AWS Cloud images for Guix

We had a good, inspiring orchestration meeting at the Guix day pre-FOSDEM and as part of that I've been working on making public AWS cloud images available for Guix. This post serves as a status report, since we're not quite there yet. The code that runs the builds is available…

Walk on a sunday, na, scrape distrowatch

A friend asked me today if I could do some Perl programming for him. I'm a bit rusty in Perl, but I still understand it well enough to port it to Python. The source module was on CPAN and basically scraped all of the metadata off of The…

Entertain me on a sunday

Sunday was great weather, 0° and sunny, after breakfast I went outside on a 90 minutes long walk and three podcasts: The Bicycle Artist by Home of the Brave An interview with a bike designer in Walnut Creek, California, that has his own opinions on bike design, and about what…

Haddawys 'Arabian Nights'

I'm currently reading Haddawys new translation of 'Arabian Nights' and I enjoy it greatly. The short format of each story or 'night' is delightful. I'm totally blown away, that something stemming from a 14th century manuscript could be translated into this kind of vivid, modern English. And the short-story format…

Yeast population growth

I started educating beer judges two months ago and the upcoming topic will be 'fermentation'. This peaked my curiosity a little. I do have two text which cover this. This is Heinrich Lüers "Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen von Mälzerei und Brauerei" and White and Zainasheff "Yeast". Lüers is…

My morning papers

The taz has a report on the radical left group KOMITEE. Three guys who tried to bomb an immigration removal jail. This jail was not yet opened. Their intention was to stop it from going into service. All of this happened in the nineties. They've been on the German most…

My morning papers

taz on the change in leadership of the AfD. Apparently the extremist wing of an already right wing party has had its say. The AfD moves in a more extremist direction, discounting its "moderate" wing.!5467235/ taz on the blockades during the general…

Next steps for ox-epub

About ox-epub I'm the author of ox-epub an org mode extension that let's you export your org files in EPUB format. This allows you to easily get your notes or plans onto a Kindle or other ebook device. Documents formatted with org-epub display well on limited capability devices like phones…

Using sudo in org-babel

Here's a simple way of using sudo in org-babel: #+NAME: just-open #+BEGIN_SRC shell :tangle no :dir /sudo::~mark/writing exec 2>&1 mkdir -p perf && cd perf /home/mark/.guix-profile/bin/perf stat -e 'block:*' ../open-perf #+END_SRC Use :tangle no to exlude this…

Investigating open() and close() performance

On another day, the question came up, in how far the performance of open() affects a certain system. In my mind I was going through the need to go to disk and do sync() calls to open a file that didn't exist. Eventually I decided to write a simple tester…