Moscow 2018

21 April 2018 at Kovorking Kalibr

do_action Moscow hackathon is an event organised by Teplitsa of Social Technologies with support of WordPress Community Moscow.

do_action Moscow hackathon takes place in April 21-22 in the Kalibr coworking space and is considered to be the first do_action hackathon in Russia!

Local non-profits are selected to participate as a project leaders to plan and build new websites for their social and charitable activities. There are 6 non-profits to select to join the team for the hackathon.

Educational session for NGO employees

There is an educational session within the hackathon designed for NGO employees who want to learn and master WordPress and develop websites by threirselves. If you are skilled developer and like to work with beginners to teach them the basics of WordPress or you want to develop your own skills, we invite you to join this session.

Event information in Russian