After 6 years of teaching code and design around the world, The New York Code + Design Academy is ceasing operation of its direct-to-consumer programs. We will teach out the remainder of our courses scheduled through November 2018, and officially close our doors in March 2019. If you have further questions, you can direct them to [email protected]. We will do our best to answer your questions in the weeks to come.

Those interested in our B2B initiatives can contact Daniel Staker at [email protected]. If you're interested in on-campus courses, you can check out one of our sister organizations: DevMountain and Hackbright Academy.

Current students and alumni can continue to access their accounts by clicking here.

We did not make this decision lightly, and we hope the spirit of NYCDA will live on through our vast community across the United States and Europe. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Thank you to our students.

Our mission to teach everyone to code wouldn't have been as easy or as fulfilling if it weren't for the tireless dedication you brought to class every day.

We started offering part-time web development courses in 2012, teaching classes in empty conference rooms to anyone willing to learn, wishing to make a change in their life. And you did. You went from careers building houses to a careers building websites, from fashion design to web design, and from teaching spanish to teaching javascript.

Seeing the success in all of you pushed us to offer more courses in more formats, hold more events, and open more campuses around the world.

Thank you to our instructors.

It was each and every one of you that shared your experience, knowledge, and time to make a difference in thousands of lives.

You stayed after class, sometimes to late hours in the evening, to make sure every last student got their syntax just right. You offered your time on weekends, sacrificed evenings with family, and graded projects for third and fourth times.

Your relentless efforts in bringing tech education to more and more people has had an immeasurable impact on the industry.

Thank you to other coding bootcamps.

Filling the gap in the tech industry is not a challenge to take lightly, and all of you took it on with ambition, persistence, and innovation.

While we all differed on the best approach, we rallied behind a collective mission: teach people to code. You challenged us to constantly expand our curriculum, explore new teaching methods, and exceed student expectations before, during, and after their programs.

You helped us change the face of education, push traditional institutions to modernize, and create a meaningful disruption all over the world.

and thank you to our Founders.

Over 6 years ago, you woke up with the mission to teach everyone to code, so you started a company. With that simple decision, you've changed thousands of lives. From the students you helped write their first line of code and launch their first app, to the developers-turned-instructors leading a classroom for the first time, to the employees you trusted to carry the torch day-in and day-out.

You put a vision in our heads of what the future could look like three, six, or twelve months from now, and pushed us to work until we got there. You never let us doubt what was possible, and we never did.

What you started was so much more than a company. You started a catalyst for change, and you did it by bringing together a community of people from every background, anyone willing to learn. While our time at NYCDA is ending, that change you inspired in all of us never will.

Jeremy and Zach, thank you.

— The NYCDA Team