signatures to create a Commission to investigate corruption scandals involving states and municipalities,[376] which caught the media's attention after many Federal Police's operations, known as “Covidão” (Big Covid, in Portuguese). It is estimated that R$260 million (US$50.8 million as of 12 June 2021) were diverted.[377] Girão got the needed signatures on April 12, when his commission proposal had 33 signatures.[378] By result, Senate's president Senator Rodrigo Pacheco merged the two proposals - Girão's and Rodrigues's -, for considering them “connected matters”.[379]

Members of the Commission[edit]

  • President: Senator Omar Aziz (PSD-AM)
  • Vice-president: Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (REDE-AP)
  • Rapporteur: Senator Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL)[380]
  • Others: Senator Eduardo Braga, Senator Eduardo Girão, Senator Tasso Jereissati, Senator Humberto Costa, Senator Marcos Rogério, Senator Jorginho Mello, Senator Otto Alencar, Senator Ciro Nogueira
  • Substitutes: Senator Jader Barbalho, Senator Angelo Coronel, Senator Marcos do Val, Senator Rogério Carvalho, Senator Alessandro Vieira, Senator Luis Carlos Heinze, Senator Zequinha Marinho.[381]

Renan Calheiros was initially blocked by Justice from being part of the commission, when judge Charles Renaud Frazão de Morais agreed with Federal Deputy Carla Zambelli,[382] but he still became the rapporteur. Calheiros is father of Alagoas’ governor, Renan Calheiros Filho, reason why the lawyer Hazenclever Lopes Cançado wanted to block him and Senator Jader Barbalho (father of Helder Barbalho, Pará's governor) from participating at the commission.[383] Calheiros also declared himself partial to being rapporteur at the commission, in matters involving the State of Alagoas, on his Twitter account.[384]


Name Date(s) Position Heard as Note
Luiz Henrique Mandetta May 4 Former Health Minister between January 1, 2019, and April 16, 2020 Witness [385]
Nelson Teich May 5 Former Health Minister between April 17 and 15 May 2020 Witness [385]
Marcelo Queiroga May 6, June 8 Health Minister since March 23 Witness [385]
Antônio Barra Torres May 11 Director-President of ANVISA Witness [385]
Fábio Wajngarten May 12 Former Communication Secretary Witness [385]
Carlos Murillo May 13 Pfizer's Regional President for Latin America Witness [385]
Ernesto Araújo May 18 Former Foreign Affairs Minister Witness [385]
Eduardo Pazuello May 19–20 Former Health Minister between June 2, 2020, and March 23, 2021 Witness [385]
Mayra Pinheiro May 25 Work and Education Management Secretary of the Ministry of Health Witness [385]
Dimas Covas May 27 Butantan Institute's director Witness [385]
Nise Yamaguchi June 1 Immunologist and Oncologist Invited [385]
Luana Araújo June 2 former Extraordinary Covid Secretary Invited [385]
Élcio Franco June 9 former Executive Secretary of the Health Ministry Witness [385]
Wilson Lima June 10 Governor of the State of Amazonas Invited Governor got an habeas corpus from Supreme Federal Court's Justice Rosa Weber and didn't went to Brasilia to be interviewed.[386][387] The Commission decided to appeal Weber's decision.[388] Interview did not happen.[387]
Natalia Pasternak June 11 Microbiologist Invited [389]
Claudio Maierovitch June 11 Sanitary Doctor Invited [385]
Helder Barbalho June 29 Governor of the State of Pará Invited planned;[390] STF forced CPI to invite governors, not convoke them.[391] Interview did not happen.
Wellington Dias June 30 Governor of the State of Piauí Invited planned;[390] STF forced CPI to invite governors, not convoke them.[391] Interview did not happen.
Ibaneis Rocha July 1 Governor of the Federal District Invited planned;[390] STF forced CPI to invite governors, not convoke them.[391] Interview did not happen.
Mauro Carlesse July 2 Governor of the State of Tocantins Invited planned;[390] STF forced CPI to invite governors, not convoke them.[391] Interview did not happen.
Carlos Moisés July 6 Governor of the State of Santa Catarina Invited planned;[390] STF forced CPI to invite governors, not convoke them.[391] Interview did not happen.
Antônio Denarium July 7 Governor of the State of Roraima Invited planned;[390] STF forced CPI to invite governors, not convoke them.[391] Interview did not happen.
Waldez Góes July 8 Governor of the State of Amapá Invited planned[390]

Commission to analyze ballot voting at the Chamber of Deputies[edit]

On May 5, Chamber of Deputies’ president Deputy Arthur Lira authorized the creation of a commission to analyze Deputy Bia Kicis’ proposal of amendment to the Constitution (“Proposta de Emenda Constitucional” - PEC), that institutes ballot voting in Brazil.[2] The commission already formed a majority to approve the proposal, and the PEC must go forward at the Chamber.[392]

Increase of street sales[edit]

Street vendors saw their sales increase during pro-government protests, while decreasing in anti-government ones.[393]

See also[edit]


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