The Wayback Machine -

Championing Progressive Values


In early 2019, we partnered with MoveOn to amplify their campaigns with supporters, inspire action, and increase brand awareness. We continue to work with them in a full-time capacity as their creative strategy and design team to ideate, produce, and execute hundreds of assets a year. Our ultimate goal: produce real-world impact, change outcomes, and make our country better for all.

Championing Progressive Values

In partnership with MoveOn’s communications, video and mobilization teams, we produce social graphics, digital ads, print ads, stickers, and signage—as part of both rapid response and strategic campaigning. 

MoveOn priorities include: supporting progressive candidates and issues, holding elected officials accountable, and changing culture—all designed with an inclusive and progressive lens. Messages of support use a blue and black palette, in contrast to red and black for opposition.


Since 2019, we’ve created over 600 deliverables, significantly strengthening the reach of MoveOn’s message to their online audiences. In just over a year of working together, MoveOn has gained ~100,000 additional Instagram followers and ~30,000 additional Twitter followers. That number continues to grow.

America for All

America for All, a sub-brand of MoveOn, is designed to inspire first time voters, and mobilize previously registered voters in the 2020 election. The logo is inspired by a megaphone, symbolic of activism, and of a grassroots tone. The colors are tied to MoveOn’s blue support palette, and amped up for urgency. The sub-brand is translated onto stickers, social graphics, t-shirts, and animation.

Impeach & Remove

On Tuesday, December 17, 2019 a network of organizations, including MoveOn held more than 600 events across the country calling on Congress to Impeach & Remove Trump. Leading up to this moment, social graphics outlining impeachable acts, stickers, and signage were created. Supporters held placards throughout the country to show solidarity for impeachment and removal.

The Squad

Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan all make up the group of U.S. Representatives known as the “The Squad.” Social graphics and stickers were created that lift up these leaders who are champions for MoveOn member’s values.

Vote Them Out

In response to Republican Senators choosing loyalty to Trump over loyalty to their constituents and their country, the #VoteThemOut message was created to demand accountability. Digital takeover ads, social graphics, stickers, and large banner ads boldly deliver the message.

Voices of the Community

As part of MoveOn’s commitment to celebrating diverse voices, we created social graphics for Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month, Pride, and Black History Month. The graphics make use of MoveOn’s core-support brand, paired with distinct type to uniquely highlight each community.


MoveOn members proudly endorse candidates across the country in every election. Series of social graphics and digital ads promote that announcement.

Digital and Out-of-home Advertisements

Support and oppositional ads are created to reach target audiences, increase acquisition and amplify campaign work. The image styles explore the use of duotones, cut-outs, and collage which build on the MoveOn brand.

Next Case Study

NARAL Pro-Choice America