Social Impact
The Social Impact team empowers nonprofits and the greater social sector to drive positive and lasting contributions to the world with GitHub products, our brand, and our employees.
How we’re making a difference
Our work
Tech for Social
Tech for Social Good leverages GitHub’s platform and products, community and people to strengthen the social sector’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Its major programs focus on research, community building, and Skills-Based Volunteering.
Learn more
Employee Giving
Employee Giving leverages the power of employee charitable donations, volunteerism, and mentorship to help social sector partners reach those in need.

GitHub employees love to volunteer virtually and in their local communities. Every hour that employees volunteer, they will receive a $20 credit to donate to a nonprofit of their choice, up to $15,000.

When an employee donates to a nonprofit that they care about, be it human rights or climate change organizations, we match each donation dollar for dollar, up to $15,000.

GitHub Gives
GitHub employees participate each December in our giving campaign to raise funds for our local communities. In 2020, as a company, we raised over $2 million for nonprofits around the world.
Latest insights
Dive into Skills-Based Volunteering’s Pilot Project with DHIS2
Before the official launch of SBV, we tested it as a pilot project with the District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2)
Request for proposals: Defining standardized GitHub metrics
The GitHub Social Impact and Policy teams are issuing a Request for Proposals for a researcher to define a list of publicly available GitHub platform usage metrics by country for international development, public policy, and economics disciplines.
The MERL Center website is now live!
Nearly two years ago, we started the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Center as a community...

Engagement Opportunities
Request for Proposals - Defining Standardized GitHub Metrics
The GitHub Social Impact and Policy teams are issuing an RFP for a researcher to define a list of publicly available GitHub platform usage metrics by country for international development, public policy and economics disciplines. New deadline to apply is Monday, 1 November 2021. Click here to see clarifying questions and answers.
Download the RFPParticipate in our Open Source Software research project
We need your help! We’re looking for participants who have experience with open source software in India, Kenya, Egypt and Mexico.
Learn moreSign up for a non-profit account on us.
GitHub non-profit accounts are designed for official non-profit organizations that are non-government, non-academic, non-commercial, non-political in nature, and have no religious affiliation. Qualifying non-profits are eligible for a Team account with unlimited private repositories and unlimited users.
Request a free Team plan Not a nonprofit? Submit a request for your social good project, and we’ll let you know if you qualify for a discount.