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Results (35)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2082 Enable revisions on the front end for DevHub/HelpHub/Handbook pages new enhancement highest omg bbq
#6740 Update to /documentation/ didn't redirect PHP and Site-Health Pages assigned defect (bug) high
#3858 Fix/add select2 support to HelpHub Contributors module reviewing netweb defect (bug) normal
#4195 Add block editor template for the helphub_version post type reviewing SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#4487 Set the codex to readonly accepted dd32 task (blessed) normal
#4762 HelpHub role change made by HH Manager shows no visual change on front-end new enhancement normal
#4854 HelpHub contents search on Rosetta site is missing new enhancement normal
#4890 If someone has never posted on the forums, they don't exist as a user, and thus can't be assigned as helphub editors/managers new enhancement normal
#5132 Use of reusable blocks is inconvenient for translation new defect (bug) normal
#5159 Missing CSS on (French translation of new defect (bug) normal
#5233 Add an easy way to hide forums sections from localized helphub sites that don’t use forum feature new defect (bug) normal
#5235 Add 'HelpHub Contributor' role for on-boarding users. new enhancement normal
#5387 Twitter Card Not Found new defect (bug) normal
#5455 HelpHub: Correct post type and taxonomy labels new defect (bug) normal
#5487 Unpublished (Pending) HelpHub articles should redirect to english version for not editors new defect (bug) normal
#5519 301 redirects for new titles in HelpHub new enhancement normal
#5589 Category archives pages : accessibility improvement (HTML) new enhancement normal
#5758 HelpHub feedback form message needs to be improved new defect (bug) normal
#5860 Make translated support pages discoverable, and prompt translation new defect (bug) normal
#5889 Missing Additional CSS on new defect (bug) normal
#6001 Lack of Context for Docs (no learning path) under new enhancement normal
#6306 Support article tab titles are confusing. new enhancement normal
#6331 Sevral typo in "debugging a WordPress Network" new enhancement normal
#6516 Update the "Update PHP" support page new defect (bug) normal
#6517 Change HelpHub header to say Documentation new enhancement normal
#6556 Consider allowing Make teams to create block patterns new feature request normal
#6566 Reverse the order of the WordPress Versions page new enhancement normal
#6672 Changes/additions for support article "Must Use Plugins" new enhancement normal
#6726 Switch List View / Excerpt View of the Table of Posts description is not correct new defect (bug) normal
#6832 Upload of .vtt file refused new defect (bug) normal
#6882 Documentation images are not responsive in small viewports new defect (bug) normal
#6944 Images path are wrong on the page new defect (bug) normal
#6948 404 — File not found. new defect (bug) normal
#6958 The block at bottom of this page need some padding as it touching the border. new enhancement normal
#5251 Faulty links redirect to random pages new defect (bug) low
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