Because Only Together We Can

Be The Reason Behind A Smile

Our Plan

All donations will go to support 3main problems: Poverty alleviation, Skill development, Health. Our project is focused on working with the underprivileged in Africa more than 3 years and we’ve achieved great successes.

Who We Are

Restore A Radiant Smile Foundation is a human capital development initiative aimed at redirecting the resources of the underprivileged into meaningful economic engagement. Founded in 2017 and incorporated in 2018. We have through our projects, fed 1,000 beggars and hawkers on the streets, given out food materials to 63 families with cash to support their families. We are out to reach
across to at least 20,000 underprivileged persons in our society yearly. Be the reason behind a smile is our mantra and we live by it.
We would be elated to have you join us as an individual sponsor, a corporate partner or a full time member.


What We Do

— Improved Living

This project covers the feeding, provision of amenities means for poverty alleviation and shelter So far, we have been able to feed one thousand 1000 beggars and hawkers on the street We have also given food and cash palliative to 24 families which comprise 16 widows, and some other families to aid their survival Currently, we are building a shelter for a widow that lives in an inhabitable place with 6 kids

—Save the Future

This project covers students who cannot finish school (primary tertiary) by putting them through school and equipping the advanced ones with economic skills for self sufficiency and survival in any economy We have taken care of an individual in this regard

— Refined Youth:

Here we plan to equip our youths with skills to create value in 3 thriving sectors of the economy, namely i: Agriculture ii: Fashion iii: Technology The reason for these chosen areas is that they are sustainable, there will always be an existing market, ease of entry, and gives better prospect futuristically.

— Project Boundless Potential (for prisoners):

We are working on bringing prisoners up to speed in world innovation by giving them way out through technology and proper economically viable skill acquisition so as to give them options when they are out of prison than going back to crime because that might be all they how to do

Our Core Values



Gender and Diversity


Education is our top priority. Find out how can you contribute.


We plan to increase the number of food that we are providing from 11k to 20k.


We are accepting second-hand clothes in good shape or money donation. 

Recent Causes

Your donation is the biggest part of our budget and makes a huge difference in the lives of these Poor People. Each donations matter, even the smallest ones. Donate and someone’s life will get better!

Food, Shelter & Empowerment

Donate to d the hungry, shelter the homeless and empower the youths

Goal: ₦450,000,000

Education & Skill Development

Donate to provide education and skill

Goal: ₦150,000,000

medical care

Donate to help us provide treatment to those who cant afford good treatment

Goal: ₦100,000,000


We are committed for life to reach out, discover, harness, transform, advance and grow stable people in our society that will lead a revolution of economic, mental and psychological giants to create the life we want, desire and the society we pray for. We are committed to make Africa great.

Impact Stories

Jane’s Been A Migrant Worker Since She Was Just 12
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A Brighter Future — For Cambodia’s Children
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