Powerful Gutenberg Blocks and Templates – Ghost Kit


Gutenberg Blocks and Page Builder Plugin For WordPress

Ghost Kit is the powerful page building experience for WordPress. Ghost Kip provides a large collection of Gutenberg Blocks, Templates, and Extensions. With this collection, you will gain more control over content just like with popular page builders. Just start with pre-defined templates and you can’t stop building the page 😉

See Live Demo | Documentation | GitHub

We created this blocks collection for our own needs – create different multipurpose sites and themes. This is a professional collection and extensions with responsive grid system helps us and will help you as well, Ghost Kit will boost your development speed.

🏆 Create Multipurpose Sites with Ghost Kit

Gutenberg is good tool for basic websites, but when you need something advanced, Ghost Kit will give you the needed power. Enormous collection of blocks and extensions will be your magic wand:

🧱 Blocks

  • Grid Block
    Responsive grid block to build layouts of all shapes and sizes thanks to a twelve column system. Visual columns size and order change.

  • Progress Block
    Show the progress of your work, skills or earnings.

  • Button Block
    Change important links to buttons to get more click rate.

  • Shape Divider Block
    Add SVG shapes between your sections.

  • Divider Block
    Divide your long texts and blocks.

  • Alert Block
    Provide contextual feedback messages for user actions.

  • Icon Box Block
    Icons are one of the best visual replacement for text descriptions.

  • Number Box Block
    Show your progress and rewards using counting numbers.

  • Accordion Block
    Toggle the visibility of content across your project.

  • Tabs Block
    Separate content on the tabs with titles.

  • Countdown Block
    Display countdown for you upcoming events.

  • Video Block
    Plain and Fullscreen YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted videos.

  • Image Compare Block
    Compare two images with a slider.

  • Carousel Block
    Carousel for any type of content – images or other blocks.

  • Pricing Table Block
    Sell your products or services and show all features.

  • Testimonial Block
    Show how your users love your products and what saying.

  • Twitter Block
    Show Twitter feed and user data.

  • GIF Block
    Search for and insert an animated image from Giphy.

  • Contact Form Block
    Add contact form to your page with reCaptcha.

  • Google Maps Block
    Show maps with custom styles, markers and settings.

  • GitHub Gist Block
    Embed code parts form GitHub Gist to your site or documentation.

  • Changelog Block
    Show the changes log of your product.

  • Table of Contents Block
    Automatically generate a table of contents by parsing page headers in content.

  • Markdown Block
    Lightweight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax.

  • Widgetized Area Block
    Select registered sidebars and put it in any place.

⚙️ Extensions

  • Spacings
    Easily add spacings to Ghost Kit and Core blocks.

  • Display
    Show and hide blocks Ghost Kit and Core blocks on different screen sizes.

  • Frame
    Add borders, shadows and corner radius to Ghost Kit and Core blocks on different screen sizes.

  • Animate on Scroll
    Show with animation Ghost Kit and Core blocks on page scrolling.

  • Custom CSS & JavaScript
    This extension is available on all pages and let you add custom CSS and JavaScript for the current page and globally site wide.

  • Customizer
    This extension is available on all pages and let you change customizer options on the current page.

📁 Templates

Ghost Kit has pre-made templates, so you can get started with it and build your pages quickly.

📄 Typography

Change typography options globally on a whole site or on specific pages only. Options available:

  • Font Family
    • Google Fonts
    • Adobe Fonts (Typekit) in Pro version
  • Font Weight
  • Font Size
  • Line Height
  • Letter Spacing

By default you can change typography for the following elements:

  • Body
  • Buttons
  • Headings
    • From H1 to H6

🎨 Color Palette

Add custom colors to Gutenberg color palette.

📝 Content Formatting

See demo page with content formatting https://ghostkit.io/content-formatting/

  • Dotted Lists
  • Styled Lists
  • Custom Icon Lists
  • Uppercase
  • Highlight
  • Badge

🔥 Ghost Kit Pro

Ghost Kit plugin is also available in a professional version which includes more features and blocks! Learn more about Ghost Kit Pro

In order to maintain the free version of the plugin on an ongoing basis, and to provide quick and effective support for free, we offer a Pro version of the plugin. The Pro version allows you to:

  • Visual Grid Editor
  • Custom Responsive Breakpoints
  • More Icon Packs
  • 30 additional shapes for Shape Divider block
  • Adobe Fonts (Typekit)
  • Custom Fonts
  • Animated (Typed) Text
  • Tooltips
  • Gradient buttons, backgrounds, icons, badges
  • Google Maps custom markers and info boxes
  • And more

🏳️ Multilingual

Ghost Kit adds a new layer of compatibility for WPML. All blocks are compatible with it and ready for translation. https://ghostkit.io/docs/multilingual/


  • All blocks
  • Templates
  • Responsive Grid
  • Progress Bar
  • Button
  • Divider
  • Accordion
  • Tabs
  • Carousel
  • Alert
  • Icon Box
  • Counter Box
  • Google Maps
  • Video
  • Testimonial
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • GitHub Gist
  • Changelog
  • Pricing Table
  • Blocks Extensions


Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.

  • Powerful Gutenberg Blocks and Templates - Ghost Kit


Make sure you use WordPress 5. As alternative you need to install the Gutenberg plugin to use Ghost Kit.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Ghost Kit, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type Ghost Kit and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves downloading our Ghost Kit plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.




How to disable enqueued plugins (JS, CSS) on frontend


How to add templates in theme


How to extend typography settings


How to extend shapes in Shape Divider block


How to extend icons in icon picker list


How to extend existing blocks

You should use default Gutenberg hooks to extend blocks functionality. Read more here: https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/designers-developers/developers/filters/block-filters/#block-style-variations

How to extend existing blocks classnames

You can extend Gutenberg blocks save attributes using core hooks. Read more here: https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/developers/filters/block-filters/#blocks-getsavecontent-extraprops

jQuery frontend events



13. März 2022
But especially for adding css, js and customization of all gutenberg blocks.
9. Dezember 2021
Beautiful UI and UX, attention to detail, enough control, responsive style, SVG icons, hidden gem. As it grows, I hope they keep it lightweight and make it accessibility ready.
6. Oktober 2021
For the animate on scroll feature alone, great stuff. Easy and fast way to get your gutenberg blocks animated.
Lies alle 30 Rezensionen

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„Powerful Gutenberg Blocks and Templates – Ghost Kit“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:


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  • fixes Video block play action
  • removed blocks categories fallback used for WP < 5.5
  • minor changes


  • improved method to enqueue block assets and custom styles in block themes (we no more need to parse content of the posts, we can make everything inside block render)
  • improved styles for nested panels in grid background settings
  • disable Plugin Customizer settings in block themes, as Customizer no more used there
  • fixed custom styles render in block themes Site Editor
  • fixed custom styles re-rendering in editor when interacting with editor elements (better performance)
  • fixed updating custom styles attributes on editor load


  • !important – dropped IE support
  • added support for WordPress 5.9
  • added Animate on Scroll presets in Toolbar block settings
  • added possibility to remove link in URLPicker component (for example, in Button block)
  • added support for scrollBehavior in TOC links (used in modern themes)
  • added ToggleGroup control to use it instead of ButtonGroup (better UI)
  • disabled automatic heading anchor generation code in WordPress 5.9 and higher (as it is already generates by the Gutenberg)
  • rolled back ScrollReveal to older version, since latest one is not working properly when cleaning styles
  • fixed mail send headers
  • fixed Video block autoplay after loading when fullscreen already closed
  • a lot of minor changes


  • !important – removed support for deprecated blocks older than Ghost Kit v2.12. Make sure you re-saved all pages with old blocks versions.
  • added possibility to remove image in Image Compare block
  • added possibility to change Alt text in the Testimonial photo and Video poster
  • added encodes for Google Maps styles and AWB background images attributes
  • fixed usage of image tag in Video and Testimonial block (no more tag string in the attribute)
  • fixed encode/decode functions fails when no string given
  • fixed XML export problem when block styles use -- characters
  • removed poster images from the Video block with „Icon Only“ style selected


  • fixed crashing block with Custom CSS


  • added option „Pause autoplay on mouse over“ to carousel block
  • fixed custom CSS compiler error
  • fixed Table of Contents block scroll to anchor JS error when using Chinese headings


  • fixed icon wrong escaping in the Icon List style


  • added escaping for SVG icons (fixes conflict with XML content import)
  • added support for WordPress’s excerpt in some blocks
  • improved form reCaptcha code to work only when submit button clicked
  • changed minimum PHP to 7.2
  • fixed block assets loading when block used in new block widgets screen
  • fixed conflict with PublishPress Blocks plugin


  • fixed errors in new Widgets editor


  • added line breaks for form email texts
  • added support for WP 5.8
  • fixed rare conflict with reusable blocks while parsing
  • hidden Slides per view and Gap carousel options when selected Fade effect
  • hidden Carousel slides before JS init to prevent content jumping


  • fixed carousel block initial slides count in editor
  • fixed possible error with nested reusable blocks while parse page blocks


  • fixed warning a non-numeric value encountered conflict with Give plugin


  • added vendor prefixes to scss files (fixes unprefixed styles generated for custom breakpoints)
  • added dynamic styles for breakpoints generation in background (using CRON)
  • improved custom styles output in <body> – use JS to prevent w3c error
  • changed Twitter and Google Maps blocks usage of svg images as backgrounds (we need this to prevent possible errors in generated dynamic styles)
  • fixed some editor settings dropdown wrong widths
  • fixed block error when selecting Form Submit block
  • fixed dynamic styles for breakpoints generation if change plugin version


  • tested with WordPress 5.7
  • plugin moved to new Github repo


  • added z-index to Shape Divider to keep divider always on top of other elements
  • added support for TOC to Rank Math SEO plugin
  • fixed Grid and Buttons gap in editor
  • fixed Icon Picker width in WordPress 5.7
  • fixed toolbar templates button in WordPress 5.7
  • fixed conflict with generated CSS and Custom CSS + Autoptimize plugin
  • fixed possibility to disable Ghost Kit blocks in settings
  • minor changes


  • added support for Custom fonts (Pro only)
  • updated FontAwesome icons list
  • fixed active tab content displaying in Tabs block in editor when used Wide or Full alignment
  • fixed Adobe Fonts label in Select component
  • fixed limited width of InnerBlocks inside some of blocks
  • fixed possible PHP errors when non-valid font weight added
  • removed webfontloader script, add fonts manually using wp_enqueue_style (allows users to download fonts to their servers)
  • minor changes


  • added settings to change responsive breakpoints (Pro only)
  • added prepareCounters jQuery event to add possibility to change counters speed
  • improved admin UI styles
  • fixed some SVG icons w3c warnings
  • fixed Add Template button rendering in Gutenberg toolbar
  • fixed first and last child blocks margins in editor inside Alert, Icon Box and Number Box blocks
  • fixed Pricing Table block preview in blocks inserter


  • added Image Compare block https://ghostkit.io/blocks/image-compare/
  • added style „Icon Only“ to Video block
  • added Reusable Blocks admin menu item
  • improved Button block states in editor. Display Hover or Focus styles, when you switch color tabs in Inspector
  • updated all vendor scripts
  • fixed webfontloader registration for Ghost Kit Pro
  • fixed usage of deprecated ‚ready‘ event
  • removed outdated blocks deprecations


  • added WPML support for all blocks
  • fixed Carousel block slides count change


  • added Loop option for Video block
  • added horizontal mover for Grid Columns and Carousel blocks
  • fixed horizontal mover for Buttons and Pricing Table blocks
  • fixed Tabs block add/remove tabs
  • fixed Grid block change columns count
  • fixed Grid background image position preview
  • fixed custom CSS output in reusable widgets, when custom CSS already added on some of the content blocks
  • fixed icons picker dropdown scroll bug
  • fixed forms options editor component loosing focus while typing
  • minor changes


  • added support for WordPress 5.5
  • added RTL support
  • added support for Start value and Reverse settings in Styled numbered lists
  • added support for Gradients for Badges in Ghost Kit Pro
  • improved some editor UI elements
  • changed components return ''; to return null; (fixed possible conflicts with 3rd-party plugins)
  • fixed Grid CSS variables error in IE11
  • fixed Grid block background top position bug when use Frame extension


  • fixed blocks assets rendering inside custom content locations
  • fixed reusable widget usage (use ‚the_content‘ filter)
  • changed reusable widget render in bbPress pages


  • added modal to blocks custom CSS extension
  • added button on edit page in reusable block widget ui
  • added script to close fullscreen video by clicking on wrapper (not only on X button)
  • fixed fullscreen video offset depending on admin bar
  • fixed fullscreen video conflict with Safari
  • fixed pricing table align styles


  • added GIF block
  • added Markdown block
  • added list columns settings to default core/list block
  • updated Google Fonts list
  • changed TOC block smooth scroll script native browser window.scrollTo
  • fixed color picker component correct re-rendering picker and palette


  • fixed conflict with additional_font_weights attribute, used in custom themes


  • fixed fonts loading undefined weights


  • fixed translation files


  • added Ghost Kit blocks collection (all blocks moved to separate default categories)
  • changed spinner icon to CSS variables and relative color usage
  • changed accordion collapse button color to inherit
  • fixed js error when open typography options and when font doesn’t exist


  • added Align option to Form Submit Button
  • updated google fonts list
  • fixed Button border CSS conflict with Ghost Kit Pro Gradients
  • fixed displaying some Typography options (rare bug)
  • fixed fonts loading based on available registered fonts, but not on the saved in DB (rare bug)


  • added Icons style for core/lists block
  • improved offsets for styled lists
  • fixed missing formatting buttons inside some blocks (accordion heading, button, tabs, etc…)
  • fixed Templates modal images lazy loading when switch categories
  • fixed CSS calc() conflict with 0 values
  • fixed PHP Notice: Undefined index: SERVER_NAME using WP-CLI


  • ! to changes takes effect, re-save your pages
  • added button outline CSS variable
  • improved DatePicker component in Countdown block
  • simplified CSS selectors in blocks (easier to extend styles)
  • changed styles loading priority (new 4th point added):
    1. Enqueue plugins assets
    2. Enqueue Ghost Kit assets
    3. Enqueue theme assets
    4. Enqueue Ghost Kit custom CSS
  • changed Grid Column Sticky option to use the class with CSS variable
  • fixed empty custom styles
  • fixed blocks custom styles for number attributes (wrong styles when a variable is undefined or == 0)
  • fixed PHP notice – Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
  • fixed Tabs and Accordion items hash parse with Japanese/Chinese/… characters
  • removed all defaults from blocks – easily change defaults using CSS variables now – https://ghostkit.io/docs/css-variables/
  • removed hard-coded box-shadow from buttons, use CSS variable instead


  • changed name of CSS variables with -x and -y in name:
    • ...margin-x to ...margin-v
    • ...margin-y to ...margin-h
    • ...padding-x to ...padding-v
    • ...padding-y to ...padding-h


  • ! breaking change ! – all styles now uses CSS Variables. No more IE browser supported
  • added WordPress 5.4 compatibility
  • added better possibilities for extending/changing blocks styles (thanks to CSS Variables) https://ghostkit.io/docs/css-variables/
  • added custom gap option for Grid, Buttons, Instagram and Pricing Table blocks
  • added Grid vertical Gap by default
  • improved styles for nested styled lists
  • changed a lot of styles of blocks
  • removed wp-i18 dependency from the main script, used for Countdown script only
  • fixed Styled Lists text wrap
  • fixed TOC block inside columns
  • fixed Progress bar count tooltip size when progress bar has a small width
  • fixed Twitter block profile description pre-wrap
  • fixed Contact Form mail template long words break
  • fixed loading fonts dependencies when fonts are not selected
  • fixed color palette PHP error, when palette is empty by default


  • fixed assets enqueue sequence (plugins -> Ghost Kit -> theme)


  • added higher assets enqueue priority (fixes styles bug with AWB plugin)


  • added Twitter block Text Mode option (to display full tweet text)
  • added icon picker Search input autofocus
  • added Reset button in Icon Picker component
  • added null option to Select Field when default value is not selected
  • added option to remove photo from Testimonial block
  • improved Twitter block text formatting (line breaks)
  • improved conditional options display in the editor for Alert and Icon Box blocks
  • change unique Form Fields slug slash to underscore
  • prevent Form Fields input focus in editor
  • fixed vertical Tabs Pills active tab styles
  • fixed Buttons block align option in editor
  • fixed php error when use rest to get image by id, that is not exists


Note: there may be breaking changes. Try to re-save pages if you see issues on the frontend.

  • loading blocks assets conditionally only when block added on the page (better pages performance)
  • added Form block https://ghostkit.io/blocks/contact-form/
  • added URL options to testimonial block
  • added styled inner lists in table of contents block
  • added „Add Template“ button in editor Toolbar
  • changed icons in blocks to pure SVG and removed FontAwesome scripts (better pages performance)
  • changed wp-editor dependency to wp-block-editor (possible fix conflict with 3rd-party plugins like Yoast SEO)
  • fixed left and right margin in grid, button, pricing table blocks in Twenty* themes
  • fixed accordion and tabs item hash missing dash
  • fixed js error if used missing font (for ex. when disabling Pro plugin)
  • fixed Table of Contents editor preview


  • fixed Adobe Fonts CSS output in Pro plugin


  • fixed JS files translation possibility (read /languages/readme.md for more info)


  • added Adobe Fonts in Pro version
  • added Shape Divider block https://ghostkit.io/blocks/shape-divider/
  • added Frame extension (border, shadow, radius) https://ghostkit.io/extensions/frame/
  • added Color Palette plugin to extend default Gutenberg color palette https://ghostkit.io/extensions/color-palette/
  • added possibility to activate Tabs and Accordions on hash change
  • added visual styles in editor for hidden blocks that used Display extension
  • improved Table of Contents block reload after headings change (no jumping in the editor anymore)
  • fixed Reusable Widget number of blocks to select
  • fixed Instagram block image alt attribute
  • fixed font family reset button also resets font category
  • fixed non-working links in TOC block when used special characters
  • fixed Grid Columns, Buttons gap styles in editor
  • fixed Display extension not adding classname
  • fixed alignfull grid background margins


  • added transformations Accordion to Tabs and vice versa (issue #31)
  • fixed possible errors with reusable blocks
  • fixed width of column content in editor
  • fixed alert, icon box and number box last child paragraph margin


  • added Countdown block
  • added Custom CSS extension for each blocks
  • added preview in editor for buttons outline styles
  • added examples to blocks
  • added translations to js files
  • added Vertical option for Tabs block
  • added Pills style variant for Tabs block
  • added stars option for Testimonial block
  • added URL options for Icon Box and Counter Box blocks
  • added Accordion block activation based on location hash
  • added active indicators to extensions panels
  • improved Accordion block to work with unique slug, generated from label
  • improved Tabs/Accordion labels unique slug generator (no hash conflicts)
  • updated vendor plugins FontAwesome, Swiper, Jarallax
  • fixed reusable widget rendering in custom posts without Gutenberg enabled
  • fixed reusable blocks custom styles rendering


  • disabled all extensions on dynamic core blocks
  • fixed Templates modal open when active Pro
  • fixed settings JS errors when no options updated


  • added Typography settings page
  • removed Settings page
    • added Icons settings page
    • added CSS & JavaScript settings page
  • better fonts loading (load only necessary weights)


  • fixed custom styles loading in reusable widget


  • Warning! Changed custom styles rendering method. Recommended to go over all your posts and click on the Update button.
  • added Typography settings
    • add Google Fonts globally site-wide
    • add Google Fonts locally on the edited page only
  • added preview for all core blocks in editor for Spacings extension
  • added Table of Contents block
  • added Styles for core/list block
  • added Numbered Style for core/heading block
  • added Highlight format to WYSIWYG toolbar
  • added Spacings and Display extensions support for Instagram and Twitter blocks
  • improved Icon Picker
    • improved performance
    • added tooltips on each icon
    • added toggle button for categories
  • improved performance of templates list loading
  • changed Progress minimum height to 1
  • changed Templates capability type to Post
  • changed all extensions to use native className attribute
  • fixed grid column bottom sticky
  • fixed blocks unique classnames regeneration every time when editor loads
  • fixed Carousels added inside Tabs
  • minor UI changes


  • added Focal Point picker in Grid background settings
  • added jQuery events for ScrollReveal to let users change the config
  • improved position of badges popup with color picker
  • changed Changelog badges styles
  • changed Grid background img tag output (fixes bug, when user with Editor permission save background image and block crashed)
  • updated FontAwesome to 5.9.0
  • updated Swiper to 4.5.0
  • updated Jarallax to 1.11.0
  • fixed Badge background color when adding it the first time
  • fixed selected Column content left offset


  • fixed grid background alignfull left and right styles
  • fixed conflict with AWB video background and Video Block
  • changed video-worker script to jarallax


  • added Grid Gap preview styles in editor
  • added Carousel item block inserter
  • fixed Carousel fade effect and visible previous slides
  • fixed pricing table editor columns styles in default themes


  • added cleanup to Animate On Scroll blocks (extra styles automatically removed after animation ended)
  • fixed Animate On Scroll errors in all blocks since update 2.4.1


  • added „Animate on Scroll“ preview in editor
  • improved styles for code editor component
  • fixed ‚getBlockOrder‘ of undefined error


  • added option to hide text in button and show only icon
  • added Columns appender
  • added blocks transformations:
    • core/quote, core/pullquote -> ghostkit/testimonial
    • core/columns -> ghostkit/grid
    • core/button -> ghostkit/button
    • between ghostkit/alert, ghostkit/counter-box, ghostkit/number-box
  • added buttons wrapper clear style
  • show grid align controls if 1 column selected
  • fixed conflict with core/archives block
  • fixed Google Maps block error when used invalid API key
  • fixed FullHeight Google Maps block editor preview
  • fixed Buttons block label save bug
  • fixed Gist preloader


  • added Templates Library. You can now add pre-designed templates and create your own
  • added image backgrounds support on Grid and Column
  • added global CSS & JavaScript on Settings page
  • added support for prefix and suffix in Counter Box (just add texts around your count)
  • added responsive Vertical Align option on Column block
  • fixed creating new Button, Accordion and Pricing Table blocks (handles error after page updated)
  • fixed changelog badge width
  • fixed progress caption remove error
  • fixed error when disabling blocks
  • fixed Testimonials name and source remove error
  • fixed Pricing Table RichTexts remove error
  • fixed Progress Bar xml import error (aria attributes bug)
  • fixed Grid columns number control if only 1 column showed


  • added local and global Custom CSS / JS options
  • added Ghost Kit options, that contains Custom Code and Customizer buttons (top right corner of Gutenberg editor)
  • added Open in new tab and nofollow options on Buttons block
  • added inline badges support (see text editor toolbar for new option)
  • added uppercase format to text editor
  • removed Custom CSS and Customizer blocks (use Ghost Kit options instead)
  • minor changes


  • added icon picker right inside block preview in editor for blocks:
    • Alert
    • Button
    • Divider
    • Icon Box
    • Testimonial
    • Video
  • added Buttons ‚+‘ button to add buttons
  • added Buttons block prev/next move buttons to resort
  • added Buttons ‚Align‘ button in Inspector
  • added Accordion ‚+‘ button to add new accordion
  • added Accordion ‚-‚ button to remove selected accordion
  • added Accordion ‚Collapse‘ button in Toolbar
  • added Accordion items up/down buttons to resort
  • added Tabs ‚+‘ button to add new tab
  • added Tabs ‚-‚ button to remove selected tab
  • added Tabs ‚Align‘ button in Toolbar
  • added Number Box ‚Position‘ button in Toolbar
  • added Number Box ‚Show Content‘ option
  • added Pricing Table ‚+‘ button to add new tables
  • added Pricing Table ‚-‚ button to remove selected table
  • added Pricing Table items prev/next buttons to resort
  • added Icon Box ‚Position‘ button in Toolbar
  • added Icon Box ‚Show Content‘ option
  • added Video ‚Aspect Ratio‘ button in Toolbar
  • added Video ‚URL‘ input in Toolbar
  • added Progress Bar resizable indicators
  • added Google Maps ‚Add Marker‘ button in Toolbar
  • added Google Maps ‚Style‘ button in Toolbar
  • added Google Maps ‚Full Height‘ option in Inspector
  • added Google Maps height resizable box
  • added Google Maps ‚Better Scroll & Draggable‘ option
  • added Grid dynamic layouts preview generator (without SVG)
  • added custom filter ‚ghostkit.editor.grid.layouts‘ to extend predefined Grid layouts
  • added Video transformations to Core blocks
  • added Divider transformations to Separator
  • changed Grid and Column buttons to icons instead of ‚Select Grid‘ and ‚Select Column‘
  • changed Google Maps ‚Style‘ selector to image picker
  • change Video ‚Aspect Ratio‘ selector to image picker
  • changed default Google Maps styles (better contrast)
  • improved icon picker:
    • larger icons
    • 3 icons per row
    • sticky icons pack label
  • updated all block icons (removed ghost from icons and changed color)
  • hide Grid options if no layout selected
  • fixed Google Maps error after adding marker
  • fixed Google Maps Full Height styles in Editor
  • fixed column content sticky
  • fixed ‚gkt_enqueue_plugin_font_awesome‘ filter order (you can use it in themes functions.php)
  • a lot of minor changes


  • fixed Tabs Legacy block extensions support


  • added background option for Grid and Column blocks (+ support image, video and parallax backgrounds with AWB plugin)
  • added Video block possibility to play videos on mobile devices without open new tab
  • added Video block autoplay & autopause options
  • added Icons to Button block
  • added extendable Icon Picker control with default FontAwesome icons
  • added draggable for Spacing inputs. Now you can change value using mouse and up, down keys
  • added plugin Settings page
  • added Tabs page hash support (old tabs are deprecated, you need to add new Tabs block on the page)
  • added controls to show/hide Pricing Table price/currency/repeat items
  • added ‚ghostkit‘ attribute with plugin parameters support for blocks (3rd-party blocks may be extended with Ghost Kit Extensions)
  • added :focus styles outline for Button block
  • added Ghost Kit Pro support
  • added ‚inserter‘ and ‚reusable‘ attributes with ‚false‘ value in inner blocks
  • added icon in Ghost Kit blocks category
  • improved Grid block columns and row hovering styles
  • updated overall styles
    • changed offsets to em
    • changed changelog badges to solid color
    • added border-radius to some blocks
  • changed Video block image placeholder only visible until video start playing
  • changed Google Maps data-markers attribute to children blocks for each marker (better extensions possibility)
  • changed column structure (added content wrapper for better extensions possibility)
  • changed Grid Column editor classes (added variants and custom Ghost Kit unique class support)
  • removed inline toolbar from Tabs & Accordion
  • disabled Spacings inputs autocomplete
  • fixed IE11 Counter Box and Icon Box blocks with top icon and number
  • fixed Tabs block disappearing of tabs when renaming it
  • fixed Button line height in editor
  • fixed Accordion collapse icon size & position in editor
  • fixed Alert, Icon Box & Number Box editor content margins
  • fixed custom className duplicates in most of blocks
  • fixed Grid columns attributes resets to defaults after initial insertion
  • fixed Grid block full width align horizontal scrollbar in editor
  • fixed multiple rows in Grid block editor columns overlapping
  • fixed custom style unique class duplication after block clone
  • fixed inner blocks overlapping in editor Alert, Number Box & Icon Box blocks
  • fixed invisible video in some themes


  • added file types limitations in Video and Testimonial blocks
  • fixed WP 5.0 admin styles enqueue
  • fixed self-hosted videos play on mobile devices
  • fixed jQuery is undefined error in some of the themes


  • added jQuery custom events trigger
  • added img selector string in OFI script
  • improved ghostkit attributes – created only when custom styles added (before this update it was always added on all blocks)
  • changed main script to es6 class for extensions
  • fixed Google Maps marker address change
  • fixed some blocks broken after XML content importing (escaped characters in custom styles)


  • added number wrapper in counter box
  • changed carousel slides backgrounds in editor
  • fixed usage of deprecated PanelColor
  • fixed button line height in editor
  • fixed „Bar“ label in progress bar background color control


  • added hover colors options to Alert, Number Box, Counter Box, Icon Box, Divider, Progress blocks
  • improved color pickers in blocks (show colors palette only in popover)
  • changed fullscreen video popup z-index to 1500
  • removed CodeEditor from Custom CSS since it removed in Gutenberg 4.2
  • fixed error in Customizer, Instagram, Twitter, Testimonial, Video blocks in Gutenberg 4.2
  • fixed Animate on Scroll zoom effect
  • minor changes


  • fixed selected image preview in Inspector (Video and Testimonial blocks)


  • added default InnerBlocks in Alert, Number Box, Icon Box, Testimonial, Changelog
  • fixed Gutenberg 4.0 Spacing extension and Grid Columns options
  • fixed Gutenberg 4.0 number attribute type automatic convert
  • fixed Gutenberg 4.0 Button block url input width
  • fixed Pricing Table block variant name to extend it
  • fixed Pricing Table block error when enabled showPopular option
  • fixed Pricing Table block padding in features list
  • fixed Pricing Table block bottom margin on mobile devices
  • fixed Grid block fullwidth styles in editor
  • fixed Google Maps block markers show when no custom map Style defined


  • deprecated Customizer and Custom CSS blocks. This functionality you can find in the top right corner of the editor
  • added multiple buttons support in Button block. Be careful, Button block may lose some settings when you update the plugin
  • added Instagram block
  • added Twitter block
  • added Pricing Table block
  • added widget for reusable blocks to use in sidebars
  • added anchor support to almost all blocks
  • improved Animate on Scroll extension (added more options)
  • changed default blocks color
  • changed button block url input style (now floating)
  • changed Spacings extension (device selector changed to tabs)
  • prevent adding extensions on reusable blocks
  • fixed php error when Gutenberg plugin is not activated
  • fixed animate in viewport, when on the screen > 1 counters or progress bars
  • fixed styles rendering for new and duplicated blocks
  • fixed first loading of Customizer block
  • fixed php notices in customizer
  • fixed custom styles in transformed blocks
  • minor changes


  • added Animate in viewport options in Number Box and Progress Bar
  • added Animate on Scroll extension (use scrollreveal library)
  • added Custom CSS block styles in editor to preview
  • extensions moved from Advanced inspector to bottom of Inspector Controls
  • renamed extension Indents to Spacings
  • fixed column sticky position 0
  • fixed Google Maps placeholder marker icon map overlap
  • fixed Google Maps deprecated object


  • added Google Maps block
  • added !important style support in Spacings extension
  • changed plugin logo


  • added Changelog block
  • added Widgetized Area block
  • added vertical align buttons in Grid toolbar
  • added predefined layouts in Grid block (when you first insert Grid, you can choose)
  • updated some block icons
  • fixed Gist block table styles bug in default themes
  • fixed possible bug with „0“ number output in some blocks


  • added Gist block transformation from url
  • added option collapseOne to Accordion block
  • added option count to Progress block
  • added helper toolbar with predefined styles to Alert block
  • added helper toolbar with line type to Divider block
  • improved Grid column responsive settings (added tabs for each device)
  • changed icons to use <svg> instead of <img>


  • improved blocks JS initialization. Support dynamic blocks (for example after AJAX content loading)
  • updated block icons


  • added support for Gutenberg 3.7.0
  • improved custom styles extension (simplified code and prevent console warnings)



  • added Testimonial block
  • added Divider block
  • added support for some Kirki fields in Customizer block
  • added Fullscreen click action in Video block
  • added column block Sticky option
  • updated FontAwesome to 5.2.0
  • changed RichText usage (some blocks may break)
  • removed wp-block-… classname from all blocks
  • fixed Customizer and Custom CSS blocks save meta data in custom posts
  • fixed Custom CSS block styles escaping (escape > and <)
  • fixed columns centering in Grid block editor
  • fixed GitHub Gist block iOs smooth scroll
  • minor fixes


  • Initial Release