• Resolved lijitimit


    Hello, I’m looking for the hook to add a new company link (next to twitter link) for WP job Manager single job listing page. Working on localhost, sorry no site link. I followed the instructions to create a new field here: editing job submission fields

    Here’s my code to display the field:

    // Display custom form fields
    add_action( 'single_job_listing_meta_end', 'display_company_wechat_data' );
    function display_company_wechat_data() {
      global $post;
      $wechat = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_company_wechat', true );
      if ( $wechat ) {
        echo '<li>' . __( 'Wechat: ' ) . esc_html( $wechat ) . '</li>';

    I’d like to switch out “single_job_listing_meta_end” with the hook for the links in the company profile. Thanks for looking!

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  • Plugin Contributor Davor


    Hi there,

    Since you also opened a ticket with us regarding the same subject, I’ll close this thread and get back to you inside the ticket when I have more news.


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  • The topic ‘Add Social link to “company box” on single job listing’ is closed to new replies.