Universal Star Rating


Universal Star Rating provides shortcodes to give the author the opportunity to add ratings/reviews for desired data, products and services with the aid of a classic star rating system. You can make use of these shortcodes to embed a single inline star rating or a tabular list of star ratings.

To insert a single inline star rating inside a post just type [usr 5] where 5 is the rating/amount of stars.

To insert a tabular list of star ratings inside a post just type [usrlist "Pizza:3" "Ice Cream:3.5" (...)] where the first value is what you want to rate and the second value is the rating/amount of stars. Your list should consist of more than 1 key:value pairs.


Note: This plugin is localized / translatable. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. See Translations


  • This screenshot shows an example post including a single and a multi rating
  • This screenshot shows the settings page
  • This screenshot shows the Preview/Examples page


  1. Upload the content of the ZIP-file universal-star-rating.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/universal-star-rating/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Make sure lib GD is installed and activated for PHP


  1. Upload the ZIP-File inside your wordpress admin panel under Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Make sure lib GD is installed and activated for PHP


Can I use custom images instead of the pre given ones?

The plugin gives you the opportunity to use your own images. Just upload the prepared images into the custom images folder which can be configured inside the settings page.

What do I have to keep in mind when using custom images?

The only thing you have to keep in mind is that custom images will be referenced by the letter c followed by the file name. For example if the file name of your custom image is star.png your shortcode would look like this: [usr 3.5 img="cstar.png"]

Does this plugin provide functionality to let my followers/readers rate something?

At the moment the plugin doesn’t provide this functionality. Only the author of a post is able to include ratings via shortcodes.

How can I tweak the plugin for my needs?

There is a settings page you can use to modify the default settings. If you want to change specific ratings you can add parameters to your shortcode to override the standard settings. You can find an overview within the description page.


July 7, 2021
Hace tiempo estaba buscando específicamente esta funcionalidad. Gracias por el desarrollo, espero que siga motivado en mantenerlo. Saludos
May 11, 2019
Did just what I wanted! Documentation is lacking, but hey, it's free! Buy the guy a beer! Thanks!
March 30, 2019
Been looking for a while for a more writer friendly and straight-to-the-point version of MTS WP Review, and this plugin does exactly what I need it to do through easy to use shortcodes without overhead. Thanks for creating this! Gladly invested some of my time to create the Dutch translation 😉
May 22, 2018
It just gives you a system to add stars for rating in the best and easiest way possible. Try it
March 27, 2018
An excellent way to add a rating to your post. I use it for my book reviews and it's terrific. Super easy to use and no heavy code. Thanks!
Read all 33 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Universal Star Rating” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Universal Star Rating” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Universal Star Rating” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Request: Added settings for text appearance modification
  • Tested the plugin with WordPress 5.7.2


  • Request: Added alt attribute to img tag
  • Tested the plugin with WordPress 5.1


  • Bugfix: Custom images will now show up inside settings page
  • Tested the plugin with WordPress 5.0.3


  • Added a waterdrop image
  • Added a smiley image


  • Changed some texts
  • Added German translation
  • Changed stylesheet for multi ratings


  • Bugfix: Multi ratings can now be set with a decimal point and a comma
  • Rating output now only consists of a decimal point if needed
  • The ice cone image is back


  • Changed CSS file because of styling errors
  • Changed translation functions


  • The entire code has been rewritten
  • New Description Page
  • New Settings Page
  • New Preview Page
  • Prepared to use standardized translations
  • User Request: Added a function to add custom text to single ratings


  • Added some security features
  • Tested the plugin for WP 4.8


  • Deleted unnecessary code


  • Updated Link inside settings page


  • Added a function to show text based output as a tooltip because of a feature request


  • Added an update routine which changes all posts because shortcodes don’t work the old way
  • Updated description


  • Tested Plugin against WP 4.4 RC 1


  • Added a function to change Schema.org SEO rating type


  • Fixed a problem which made custom images unusable inside the user specified directory
  • Changed the stylesheet for USR images so that the vertical alignment is now set to the baseline
  • Added a new image (Ice Cone)


  • Added Brazilian Portuguese locale (Thanks to danielpassos!)


  • Changed paths inside USR so that it now uses WP constants
  • USR now loads all language files dynamically
  • Added some new internal functions
  • Code optimization


  • Proofed that the plugin works with WP 4.0
  • Updated locale files and translation document
  • Updated admin panel


  • Added custom images support
  • Updated admin panel


  • Added Schema.org support
  • Updated admin panel
  • Moved content because of a problem while generating stars with some hosting services
  • Some minor bugfixes


  • Removed some unclean Code to avoid notice messages in WP debug mode


  • Added an option to override the star size inside both shortcodes
  • Code optimization


  • Modified the settings page
  • Added 3 new source images


  • Added rtl support for the admin panel
  • Some minor bug fixes


  • Added a Italian and a Spanish language package (Thanks to anddab!)
  • Updated the options page


  • A minor bugfix release which provides a change to the generated image url so that it becomes w3c conform


  • Some changes to the stylesheet because other ones were higher priorized


  • Added an external stylesheet for the images so that other stylesheets can not cause any side effects


  • Added an option to enable shortcodes inside comments
  • Excluded some functions so that the code is more readable


  • Changed the average rating inside lists so that there is just one digit left after the decimal point
  • Changed the admin check so that user can log in into WordPress backend without admin rights


  • Added a new source image
  • Added a function to calculate the average rating inside a list of Universal Star Ratings
  • Some minor bug fixes


  • Added images in different sizes so that they look better (even with browser downsizing) and to improve the response time


  • Changed the img-tag so that the height of the images are now sized via css


  • Added a sort function to the usable images inside the admin panel
  • Edited the img-tag because of an reported error with safari browsers


  • Fixed the German locale because of an reported error


  • Merged the source images
  • Added a new source image
  • Updated functions to support these merged source images
  • Added a new option to enable/disable text output
  • Added functionalities to override the standard settings in shortcodes
  • Updated localization and settings page
  • Code optimization


  • Made the source images smaller
  • Changed the way the output images are created
  • Bugfix: The setting for the max amount of stars is now working


  • Added new images
  • Modified settings page


  • Added a french language package
  • Bugfix: Ratings which are too high are now set to the maximum amount of stars and not to 10 (which is the default value for the maximum)


  • Added a readme file


  • Code optimization
  • Bugfix: Preview inside settings page works now as it was expected to


  • Code optimization
  • Implementation of localization (English and German)
  • Added a settings page for
    1. Some information about this plugin
    2. Localization
    3. Star size
    4. Amount of stars (Doesn’t work correct at this time)


  • Updated multy rating functionality
    1. Changed the used shortcode so that it is easier to use it
    2. Removed the restriction for the amount of ratings inside a post


  • Initial release with basic functionality to add star ratings inside posts