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Billing and payments
Billing and payments for GitHub
Managing your GitHub billing settings→
Your account's billing settings apply to every paid feature or product you add to the account. You can manage settings like your payment method, billing cycle, and billing email. You can also view billing information such as your subscription, billing date, payment history, and past receipts.
Managing billing for your GitHub account→
GitHub offers free and paid products for every account. You can upgrade, downgrade, and view pending changes to your account's subscription at any time.
Managing billing for GitHub Actions→
You can view your usage and set a spending limit for GitHub Actions.
Managing billing for GitHub Codespaces→
You can view your usage and set a spending limit for Codespaces.
Managing billing for GitHub Packages→
You can view your GitHub Packages usage and set a spending limit for GitHub Packages.
Managing your license for GitHub Enterprise→
You can view, manage, and update your license for GitHub Enterprise, which unlocks the application on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.
Managing billing for GitHub Advanced Security→
You can view and manage your use of seats on a license for Advanced Security.
Managing billing for GitHub Sponsors→
You can upgrade or downgrade the tier for each of your sponsorships.
Managing billing for GitHub Marketplace apps→
You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel GitHub Marketplace apps at any time.
Managing billing for Git Large File Storage→
You can view usage for, upgrade, and downgrade Git Large File Storage.
Setting up paid organizations for procurement companies→
If you pay for GitHub on behalf of a client, you can configure their organization and payment settings to optimize convenience and security.
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