• Resolved shareecordes


    Every day, at about 4 minutes past 5 Queensland time, two of our web pages move from published to trash. The pages are our home page (are you ready for a midlife renaissance?) and the landing page for our forum (The Wine bar). At the same time, in settings>reading the setting reverts back to the default of showing the blog post page rather than a static home page (at least visitors to the site are seeing our blog and not an error message).
    By looking at logs of activity for the website I have narrowed it down to this action…
    Tribe_trash_event_cron which runs daily at this time. I have forced this action to run at another time and confirmed that it is indeed causing these two pages to be moved to trash.
    I cannot find any instances of anyone else having this problem or any suggestions for a fix anywhere.
    Is anyone able to help me out with this one please?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi there,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to confirm this issue and report it. We definitely want to look into this in further depth. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible with more information. Thanks for your patience while we dig into the issue!


    Plugin Author Matthew Batchelder


    Howdy, @shareecordes! Thank you for pointing out this bug! The good news is, we have a fix that we will aim to get out with our next release.

    In the mean time, you can download an extension that we’ve created that resolves the issue.

    @shareecordes Thanks to your detailed report, we were able to come up with a quick fix for you and anyone else that might experience this issue.

    Please install and activate this Extension plugin and let us know if it resolves the issue: https://m.tri.be/1air

    Know that we’re also going to fix this in The Events Calendar core plugin code as well, but we wanted to get this to you ASAP.

    Thread Starter shareecordes


    Thankyou very much for your assistance with this issue. I very much appreciate that you both jumped on this and wrote up some code for me so quickly – thankyou.

    You bet! It’s both the same code but different links 😉
    (Please use the https://m.tri.be/1air one, not the direct GitHub one.)

    I see this got marked Resolved. We’re glad you got sorted out here! 🙂

    Plugin Support Jaime



    Just wanted to let you know that a new maintenance release is out, including a fix for the issue that you were experiencing.

    Find out more about this release → https://theeventscalendar.com/the-events-calendar-5-0-1/

    Please try updating and let us know if you are experiencing any further issues. As always, we recommend running updates on your staging site before doing so on your live site, just to be on the safe side.

    Thanks again for your patience while we worked on getting this fixed!

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